Police Constable Attacked, Stabbed Multiple Times

A Police Constable, Nicholas Brown of the St. Catherine ESM, was on his way to work at about 3:15 am this morn­ing February 27th when a lone gun­man attacked him.
The offi­cer was attacked after leav­ing the May Pen Toll Booth when he stopped in the Savannah Crossing vicin­i­ty to change his punc­tured tire.
A lone assailant alleged­ly attacked him with a firearm; a strug­gle ensued; dur­ing the strug­gle, Constable Brown man­aged to dis­arm his attack­er and hit him with the weapon though receiv­ing 13 stab-wounds to his back.
Constable Brown is being treat­ed at the May Pen Hospital.
His con­di­tion is con­sid­ered sta­ble at this time.
The inci­dent is being investigated.
