Not All House-Negroes Are Sell-outs .….…

1725162_10205433897906528_7234427120561380515_nI initially felt like brushing aside the ignorant comments FOX analyst Stacey Dash made by merely attaching the label “house Negro” to her. Then I realized the crucial role some house Negroes played in relaying information to the underground railroad which invariably gave thousands a sense of relief if not total freedom.

With dig­ni­ty and silence many house Negros assumed the role of stu­pid trans­par­ent sav­age as their oppres­sors dis­cussed events and impor­tant mat­ters in their pres­ence with­out a thought they were unwit­ting­ly offer­ing up valu­able infor­ma­tion which aid­ed the cause of the oppressed.
It would be a tragedy and indeed a trav­es­ty to allow men­tal indo­lence to cause me to throw Stacey Dash into this group with­out mak­ing that dis­tinc­tion for the pur­pose of con­text going into perpetuity.
For some time Dash has made a name for her­self by say­ing out­ra­geous things about African-Americans and African-American caus­es. Since being on Fox, Dash a Republican has gone after peo­ple of her own race with a vengeance, crit­i­ciz­ing and cas­ti­gat­ing every­one from the President of the United States to Jay‑Z and Beyonce and every­one in between.
During the last Presidential Election cycle, Dash an on again-off-again actress , most­ly off-again, made a litany of ludri­cious claims about President Obama as she endorsed Mitt Romney and hammed it up on the FOX net­work. She even posed in a red bathing suit beside the American flag in an Ad for the Romney campaign.
This cycle Stacey Dash is at it again berat­ing every­one in the black com­mu­ni­ty . President Obama is not on the bal­lot so she lam­baste the Black Entertainment Television net­work the NAACP and every­one else with­in the reach of her bird brain.
“I think it’s ludi­crous we have to make up our minds either we want to have seg­re­ga­tion or inte­gra­tion,” Dash said on Fox and FriendsIf we don’t want seg­re­ga­tion then we need to get rid of chan­nels like BET and the BET Awards and the [NCAAP] Image Awards where you’re only award­ed if you’re black. If it were the oth­er way around, we’d be up in arms.”
What’s ludi­crous is that Dash as always over­ly anx­ious to bad-mouth the Black com­mu­ni­ty did­n’t both­er to check whether the talk­ing points they feed her are actu­al­ly true before she par­rots them. Not sure whether it would have mat­tered in her haste to please massa.
For the record deserv­ing white actors do get rec­og­nized by the NAACP despite Dash’s unin­formed claims. These includes but not con­fined to Bryce Dallas Howard, Angelina Jolie, Justin Timberlake. Sandra Bullock, Emma Stone and oth­ers have a recieved nom­i­na­tions. Additionally peo­ple of col­or oth­er than blacks have also been nom­i­nat­ed these includes Archie Panjabi from The Good Wife and Mindy Kaling from The Mindy Project — were nom­i­nat­ed for act­ing awards, along­side Latina Modern Family star Sofia Vergara.
FOX has no inter­est in truth , it is the mouth-piece of the Fascist, Racist, Xenophobic, Islamaphobic Political Right. What bet­ter way to dis­par­age the Black com­mu­ni­ty than have a Black body doing it?
Personally I under­stand that a girl has got­ta eat but at what point you say “No” I can’t do this I’d rather starve. It must require a great deal of self loathing on the part of Dash for her to be able to spend the thir­ty pieces of sil­ver they pay her to den­i­grate her­self and her race.
Which leaves me to won­der about her intel­lect and mind­set. Even Judas Iscariot hanged him­self, I do not expect Stacey Dash to have any such pang of con­science or con­vic­tion but I still won­der how she looks at her­self in the mirror?My per­son­al belief has always been that no race or indi­vid­ual should expect oth­ers to do for them what they ought to do for them­selves. I fun­da­men­tal­ly believe the best way to negate and ren­der inequal­i­ty and injus­tice incon­se­quen­tial and obso­lete is to fix our­selves and excel .
We do that by being edu­cat­ed , start­ing and sup­port­ing black busi­ness­es, sav­ing some of what we earn, stay­ing out of prison, build­ing our com­mu­ni­ties, being par­ents to our chil­dren, and sup­port­ing our own Organizations in addi­tion to oth­er self empow­er­ing steps.
Then and only then will those who seek to shut us out come run­ning , beg­ging to have some of what we have, ask­ing to be included.
You sim­ply can­not beg for inte­gra­tion and accep­tance. You sep­a­rate your­self and build your own institutions.
A con­cept no one expect Dash etal to understand.The fact is that the BET Awards , and the NAACP image awards do rec­og­nize and award actors of dif­fer­ent eth­nic­i­ty. They were designed to counter the lack of diver­si­ty with­in the so-called main stream process which we are still talk­ing about to this day as devoid of diversity.
Stacey Dash’s igno­rant self loathing views are in no way con­fined to her alone, that brand of idio­cy tran­scend the media or the arts . Supreme Court Associate Justice Clarence Thomas, Presidential can­di­dates past and present Herman Caine and Ben Carson, are some of the more promi­nent self-hat­ing Blacks in a long line of Uncle Tom house Negros who have climbed on the shoul­ders of those who stood for change then kick the very peo­ple on whose shoul­ders they climbed in their effort to cozy up to the peo­ple who kept them down in the first place​.So when I think of house Negroes and I am tempt­ed to lump them all togeth­er I spend a lit­tle time to thing it through . Stacey Dash and oth­ers are free to eat the scraps from Massa’s table, serve the food and feel the pain when Massa sick , but I’m com­fort­ed that not all who work in the big house are self-loathing sell-outs, some have done yeo­man’s work for the cause.