Nobody Wants To Say Out Loud What Needs To Be Said About Apartheid Israel

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I had a con­ver­sa­tion with a young friend yes­ter­day; he want­ed my opin­ion on what was hap­pen­ing in Israel. I told him I had no idea what was hap­pen­ing in Israel because I did not know of a coun­try named Israel. I am aware, how­ev­er, of a nation called Palestine. He then asked don’t you believe in a two-state solu­tion? I respond­ed no!!! Shocked, he asked don’t you believe Palestinians deserve a state? I respond­ed, of course, that is the only state I believe in. He replied I want peace, so I think two states will resolve the sit­u­a­tion. I asked him how that could be when Israel was built on a lie. How can there be peace with­out justice?
Anything resem­bling peace in Palestine, even if there were to be a two-state exper­i­ment, would amount to a smol­der­ing caul­dron that would explode at any time.
Nobody wants to say out loud what needs to be said. Everyone is either afraid or in cahoots with the Zionist Lobby AIPAC, The American Israel Public Affairs Committee. Even those opposed are pet­ri­fied of the Zionists and their allies com­ing after them.
In the video I did above, one of my dear friends, a man I great­ly respect, told me he would con­sid­er whether it was wise of him even to share the video.
My friend was con­cerned for my safe­ty but feared that mere­ly shar­ing a video about the sub­ject would endan­ger him as well. Such is the pal­pa­bil­i­ty of the fear the Zionists have imposed on ordi­nary Americans and their abil­i­ty to speak out on this trav­es­ty in Palestine.

What the world is forced to con­tend with is an ille­git­i­mate state cre­at­ed and enhanced by the Americans in 1947 and rec­og­nized first them­selves a year lat­er in 1948. This ille­git­i­mate state is no dif­fer­ent than that which the Dutch cre­at­ed in South Africa, the British in Australia, or even the Americans cre­at­ed almost three hun­dred years ago.
Truthfully, the world has always been one in which the strong take what they want, and the weak suf­fer. However, after the Second World War, the world was told that there was a new inter­na­tion­al order in which nations were oblig­at­ed to oper­ate like good cit­i­zens in a coun­try of laws.
This new order meant that nations could not invade oth­er coun­tries, plun­der their resources, and take their land. An inter­na­tion­al court was also set up in the Hague, Netherlands, to hear cas­es against errant nations.
This was doomed to fail from the start, as the pow­er­ful nation that was instru­men­tal in estab­lish­ing the court, the United States, removed itself from its authority.
Some argue that the new order has worked. They point out that since the Second World War end­ed in 1945, there has not been anoth­er world­wide con­fla­gra­tion. Truthfully, it was a mere 21 years after World War I end­ed before the start of the second.
It is now 79 years since World War Two came to an end.
On the face of it, it appears that this inter­na­tion­al order has kept the peace.…..except that the world was thrust into an exis­ten­tial stale­mate between the United States and the Soviet Union, two nuclear-armed pow­ers com­pet­ing for world domination.

After the Soviet Union col­lapsed, the world faced the United States, the sole nuclear Superpower, hav­ing total hege­mon­ic auton­o­my over our planet.
From that emerged America push­ing its weight around in nations as small as Grenada and Panama to oth­ers as large and remote as Iraq and Afghanistan. No coun­try was spared America’s hege­mon­ic reach, overt and covert.
So no, there has not been anoth­er world war, but we have had many wars all start­ed by the United States.
Part of the immense pow­er wield­ed by the United States includ­ed, though not con­fined to, the desta­bi­liza­tion of Libya and oth­er coun­tries while nuclear arm­ing and pro­tect­ing the Zionist state of Israel in the United Nations Security Council.
As a con­se­quence, Israel has thumbed its nose at the inter­na­tion­al com­mu­ni­ty as it goes about com­mit­ting atroc­i­ties and war crimes against the Palestinian peo­ple with zero consequence…
In the mean­time, the pow­er­ful zion­ist lob­by man­ages to cow any­one who dares speak out against Israel’s war crimes by label­ing them anti­se­mit­ic in the American main­stream media.
Even elect­ed offi­cials are afraid to vote against send­ing American tax dol­lars and bombs to kill Palestinians. That is the pow­er of the wealthy and pow­er­ful Zionists oper­at­ing from America’s soil…



Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.
