NC Prosecutor All But Said Andrew Brown Was Disposable

If you ever set foot in a police acad­e­my to under­go police train­ing, you know that they ham­mer it home to you that peo­ple do not want to give up their freedom.
Police offi­cers are tasked with tak­ing the bad guys in (or so cops frame it); today, we all know that some­times that sce­nario is reversed, and the bad guys are the ones doing the tak­ing in.
Then there are the argu­ments that if you do not want to go to jail, stop com­mit­ting crimes.
As a police offi­cer, I loved those com­ments because they were sup­port­ive of me. However, as a for­mer cop, my feel­ings towards those com­ments are a bit more nuanced today.
Seeing polic­ing unfold in the United States for three decades has giv­en me a more nuanced per­spec­tive about the sup­port police receive from cer­tain seg­ments of the soci­ety, as well as my own feel­ings toward them…
There is a rea­son that pen­cils are made with erasers; it is a cer­tain­ty that we will make mis­takes as we try to nav­i­gate our way through life. Some are priv­i­leged to be born wealthy, oth­ers are born white, and then some have the dou­ble priv­i­lege of being wealthy and white.
Wealth and white skin are insu­la­tors against police aggres­sion in the United States; for those rea­sons, the sup­port police receive as they con­tin­ue to mur­der peo­ple of col­or will not change sim­ply because they mur­der more peo­ple of col­or and peo­ple demonstrate.
If that was a solu­tion, police would have stopped mur­der­ing black peo­ple decades ago.
The repub­lic was cre­at­ed on the con­cept that the black man had no rights that the white man is oblig­at­ed to respect.
Today, Police still oper­ate with that same con­tempt for the rights of blacks. They do not see them­selves as serv­ing the over forty mil­lion Black ‑Americans who spend a whop­ping 1.3 tril­lion dol­lars each year to help pro­vide them with jobs and cushy pen­sion plans. Instead, they see them­selves as over­seers, tasked with keep­ing the black pop­u­la­tion in its place.

DA Womble to run for Superior Court judge in 2022 | Local News |
Here is Andrew Womble with his law-enforce­ment bud­dies, he will be run­ning to be a supe­ri­or court judge in 22. Are you able to see the con­nec­tion yet?

If you are won­der­ing where the police got that mind­set from, look at your state leg­is­la­tures and the laws they pass to fur­ther empow­er and insu­late police from account­abil­i­ty when­ev­er nation­al atten­tion is focused on the police’s actions.
Conventional wis­dom would sug­gest that state leg­is­la­tures, as a mat­ter of con­science, would attempt to cor­rect some of the laws and poli­cies that give cov­er to police to com­mit crimes and not be held accountable.
That is not so; state after state, Republican leg­is­la­tures have passed laws that give police more cov­er to abuse and kill with­out consequence.
Republican gov­er­nors are sign­ing those bills into law, even as there are still peo­ple in the streets demon­strat­ing against police crimes.
The supreme court is equal­ly as guilty; the (qual­i­fied immu­ni­ty) doc­trine it cre­at­ed so insu­lates police from account­abil­i­ty, it should be renamed [qual­i­fied impunity].
Worse yet, are the pros­e­cu­tors who are sup­posed to go after the worse actors in soci­ety, regard­less of who those actors are.
It is shock­ing to see how far [pros­e­cu­tors] go to pro­tect rather than pros­e­cute cor­rupt, mur­der­ous cops.
The cor­rup­tion runs deep­er than many under­stand. Police and pros­e­cu­tors, more often than not, work hand in hand to effec­tu­ate the cor­rup­tion. For exam­ple, hid­ing excul­pa­to­ry evi­dence that would exon­er­ate a defen­dant to cov­er up for police, even when they act out­side the law to mur­der inno­cent unarmed citizens.
In some cas­es, pros­e­cu­tors refuse to pros­e­cute white offend­ers who arent even police offi­cers, they even go a step fur­ther to make the case to oth­ers not to pros­e­cute white mur­der­ers who open­ly and unlaw­ful­ly kill black cit­i­zens, as was the case in the Amhaud Arbery mur­der case.

Andrew Brown

No one should be sur­prised that local pros­e­cu­tors would pro­tect the cops who mur­dered Andrew Brown. In many cas­es, those pros­e­cu­tors may not pull the trig­ger, but they are equal­ly as guilty as the mur­der­ous cops who do.
North Carolina District Attorney Andrew Womble said that three offi­cers involved in killing Brown “rea­son­ably believed” that dead­ly force was jus­ti­fied. Womble will be run­ning to be elect­ed supe­ri­or court judge in 2022, so if you believe that there is jus­tice in the courts when these types of peo­ple are sit­ting in judg­ment, guess again?
According to HuffPost, Pasquotank County District Attorney Andrew Womble said Tuesday that three offi­cers involved in the killing of Brown “rea­son­ably believed” that dead­ly force was justified.
So there you have it, armed police offi­cers who could have fol­lowed a flee­ing Brown decid­ed that they could­n’t both­er. Hence, they exe­cut­ed him, know­ing that as far as District Attorney and aspir­ing supe­ri­or court judge Andrew Womble is con­cerned, they would have his blessings.
Womble went fur­ther to show his dis­dain for the life of Andrew Brown, quote; “Mr. Brown’s death, while trag­ic, was jus­ti­fied, because Mr. Brown’s actions caused three deputies with the Pasquotank County Sheriff’s Office to rea­son­ably believe it was nec­es­sary to use dead­ly force to pro­tect them­selves and others.”
Here is a pros­e­cu­tor act­ing as God in giv­ing abso­lu­tion to three mur­der­ers because he believed that the sin­ner, mis­ter Andrew Brown was beyond redemp­tion and there­fore disposable.
In so doing Andrew Womble by default, not only grant­ed the killer-cops abso­lu­tion, he gave future killer cops the green light to com­mit the same kind of murder.
Womble knew that even if the accused was dri­ving away the cops could have moved out of the way(assuming they were even in the way) because between the judge, the pros­e­cu­tor, and the police they kept the video evi­dence under wraps only show­ing a 20-sec­ond clip that they edit­ed to the fam­i­ly of mis­ter Brown.
If you believed that there was any doubt that the District attor­ney, Andrew Womble agreed that the police were right to act as judge, jury, and exe­cu­tion­er, here is Andrew Womblee’s next statement.
Quote; “Officers were duty-bound to stand their ground, car­ry on the per­for­mance of their duties and take Andrew Brown into cus­tody,” Womble said. “They could not sim­ply let him go, as has been sug­gest­ed. He engaged in dan­ger­ous, felony-lev­el mis­con­duct as he decid­ed to flee.”Closed quote.
(Carry on the per­for­mance of their duties) code,’ for exe­cut­ing Andrew Brown.’
There you have it, fuck Andrew Brown kill his ass, and be done with it, in sim­ple language.
That is what a pros­e­cu­tor paid by the black com­mu­ni­ty to pro­tect the black com­mu­ni­ty, had to say about police killing a mem­ber of the black community.
Andrew Brown was total­ly and com­plete­ly dis­pos­able as far as Andrew Womble is con­cerned. And so he exe­cut­ed that right in his decree that none of the offi­cers will be charged with a crime( by his office) in the killing of Andrew Brown.





Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com. 
