Police Footage Shows Barrage Of Gunfire That Killed 25-year-old

Many white peo­ple are desen­si­tized to police vio­lence against peo­ple of col­or. Others say just do as they say in a cold, cal­cu­lat­ed way that is devoid of under­stand­ing that police are not oper­at­ing with­in the laws but, from what we say dai­ly, are oper­at­ing as occu­pa­tion­al forces in our communities.
Ant to be fair, some con­sci­en­tious white peo­ple under­stand that what is hap­pen­ing is not polic­ing but mur­der under the col­or of law.
On the oth­er hand, when it comes to defund­ing police depart­ments and using the mon­ey for oth­er com­mu­ni­ty uses, and hold­ing police account­able the white pop­u­la­tion, Republicans and Democrats once again coa­lesce around the con­struct of policing.
This writer is a strict law and order per­son who spent a decade in law enforce­ment. Nevertheless, I can­not remain silent and pre­tend that what police are doing under the col­or of the law is not murder.
It pains my heart to see police offi­cers snuff­ing out the life of peo­ple, using pre­tex­tu­al stops as jus­ti­fi­ca­tion to abuse and mur­der citizens.
As I have said, white dis­in­ter­est in police vio­lence and mur­der of black peo­ple and oth­er peo­ple of col­or is a dan­ger­ous strategy.
If we are not vig­i­lant in con­trol­ling the peo­ple we give pow­er to, they will use it against us, who gave it to them in the first place.
No one is safe if police can sim­ply shout ‘gun’, and sum­mar­i­ly exe­cute a per­son in the safe place of their car, home, or any oth­er place.
Whether black or white, we are all one race of people.….the human race. The illic­it tak­ing of inno­cent life in the United States by police is a can­cer that threat­ens us all. (mb)

First, they came for the social­ists, and I did not speak out — because I was not a socialist.
Then they came for the trade union­ists, and I did not speak out — because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out — because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me — and there was no one left to speak for me.
—Martin Niemöller

25-year-old Chase Allan

Police in Farmington, Utah, released body cam­era footage Wednesday that cap­tured the bar­rage of gun­fire which killed a 25-year-old man dur­ing a traf­fic stop last week. Chase Allan was pulled over by Farmington police on March 1 at around 3:20 p.m. near a post office after an offi­cer spot­ted an ille­gal license plate — a plac­ard with a flag — on Allan’s blue BMW, Farmington police Chief Eric Johnsen said dur­ing a press con­fer­ence Wednesday. During the press con­fer­ence, Johnsen told reporters that offi­cers start­ed to shoot after they saw Allan reach down, but also said that it is unclear exact­ly what hap­pened in those brief sec­onds because the body cam­er­a’s view is unclear.An image taken from police body camera shows police officers aiming at the car of 25-year-old Chase Allan. Allan was killed by police during a traffic stop on March 1, 2023.   / Credit: Farmington City Police Department, via AP

The footage — a com­pi­la­tion video of five body-worn police cam­eras and a sin­gle dash­board cam­era — shows a police car fol­low­ing Allan’s BMW into a park­ing lot. The offi­cer parks behind Allan’s car walks over to it, and taps on the dri­ver’s win­dow. Allan cracks open the win­dow while hold­ing a cell­phone. “The rea­son you were stopped today is there is no reg­is­tra­tion on your vehi­cle,” the offi­cer tells Allan in the video. “I don’t need reg­is­tra­tion and I don’t answer ques­tions,” Allan replies. “Alrighty,” the offi­cer says, and then pro­ceeds to call back­up. The offi­cer and Allan go back and forth about why he was pulled over, before the offi­cer tells Allan he is “detained and not free to leave.” He then con­tin­ues to ask for iden­ti­fi­ca­tion. Allan can be heard cit­ing what he claims are legal argu­ments for his refusal to pro­vide one. “I under­stand what you are say­ing,” the offi­cer replies. “But you are law­ful­ly required to iden­ti­fy yourself.”

Farmington police chief Eric Johnsen

More argu­ing ensues before Allan hands the offi­cer a pass­port. The offi­cer then orders Allan to step out of the vehi­cle. At this point, the video shows oth­er offi­cers have arrived at the scene. Allan is seen refus­ing to step out of the car. He is still wear­ing his seat­belt and hold­ing his cell phone. “I am not required to,” Allan tells the police. The body­cam footage then stops and high­lights what police allege is a “hol­ster on Mr. Allan’s hip.” The hol­ster is “flex­ing upward,” as seen through the dri­ver’s win­dow, police said. Allan, wear­ing a kha­ki coat and a truck­er hat, still refus­es to step out when anoth­er offi­cer warns him that if he does­n’t com­ply, “we’re going to break the win­dow and pull you out.” Allan is then seen trans­fer­ring his cell phone from his left hand to his right hand as an offi­cer opens the dri­ver’s door. The police video then stops to high­light what it claims is Allan’s right hand mov­ing toward the hol­ster. As anoth­er offi­cer wear­ing a beanie leans into the front seat and tries to get Allan, one of the offi­cers yells, “gun! gun! gun!”

The police offi­cer slams the door shut, and five offi­cers are seen draw­ing their guns and rapid­ly fir­ing sev­er­al rounds at the BMW. An offi­cer then yells, “cease fire,” and the shoot­ing stops. The offi­cers pull Allan’s body out of the car. The footage again stops to high­light an “emp­ty” hol­ster on his hip. The video then shows a gun on the floor, par­tial­ly vis­i­ble under the mat of the dri­ver’s seat. The five offi­cers involved in the shoot­ing have not been iden­ti­fied. “I feel like they deserve pri­va­cy right now,” Johnsen said Wednesday. Allan’s fam­i­ly has accused the police of “bru­tal mur­der,” say­ing they have been “stonewalled” by the depart­ment, accord­ing to a state­ment released to local media last week. Allan’s fam­i­ly said he was “study­ing law the last few years and was a patri­ot doing what he could to defend the peo­ple’s free­dom and lib­er­ty in his com­mu­ni­ty,” accord­ing to the Salt Lake Tribune. Four of the five offi­cers have been with Farmington police for between sev­en and eight months, and the fifth offi­cer is a 12-year vet­er­an of the depart­ment, Johnsen said. The sta­tus of the offi­cers was not clear, but Johnsen said he was down 20% of his force and thanked oth­er police depart­ments for help­ing with dai­ly oper­a­tions. Allan’s fam­i­ly has said the offi­cer who pulled him over “request­ed mul­ti­ple oth­er offi­cers to the scene a cou­ple of blocks pri­or to the stop,” accord­ing to the Salt Lake Tribune. At the press con­fer­ence, Johnsen dis­put­ed the fam­i­ly’s state­ment. “I want to point out there has been a state­ment, an alle­ga­tion made that back-up was called for before this, that is absolute­ly untrue,” the police said. “It’s a trag­ic end­ing to what start­ed out as an every­day traf­fic stop,” Johnsen said.
