Police Seek White Woman Caught On Video Hanging Nooses Near Campaign Sign For Black Candidate

White women have been an integral part of the genocide and abuse of Black people from the start. Today white women continue to be equal partners in the continuation of racist practices and the campaign to continue the practice of white supremacy in America.

New Jersey author­i­ties are look­ing for a woman who was caught on video hang­ing noos­es next to a cam­paign sign sup­port­ing a Black polit­i­cal can­di­date. The Middle Township Police Department said it received a report about three stuffed ani­mals hang­ing from ropes above a sign sup­port­ing con­gres­sion­al can­di­date Tim Alexander on elec­tion day. Later, they found video footage of a white woman with blond hair hang­ing the stuffed ani­mals from a tree.

A woman is accused of hang­ing stuffed ani­mals above a cam­paign sign for for­mer New Jersey Democratic can­di­date for Congress Tim Alexander. (Photo: YouTube/​NBC 10)

The police depart­ment and the coun­ty pros­e­cu­tor have launched a hate crime inves­ti­ga­tion into the incident.
Alexander, who lost his chal­lenge against incum­bent U.S. Rep. Jeff Van Drew on Tuesday, said he is “dis­gust­ed” by the display.
“It was sick­en­ing. It real­ly was. It was real­ly dis­gust­ing,” Alexander told NBC10. “It real­ly spoke to what I have been talk­ing about on the cam­paign trail, and that is that we have too much divi­sion. We have too much trib­al­ism. We have this sense of us against them.” 
Authorities have released stills of the video footage and are ask­ing any­one with infor­ma­tion to come for­ward. The woman was dri­ving a dark-col­ored Buick with chrome trim and tint­ed win­dows. She parked in the area where the stuffed ani­mals were hung.

A still from video footage shows a white woman with blond hair exit­ing a late-mod­el dark-col­ored sedan and hang­ing stuffed ani­mals from a tree. (Photo: Cape May County
Prosecutor’s Office)

Nearly 11 per­cent of Middle Township’s 20,716 res­i­dents are Black, U.S. Census data shows. 
Alexander told ABC 7 that com­mu­ni­ty lead­ers should be respon­si­ble for extreme instances of hate. His oppo­nent and oth­er polit­i­cal lead­ers have con­demned the woman’s actions.
“The inci­dent that took place is com­plete­ly unac­cept­able behav­ior. There is no place for hate in our coun­try, espe­cial­ly in South Jersey,” Drew told ABC 7. “I do want account­abil­i­ty, and quite hon­est­ly, at some point, I just want the per­son to stand up in court, under oath, and say I did this, and this is why I did it.”
Middle Township Mayor Tim Donohue also took to Facebook to denounce the dis­play. “This is not who we are in Middle Township. We stand unit­ed against all forms of racism, hate, threats, and intim­i­da­tion,” he wrote. “If this inves­ti­ga­tion proves charges are war­rant­ed, the perpetrator(s) will be pros­e­cut­ed to the fullest extent of the law.”
Alexander said the woman could have spo­ken to him in per­son if she had an issue instead of resort­ing to the racist display.
“You could’ve eas­i­ly come up to me and said, ‘Here are my con­cerns,’ ” he said. “But instead, you want­ed to send out this hate­ful, his­tor­i­cal­ly hate­ful, his­tor­i­cal­ly intim­i­dat­ing state­ment by doing these actions.” This sto­ry first appeared in the (Atlantablackstar)
