Police Threatening His Staff, Yet Williams Present No Proof .That Makes Williams A Cheap Power Hungry Liar.…

There’s always a prob­lem which needs media atten­tion if Terrence Williams (inde­com’s) Commissioner is to be believed . When he is not bitch­ing that he needs more pow­er to go after Police. He is bitch­ing that he does­n’t need any over­sight of the agency he heads.
It’s always some­thing with this guy , he spends so much time bitch­ing and grip­ing, where the hell does he find time to do his damn job?
The lat­est com­ing from the infan­tile dic­ta­tor is that his office has received death threats. I mean who gives a shit ?
Even if he and his oper­a­tives received a mil­lion death threats who the f**k cares?
death threats ?

Terrence Williams (right) commissioner of the Independent Commission of Investigations (INDECOM), Hamish Campbell, (centre) IDECOM's assistant commissioner and Dave Lewis, INDECOM's director of complaints central region at a Gleaner Editors' Forum last Friday. (Source: jamaicagleaner.com)
Terrence Williams (right) com­mis­sion­er of the Independent Commission of Investigations (INDECOM), Hamish Campbell, (cen­tre) IDECOM’s assis­tant com­mis­sion­er and Dave Lewis, INDECOM’s direc­tor of com­plaints cen­tral region at a Gleaner Editors’ Forum last Friday. (Source: jamaica​glean​er​.com)

How many cops lost their lives actu­al­ly doing some­thing worth­while and com­mend­able over the last week or two? I have just about had it with this shit head.
Why not go actu­al­ly do some work for the blood mon­ey you are get­ting paid ?
In the lat­est in a series of atten­tion grab­bing media manip­u­la­tion Williams claims “There have been threats to INDECOM staff mem­bers. The nature of the threats runs a gamut from per­sons mak­ing intem­per­ate remarks, threats of what they will do, and what they will cause to be done,” Williams told a Gleaner Editors’ Forum last Friday. “It also comes in intel­li­gence that is gath­ered by agen­cies about whis­per­ings of plans. “The job of the INDECOM inves­ti­ga­tor is not an easy one. Apart from rogue offi­cers or their friends who may threat­en, it is also dan­ger­ous being out on the road at late hours where they have to go, because of their inves­ti­ga­tions,” added Williams. The INDECOM boss said while the threats have not been fre­quent, they are still mat­ters of con­cern as his staff mem­bers are unarmed, and arm­ing inves­ti­ga­tors is not an option he is pre­pared to explore.


According to Williams, the threats have been brought to the atten­tion of the Police High Command, and (INDECOM) has bol­stered its inter­nal secu­ri­ty frame­work and risk assessment.

Williams was sup­port­ed by assis­tant com­mis­sion­er of the agency, Hamish Campbell, who argued that mak­ing the inci­dents known to the High Command is one of the best ways to pro­tect (inde­com’s) inves­ti­ga­tors and staff. “There is coöper­a­tion with the senior police offi­cers about it. We have dis­cussed it, we have engaged with them,” said Campbell. In the mean­time, Nigel Morgan, INDECOM’s direc­tor of com­plaints for the east­ern divi­sion, argued that the threats may be com­ing from the younger mem­bers of the force, influ­enced by offi­cers at the mid­dle-man­age­ment lev­el. “Most mem­bers of the JCF coop­er­ate with INDECOM. It is impor­tant for us to put that on the table. There are a few, how­ev­er, who will be recal­ci­trant; when they are giv­en instruc­tions they dis­obey,” charged Morgan. “We have rea­son to believe that they are being influ­enced by a few offi­cers who are the mid­dle man­agers, who may be anti-INDECOM,” said Morgan.

Williams claims he does not want weapons for his staff?
If Williams wants firearms he should come out and say so . Doing the back door phy­col­o­gy is not fool­ing any­one. This guy is the worst kind of pow­er hun­gry moron imaginable.
♦He want­ed to be a Judge in anoth­er Caribbean Island he did not get that job.
♦ He want­ed the job of Director of Public Prosecution (DPP) in Jamaica, Paula Llewelyn got the job, since then Williams has been a thorn in Llewelyn’s side claim­ing all sorts of incom­pe­tence on the part of her office.
♦ Since get­ting the job as com­mis­sion­er of (inde­com) he has not stopped bitch­ing that he needs more power.
♦ Williams just lost a fight when a joint select com­mit­tee of Parliament sided with the DPP that indeed (inde­com) should have over­sight and not be vest­ed with super pow­ers to go after oth­ers while the agency is not account­able to anyone.
♦ Not sat­is­fied Williams is now back at it mak­ing fan­tas­tic claims and allegations.
Let me be clear I fun­da­men­tal­ly believe Williams and the Police high com­mand has a chum­my rela­tion­ship despite his dis­re­spect and dis­dain for the junior offi­cers. The Police high com­mand has nev­er been any­thing but a bunch of lap-dogs who are will­ing to sell out the rank and file for a pat on the back and a drink of white Rum. Not much has changed.
Insofar as this claim is con­cerned here’s my take .Unless Terrence Williams place evi­dence of the threats made against him and his lack­eys in the pub­lic domain. Unless he presents proof that said threats are com­ing from police offi­cers then Williams is noth­ing but an atten­tion lov­ing pow­er-hun­gry lying bastard.

One thought on “Police Threatening His Staff, Yet Williams Present No Proof .That Makes Williams A Cheap Power Hungry Liar.…

  1. ter­rence williams objec­tive is to prove to the pub­lic how deep his can­cer­ous hatred is for the jamaica police. He thinks by him throw­ing a few offi­cers in jail he can some how mirac­u­lous­ly gain some phys­i­cal height and there­fore feel ade­quate. if a police offi­cer decides one day he/​she is going to do a good job on a par­tic­u­lar shift then his/​her job expectan­cy is one week. The fear among offi­cers is that once you are the sub­ject of an INDECOM inves­ti­ga­tion the career is over. This is no way to police a nation and this cul­ture now give birth to the new crim­i­nals we face today. they roam with­out fear. We shall form an alliance to cam­paign for his ear­ly departure

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