No One Buys A Ticket To Watch NBA Referees, If There Is A Dispute The Referee Must Go.…

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NBA referees are ancillary to the games they officiate. In actuality, no one cares who officiates any given game. Fans of the games are there to see their favorite players and teams play, not to see referees make the game about themselves. Weak white men who cannot play the game become referees, so they act out police tendencies.…… It is time that Scott Foster be sent packing.

Sports is a sub­ject that I sel­dom ever write on, even though I remain an avid sports fan. Major sports in the United States have been phe­nom­e­nal in lift­ing tal­ent­ed young African Americans out of pover­ty for decades. One major star, Michael Jordon, has even moved on to join the cov­et­ed bil­lion­aires club. Unfortunately and maybe even pre­dictably, some have squan­dered their wealth and have returned to abject pover­ty, and, in some cas­es, even end­ed up in prison.
Having said that, the team sports that have dom­i­nat­ed American and world­wide atten­tion have been sports dom­i­nat­ed by Black athletes. 
Basketball, American foot­ball, Boxing, and now even soc­cer, which America stub­born­ly refused to par­tic­i­pate in at the nation­al lev­el until it real­ized that the entire world played the game, which is the most pop­u­lar game in the world.
Having been kept out of Baseball until Jackie Robinson broke that bar­ri­er, black play­ers entered and dom­i­nat­ed the game, then basi­cal­ly left the game up to for­eign play­ers of col­or. Some of the great­est to ever play the game have been black men. Many of those men are still alive today.

Chris Paul

It is no secret, then, that black peo­ple dom­i­nate what­ev­er field they are allowed to par­tic­i­pate in. It is also no sur­prise that those who hold pow­er would do every­thing in their pow­er to keep blacks away from com­pet­ing with whites on the play­ing fields and in the board rooms. In the instances where they have been allowed, they are forced to play to dif­fer­ent rules than their white counterparts.
Having watched the National Basketball Association and hav­ing been an avid fan of the game for decades, I must con­fess that I stopped watch­ing the games for years now.
Not because of the play­ers who have got­ten more tal­ent­ed and fun to watch but because of the lever­age giv­en to game offi­cials by the (NBA) to treat play­ers like sec­ond-class cit­i­zens in a sport they dominate.
I stopped watch­ing the National Football League as well because of the way Colin Kaepernick was treat­ed like a slave on a plan­ta­tion by wealthy white racist bil­lion­aires who own the teams at the behest of an amoral, immoral, despi­ca­ble, poor excuse for a mem­ber of the human species.https://​www​.gwin​nettdai​ly​post​.com/​a​r​e​n​a​/​s​p​o​r​t​s​_​i​l​l​u​s​t​r​a​t​e​d​/​a​d​a​m​-​s​i​l​v​e​r​-​a​d​d​r​e​s​s​e​s​-​c​h​r​i​s​-​p​a​u​l​-​s​c​o​t​t​-​f​o​s​t​e​r​-​b​e​e​f​-​a​f​t​e​r​-​r​e​c​e​n​t​-​r​u​n​-​i​n​/​a​r​t​i​c​l​e​_​9​4​e​d​c​d​e​0​-​f​e​8​b​-​5​d​8​3​-​9​1​f​9​-​4​2​f​3​4​3​7​4​4​a​b​f​.​h​tml

Like oth­ers before him, Scott Foster has demon­strat­ed that he does not have the char­ac­ter to work in a pre­dom­i­nant­ly black sports league in which he is not a star and no one cares to see…

I have been a fan of the game for decades but have been turned off from the NBA because of ref­er­ees like Scott Foster, the retired Steve Javi, and oth­ers, some of whom have bet­ted on games and eject­ed play­ers in order to fur­ther their crim­i­nal schemes. Some act like the dirty cops on the streets toward the league’s play­ers, who are over­whelm­ing­ly Black. Steve Javie would toss guys like Dennis Rodman, Rasheed Wallace, and oth­ers from games for sim­ply ques­tion­ing a call and look­ing at him in ways he felt were dis­re­spect­ful to him. No one ever goes to a game to see a ref­er­ee. As such, the ref­er­ee should nev­er make him­self an issue in the game. This is about the play­ers; no one cares about who ref­er­ees a game, but they pay good mon­ey to see stars like CP3. Adam Silver is a shell of David Stern, and Stern was far from being the best he could be. Adam Silver should sit Foster down and explain that he is in the game to ref­er­ee and noth­ing more. If Scott Foster can­not do so with­out draw­ing atten­tion to him­self, he should be made to go home. The league and the game is about the play­ers and their fans.
Nobody cares that Scott Foster is good at refer­ring, and nobody cares; nobody shows up to see him. He is paid to do a job, noth­ing more, noth­ing less. Fans pay good mon­ey to see Star play­ers like Chris Paul play. The NBA should elim­i­nate ego­ma­ni­a­cal wannabe stars like Scott Foster, but it won’t because Adam Silver is an emp­ty suit.
For decades, NBA ref­er­ees have act­ed on the court like thug war­rior cops on America’s streets toward NBA play­ers. It is time for the NBA play­ers to stand up and put an end to this thug­gery from this group of tyrants. There is ample evi­dence that NBA ref­er­ees have bet on games they offi­ci­ate. There is evi­dence they have bourne grudges for many play­ers, includ­ing Allen Iverson-play­ers who did not bow down and kiss their white asses.
It is time that Scott Foster be sent pack­ing for the good of the game. .……

Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.
