Massive Expansion Of The Police State Enhanced By Black Democrats And Others…

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At a time when rela­tions are strained to break­ing between peo­ple of col­or and police, polit­i­cal lead­ers, includ­ing black elect­ed offi­cials, are march­ing for­ward as if all is kosher with mas­sive police state expan­sions. They are obliv­i­ous to the calls from the cit­i­zens to stop throw­ing more and more of their hard-earned tax dol­lars on peo­ple who are wil­ful­ly mur­der­ing their loved ones…
Massive infu­sions of cash into the cof­fers of polit­i­cal cam­paigns and good old fash­ion scared shit­less to oppose the blue gang have caused even black Mayors to back spend­ing more mon­ey on the police instead of opt­ing for trained coun­selors and oth­er pro­fes­sion­als, not car­ry­ing a gun or Rambo-type folks who con­sid­er them­selves ham­mers and every­one else nails.
The Atlanta City Council in September 2021 approved a plan to build a facil­i­ty dubbed police city in a 10 – 4 vote. Then-Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms sup­port­ed the plan, call­ing the coun­cil vote “coura­geous” and reject­ing the idea that we must “defund the police” as Black Lives Matter pro­test­ers have advocated.
“What I’ve said repeat­ed­ly over the last year is that hold­ing the men and women who serve us in a pub­lic safe­ty capac­i­ty account­able is not mutu­al­ly exclu­sive from sup­port­ing them,” Bottoms said, sug­gest­ing the only way to abol­ish police is to abol­ish crime.

Keisha Lance Bottoms

Lance Bottoms, who now works in the Biden Administration, takes the same tack from Joe Biden and oth­er Democrats regard­ing defund­ing police, large­ly out of fear of Republican smear and the inabil­i­ty to critical-think.
The idea that in 2023 we lack the imag­i­na­tion to envis­age not send­ing poor­ly trained white racists with guns and the pow­er to kill to deal with issues affect­ing black cit­i­zens is alarming.
That we still con­sid­er the old slave patrol idea of polic­ing and con­tin­ue to build mas­sive edi­fices to train and enhance that igno­ble ide­al­o­gy is astounding.
There are bet­ter ways to deal with bro­ken tail­lights and fail­ure to use turn sig­nals than armed robots with guns abus­ing and killing peo­ple just liv­ing their lives. Unless harass­ing, beat­ing, and killing them is the point.
Bottoms claimed the train­ing facil­i­ty would “help boost morale, reten­tion and recruit­ment” of police offi­cers and pro­vide “21st-cen­tu­ry train­ing, root­ed in respect and regard for the com­mu­ni­ties they serve.” The cen­ter would be among the largest in the coun­try, more mas­sive than LAPD or NYPD facilities.
In oth­er words, if tax­pay­ers do not give police what they want and allow them to con­tin­ue to oper­ate as they have been, they will throw a hiss fit and refuse to do their jobs, and would-be appli­cants will look else­where for employment.
If this is true, this is a mar­velous idea and a spec­tac­u­lar way of get­ting the kinds of police offi­cers the coun­try needs.
Maybe .…just maybe, what the coun­try needs is to let the depart­ments bleed out those pow­er-crazed androids. In the end, few­er good cops are expo­nen­tial­ly bet­ter than a ton of shit­ty cops.

DeKalb County CEO Michael Thurmond Democrat

The naïveté‘ of that state­ment would be laugh­able if it weren’t so utter­ly stu­pid. Does the American police need their morale boosted?
Keisha Lance Bottoms’ state­ments remind­ed me of the trees who thought the Axe was their friend because the han­dle is made of wood. Or the Frog who fer­ried a scor­pi­on on it’s back across the riv­er with the assur­ac­nce the scor­pi­on would­n’t sting him.
Ultimately, an Axe may have a wood­en han­dle, but only to chop down trees. A scor­pi­on will assure a frog it won’t sting, but even­tu­al­ly it will, because that’s what scor­pi­ons do, … they sting.
It is intel­lec­tu­al­ly indo­lence to con­tin­ue to heap more and more mon­ey on polic­ing through the raz­ing of much-need­ed forests as is being done to cre­ate a cop city in Atlanta instead of reimag­in­ing how we can secure our com­mu­ni­ties with­out the trau­ma that police con­tin­ue to create.

Atlanta’s Andrea Dickens, Democrat and black.

Atlanta Mayor Andre Dickens and DeKalb County CEO Michael Thurmond cleared the way for the 85-acre, $90 mil­lion com­plex on city-owned for­est land near a pre­dom­i­nate­ly Black com­mu­ni­ty. Huge sur­prise there.
According to the Atlanta Police Foundation — the orga­ni­za­tion leas­ing the land and fund­ing two-thirds of the facil­i­ty with Atlanta tax­pay­ers pick­ing up the rest of the tab — the train­ing cen­ter promis­es to “reimag­ine law enforce­ment train­ing and Police/​Fire Rescue com­mu­ni­ty engagement.”
Of course, yes, reimag­ing polic­ing as the Frog imag­ined the scor­pi­on would­n’t stink, killing him mid­stream. We get it.
Well, the peo­ple in Dekald coun­ty and its envi­rons can­not blame ‘whitey’ for this one, at least on the face of it. This is the work of black co*&s; I mean, black leaders.
Some also thought more black cops and black police chiefs would solve police vio­lence so there is that as well. Naievely and unimigi­na­tive­ly fail­ing to under­stand that it’s not just about col­or but a cul­ture of impuni­ty fos­tered by immunity.
The naivety and intel­lec­tu­al lazi­ness per­me­at­ing the con­ver­sa­tion on this sub­ject are astound­ing. The idea that polic­ing, a con­struct, can­not be reimag­ined because it is absolute and there is no replace­ment is beyond laugh­able. But then again, some peo­ple believe they must destroy what’s left of our frag­ile eco­log­i­cal sys­tem for coal min­ing to heat homes and busi­ness­es, even as oth­er nations are mak­ing leaps and bounds in green energy.
And to be fair, there is a mas­sive police facil­i­ty going up right here in my coun­ty of Dutchess New York, to the tune of.….… wait for it.…. 
As of June 30, 2021, $159.4 mil­lion has been spent or encum­bered on all phas­es of the project, with a remain­ing $32.8 mil­lion approved and avail­able to spend of the full $192.2 mil­lion appropriated.
[The Justice and Transition Center’s (Jail) design has been down­sized from its orig­i­nal 569-bed design to 328 beds in 2020. Funds approved and avail­able in 2016 for this phase of the con­struc­tion project are $154.8 mil­lion. The esti­mat­ed cost to com­plete the revised jail plan is $131.4 mil­lion, with a pro­ject­ed cost sav­ings of approx­i­mate­ly $22.8 mil­lion. The cur­rent time­line for con­struc­tion com­ple­tion of the jail is May 2024.] As report­ed by MidHudsonNews​.com)
The mas­sive, ever-increas­ing­ly dan­ger­ous police state is here to stay. 





Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.
