Pontificate If You Must, But Understand This, “a Riot Is The Language Of The Unheard”…


The youtube link above opens a win­dow into the soul of the icon­ic Martin Luther King, a man who Republicans and Democrats now pay lip ser­vice to when they want to attach them­selves to moral authority.
Martin Luther King was assas­si­nat­ed by white nation­al­ists on April 4th, 1968. So too have lit­er­al­ly every Black leader to grace America after the igno­bil­i­ty of slav­ery been murdered.
A full 52 years after King was mur­dered, march­es con­tin­ue, riots con­tin­ue, and the con­di­tions that lead to them con­tin­ue in America.
Police killings and bla­tant bru­tal­i­ty are what the world sees, but the inher­ent racism that embold­ens police vio­lence is not always vis­i­ble but it is encour­aged by the Republicans and tol­er­at­ed by the Democrats.

How The Murder Of Martin Luther King, Jr. Spawned Grief And Chaos ...

America’s con­tin­ued shame­ful response to its cit­i­zen’s dis­con­tent over its racist poli­cies and their exe­cu­tion. (Image after the assas­si­na­tion of Dr. King)


In Minneapolis, in Kenosha, in Portland, in Seattle, in New York City, in Los Angeles and cities all across America, vio­lence con­tin­ue to flare, and yet the polit­i­cal response to it is the same as it was 52 ‑years ago.
White America con­tin­ues to rel­ish in the safe­ty and seren­i­ty of white priv­i­lege that leads to pros­per­i­ty and com­fort­able liv­ing, one free from police oppres­sion. Yet they con­tin­ue to be ambiva­lent and hos­tile to the sys­temic vio­lence against Black Americans.
At the root of that ambiva­lence, is the age-old ques­tion, “what is behind white America’s hatred of Blacks?
It is one that requires a lot of thought, for hun­dreds of years white Americans have ben­e­fit­ed from the free labor of Blacks, yet when final­ly Blacks were afford­ed a small mod­icum of free­dom after the eman­ci­pa­tion dec­la­ra­tion they imme­di­ate­ly set about cre­at­ing a rigid sys­tem of hatred that to this day con­tin­ue to entan­gle blacks in its ten­ta­cles of destruction.

50 years after Martin Luther King's Assassination: Assessing ...

(King spent his life in defense of civ­il rights)

Today white peo­ple pon­tif­i­cate about law and order in sheer arro­gance, their arro­gance is usu­al­ly a func­tion of their mis­guid­ed and igno­rant beliefs in ancient tropes and stereotypes.
Even as younger whites begin to come to the real­i­ty that there can be no peace if there is no jus­tice. And even as they begin to join the right­eous cam­paign to end the insid­i­ous malig­nan­cy of racism before it destroys America, old­er less-edu­cat­ed whites still cling to old ways, fur­ther endan­ger­ing the peace and tran­quil­i­ty of the nation.
Their out­rage pre­dictably is trig­gered by bro­ken glass and smol­der­ing ruins, not by bul­let-rid­dled bod­ies and blood-drenched sidewalks.
Fifty-two years (52) after they assas­si­nat­ed Martin King the mes­sage has still not got­ten through to the nation’s lead­ers. Instead of cor­rect­ing the mal­adies that leads to the con­fla­gra­tion. They spend their time try­ing to sup­press the flare­ups of dis­sent. America’s prob­lems are American cre­at­ed. It is a prob­lem that should not exist. It is a prob­lem with sim­ple answers, stop racism, and begin the process of redemption.
Instead, there is a seg­ment of the white pop­u­la­tion that is so deeply dug in, so heav­i­ly invest­ed in the con­tin­u­a­tion of the sta­tus quo, that it seems America will march head­first into a final col­li­sion in which injus­tice and inequal­i­ty will come face to face with the forces of jus­tice & moral­i­ty on the bat­tle­field of conclusion.Ferguson – Philly: Interwoven

(In the years since Dr. King’s assas­si­na­tion, the uni­forms have changed, so too has the weapons troops and police used, to sup­press the Black minor­i­ty changed, but cer­tain­ly, not the poli­cies and tac­tics of the American Government, not much else has.)

In just over two months there will be anoth­er pres­i­den­tial elec­tion. In fact, the Republicans are only halfway through their con­ven­tion, or more like a cav­al­cade of feal­ty to the dear leader.
Without equiv­o­ca­tion, the Republicans have made it clear that they have zero regard for the con­cerns of the still oppressed Black pop­u­la­tion. From that par­ty’s high­est lead­ers to the low­est sub­jects, they have called for more inequal­i­ty, more oppres­sion, more death to be vis­it­ed on the Black minor­i­ty pop­u­la­tion in the United States.
The death of Black cit­i­zens at the hands of their racist police evokes laugh­ter and deri­sion from them. Criminal records with dis­or­der­ly con­duct & jay­walk­ing, are pulled and used to jus­ti­fy sum­ma­ry exe­cu­tion by police.
The Democrats with 90% Black sup­port, its most loy­al base of sup­port, still pan­ders to white vot­ers- vot­ers that have shown hos­til­i­ty and aggres­sion to black causes.
As cities burn, they resort to the same old tac­tics, more police, more nation­al guard, more state-spon­sored vio­lence in response to the con­se­quences of,— state-spon­sored violence.
No nation can sur­vive while being at war with itself. As pover­ty, hunger, home­less­ness, lack of health­care, edu­ca­tion, and police vio­lence fuels the smol­der­ing embers of dis­af­fec­tion, the nation’s lead­ers either stoke the embers that will inevitably ignite the flames result­ing in a roar­ing infer­no, or they turn away and pre­tend that there is no clear and present danger.
If they con­tin­ue to act as they do the flames will engulf us all.

Mike Beckles is a for­mer police Detective cor­po­ral, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer,
he is a black achiev­er hon­oree, and pub­lish­er of the blog chatt​-​a​-box​.com. 
He’s also a con­trib­u­tor to sev­er­al websites.
You may sub­scribe to his blogs free of charge, or sub­scribe to his Youtube chan­nel @chatt-a-box, for the lat­est pod­cast all free to you of course.
