Police Kill Black Men That’s It

As the debate sur­round­ing the rela­tion­ship between the African-American com­mu­ni­ty and Police rages. Many in the black community

Abner Louima
Abner Louima

con­tin­ue to believe that the rela­tion­ship can be improved by the behav­ior of young black men.

Black mid­dle class believe if they tell their sons to pull up their pants, not run from police, not talk-back to police,not go into the glove com­part­ment when deal­ing with police. dress­ing a cer­tain way etc, etc will keep them safe.

This sen­ti­ment was echoed by Judge Glenda Hatchett and oth­ers recent­ly, in an inter­view con­duct­ed by CNN’s Fredrica Whitfield. I have heard par­ent after par­ent, per­son after per­son, say the same thing. I tell my kids don’t run, don’t do this, don’t do that, don’t have more than two peo­ple in a car etc , etc. Yada, yada, yada, Some of this may make sense.

Ironically ‚irre­spec­tive of what young black men do, noth­ing will change the atti­tudes of police toward the black com­mu­ni­ty or our young sons. It is the atti­tudes of the Police which must change, not what black men do, it will nev­er be enough. As we have seen in Ferguson Missouri and in Staten Island New York these two police depart­ments fun­da­men­tal­ly get it wrong .

Patrick Lynch the head of the NYPD PBA came out swing­ing at his employ­ers, the peo­ple. The peo­ple say “we do not want you killing any­one sell­ing loose cig­a­rettes with choke holds”. The moron­ic Lynch and his cahoots said “resist­ing arrest is a seri­ous crime we will con­tin­ue to do what we do”. That kind of a brain-dead response is inim­i­cal of peo­ple who are boss­es not ser­vants of the people.

In Ferguson the peo­ple say “we do not want Armored per­son­nel car­ri­ers with machine guns in our com­mu­ni­ty when we peace­ably gather

Amadou Diallo
Amadou Diallo

to demon­strate”. What has the brain-dead police done? They deploy the very same mil­i­tary style armor, arguably to antag­o­nize and agi­tate the people.

As I said in a forum with friends today, deliv­ery of police ser­vices must be com­men­su­rate with the needs of the com­mu­ni­ty the police serve. The com­mu­ni­ty pays for police ser­vices, the com­mu­ni­ty deserves a say in what kind of ser­vice they receive and how the ser­vice is delivered.

Yet what hap­pened in Ferguson, what hap­pened in Staten Island, what hap­pen in black com­mu­ni­ties all across America is still being mis­tak­en as com­mu­ni­ty events. Police depart­ments and their large­ly white sup­port struc­ture comes out in sup­port of crim­i­nal-cops who bla­tant­ly over­step their author­i­ty and abuse and kill cit­i­zens. It is very rare that a cop is ever held account­able despite moun­tains of evi­dence of bru­tal­i­ty by them. Cameras have brought to light the com­plaints African-Americans have lev­eled at police for decades. Instead of adding cam­eras to police uni­forms 12 States in the United States have moved to make it ille­gal for cit­i­zens to record police activ­i­ty ‚unless, they have per­mis­sion of the same cops they would be video­tap­ing for wrong-doing.

This sys­tem­at­ic pat­tern of dis­re­spect is hard­ly ever expe­ri­enced by whites . This forms the rea­son many whites rush to the defense of police when these events occur. No one tells young white kids how many of them should be in a car. No one tells them what to wear , or how to wear their clothes. (grant­ed I hate the sag­ging pants , I believe it is the right of young blacks to wear them that way. They will grow out of that trend eventually).

Police do not sodom­ize white men in sta­tion restrooms as NYPD mem­ber Justin Volpe did to AbnerLouima.Sodomized with a bro­ken broom-stick , his pan­creas and blad­der rup­tured. Abner Louima was hos­pi­tal­ized for months. His crime/​He alleged­ly swung at Volpe. It

Sean Bell
Sean Bell

turned out it was­n’t even Louima who did .

Police do not kill white men the way they did Amadou Diallo. Shot at 41 times 19 bul­lets found his body. The young African immi­grant had noth­ing but his wallet.

They do not kill white men the way they did Sean Bell. Murdered the day he was to be mar­ried. His crime/​he was in a car that sup­pos­ed­ly lurched toward plain­clothes cops.

Or Anthony Baez. Murdered because the foot­ball he and his broth­er was play­ing with alleged­ly hit a police cruis­er. (Police cruis­ers are paid for with tax pay­ers money)

Or Eric Garner. mur­dered using an ille­gal choke-hold. His crime /​He was sus­pect­ed of sell­ing loose untaxed cigarettes.

Or Michael Brown .Allegedly stole some cigars.

Or the count­less oth­ers killed and vicious­ly assault­ed and framed all across America dai­ly. We could go on and on about the sys­tem­at­ic slaugh­ter of young black men but that’s not all. Every year scores of men, large­ly African-Americans, are released from prison. These men are released after new evi­dence of their inno­cence sur­faces , after they have already spent many years of their lives incar­cer­at­ed for crimes they did not commit.

Some argue these men are not Angels. Angels or not, no one deserves to go to prison for a crime he did not com­mit. Prosecutors prosecute

Eric Garner
Eric Garner

on the evi­dence giv­en them . It fol­lows then that there has been and still is, a seri­ous epi­dem­ic of police fal­si­fy­ing evi­dence to gain con­vic­tions. Thanks to Organizations like the Innocence Project some of the wrong­ful­ly con­vict­ed get to see the light of day again.

There are some well dressed so called blacks who believe peo­ple like Al Sharpton who bring atten­tion to these injus­tices are self-serv­ing. Some of these well dressed mon­keys also believe folks in Ferguson Missouri are over-react­ing , the truth is it will get to their doors-steps soon enough .

These out of con­trol cops do not care about your mon­key-suits or slick-back hair . To them you are just anoth­er N****r.
