Most Mass Killers Are White Men.….

As a boy in school during the 70’s I absolutely fell in love with American R&B music, I thought it was the best sound I had ever heard. Today as a grown up I still play the Temptations, commodores , Dells , Stylistics, O‑Jays and the entire litany of acts which dominated that era .I also learned to love all kinds of music including classic reggae which has the Blues and Jazz sound to thank for it’s existence.

As a lit­tle boy I was con­stant­ly singing in my high falset­to which I copied from many of the acts like Eddie Kendrick and oth­ers like the Bee Gees..I always noticed that when­ev­er I sang even my fam­i­ly who loved me uncon­di­tion­al­ly either laughed or had a fun­ny look on their faces.
Not to be deterred I con­tin­ued singing until one day I decid­ed to record myself singing , I real­ly fan­cied myself a poten­tial rock star. After record­ing myself I decid­ed to lis­ten to my record­ing , I was about to show those fam­i­ly mem­bers that they had a real star singer in the family.
Then I heard the sound which was a cross between a cat whose tail got caught in a crack and the sound of a piece of met­al scrap­ing on con­crete. I real­ly want­ed to apol­o­gize to every­one whom I ever offend­ed with my singing.

Many years lat­er I was dri­ving up the Taconic Parkway with my wife we were lis­ten­ing to (you guessed it ) clas­sic R&B on the car radio. My wife is a ter­rif­ic singer who poten­tial­ly could have a suc­cess­ful career in the sec­u­lar music world if she so desired. Of course being the woman of God she is she does not see that as an option for her.
As we sang along I was embold­ened to sug­gest to her “hey babe we should sing togeth­er, I will sing back­up “. She being the sweet­heart she is said to me, “yes babe but can I tell you, you would have to sing way way back” .
We had a great time laugh­ing for the rest of our jour­ney, I could­n’t stop laugh­ing about the way she said it.

mcveighAs the mass shoot­ings across America seem to inten­si­fy I won­dered whether the peo­ple on the polit­i­cal right ever con­sid­ered record­ing them­selves and lis­ten­ing to the things they say?
Timothy Mc Veigh was a white Anglo-Saxon home grow ter­ror­ist he was American as they come. McVeigh and his accom­plice Terry Nichols det­o­nat­ed a truck bomb in front of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City on April 19, 1995.
According to his wikipedia page McVeigh McVeigh, a Persian Gulf War vet­er­an, sought revenge against the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment for its han­dling of the Waco siege, which end­ed in the deaths of 76 peo­ple exact­ly two years before the bomb­ing, as well as for the Ruby Ridge inci­dent in 1992. McVeigh hoped to inspire a revolt against what he con­sid­ered to be a tyran­ni­cal fed­er­al government.


Theodore JohnTedKaczynski the Una-bomber.. 

As a Harvard under­grad­u­ate, Kaczynski was among twen­ty-two stu­dents who were research sub­jects in eth­i­cal­ly ques­tion­able exper­i­ments con­duct­ed by psy­chol­o­gy pro­fes­sor Henry Murray from late 1959 to ear­ly 1962.[5][6][7] In 1971, he moved to a remote cab­in with­out elec­tric­i­ty or run­ning water, in Lincoln, Montana, where he lived as a recluse while learn­ing sur­vival skills in an attempt to become self-suf­fi­cient.[8] Seventeen years after begin­ning his mail bomb cam­paign, Kaczynski sent a let­ter to The New York Times on April 24, 1995 and promised “to desist from ter­ror­ism” if the Times or the Washington Post pub­lished his man­i­festo, Industrial Society and Its Future (the “Unabomber Manifesto”), in which he argued that his bomb­ings were extreme but nec­es­sary to attract atten­tion to the ero­sion of human free­dom neces­si­tat­ed by mod­ern tech­nolo­gies requir­ing large-scale organization.Wikipedia.

These two are just a cou­ple of the more recent white home grown ter­ror­ists which comes to mind when we con­sid­er ter­ror­ism in America , of course there has been a his­to­ry of local ter­ror­ism of all kinds in this coun­try includ­ing but not con­fined to those wrought on eth­nic minori­ties by oth­er groups as well as the United States Government.
It is per­haps too easy to for­get how many times this has happened.


The hor­rif­ic mas­sacre at a movie the­ater in Aurora, Colorado, in July 2012, anoth­er at a Sikh tem­ple in Wisconsin that August,anoth­er at a man­u­fac­tur­er in Minneapolis that September — and then the unthink­able night­mare at a Connecticut ele­men­tary school that December — were some of the lat­est in an epi­dem­ic of such gun vio­lence over the last three-plus decades. Since 1982, there have been at least 81 pub­lic mass shoot­ings across the coun­try, with the killings unfold­ing in 33 states from Massachusetts to Hawaii. Forty-four of these mass shoot­ings have occurred since 2006. Seven of them took place in 2012 alone, includ­ing Sandy Hook. A recent analy­sis of this data­base by researchers at Harvard University, fur­ther cor­rob­o­rat­ed by a recent FBI study, deter­mined that mass shoot­ings have been on the rise.
The per­pe­tra­tors: More than half of the cas­es involved school or work­place shoot­ings (12 and 20, respec­tive­ly); the oth­er 30 cas­es took place in loca­tions includ­ing shop­ping malls, restau­rants, and reli­gious and gov­ern­ment build­ings. Forty-four of the killers were white males. Only one was a woman. (See Goleta, Calif., in 2006.) The aver­age age of the killers was 35, though the youngest among them was a mere 11 years old. (See Jonesboro, Ark., in 1998.) A major­i­ty were men­tal­ly trou­bled—and many dis­played signs of men­tal health prob­lems before set­ting out to kill. Explore the map for fur­ther details — we do not con­sid­er it to be all-inclu­sive, but based on the cri­te­ria we used, we believe that we’ve pro­duced the most com­pre­hen­sive run­down avail­able on this par­tic­u­lar type of vio­lence. (Mass shoot­ings rep­re­sent only a sliv­er of America’s over­all gun vio­lence.) For the sto­ries of the 151 shoot­ing ram­page vic­tims of 2012, click here, and for our ground­break­ing inves­ti­ga­tion into the eco­nom­ic costs of the nation’s gun vio­lence, includ­ing mass shoot­ings. http://​www​.moth​er​jones​.com/​p​o​l​i​t​i​c​s​/​2​0​1​2​/​0​7​/​m​a​s​s​-​s​h​o​o​t​i​n​g​s​-​map.

Since the vast major­i­ty of shoot­ers are white Caucasian male who are con­ve­nient­ly labeled men­tal­ly ill when they go on their ter­ror spree, why is it that if a shoot­er hap­pen to have an Arabic sound­ing name the entire Religion of Islam is on trial?
This goes to the heart of what I intend­ed to con­vey with my lit­tle open­ing sto­ry. Does the polit­i­cal hawks on the right real­ize just how stu­pid they sound? Or do they even lis­ten to the igno­rant state­ments com­ing from their own mouths?

Dylan Roof
Dylan Roof

This mon­ster walked into the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston South Carolina where parish­ioners were engaged in Bible study he sum­mar­i­ly slaugh­tered nine and injured one .He was tak­en into cus­tody with­out receiv­ing a bruise on his per­son. We are told offi­cers stopped to get him ham­burg­ers after arrest­ing him . There is white priv­i­lege if ever there was any.

Major Nidal Hasan
Major Nidal Hasan

The num­ber of white mis­fits who sum­mar­i­ly plot and exe­cute ter­ror plots right here in the United States are too many to men­tion . On the con­trary there are a few instances where some­one with an Arabic sound­ing name like Nidal Hasan an American also com­mits acts of ter­ror. Hasan an American con­vict­ed of fatal­ly shoot­ing 13 peo­ple and injur­ing more than 30 oth­ers in the Fort Hood mass shoot­ing on November 5, 2009 was a United States Army Medical Corps psy­chi­a­trist who admit­ted to the shoot­ings at his court-mar­tial in August 2013.[3][4][5] A jury pan­el of 13 offi­cers con­vict­ed him of 13 counts of pre­med­i­tat­ed mur­der, 32 counts of attempt­ed mur­der, and unan­i­mous­ly rec­om­mend­ed he be dis­missed from the ser­vice andsen­tenced to death.

As the nation grap­ples with yet anoth­er mass shoot­ing , this time at a gay night­club in Florida the per­pe­tra­tor just hap­pen to have an Arab sound­ing name. Of course the nar­ra­tive rapid­ly defaults to Islam , and who should call Islam rad­i­cal and who is not doing so.
As the President said in his response to the Republican jack-ass of a pre­sump­tive Republican nom­i­nee ’ ”what dif­fer­ence it makes whether he calls it rad­i­cal Islam”? The fact is that the con­ver­sa­tion ought to be cen­tered around how to stem the spate of sense­less killings, instead it has become as always about begin­ning an unwinnable war with an entire reli­gion of over 2.8 bil­lion people.
Whether the ter­ror­ist act is com­mit­ted by some­one with an Arab sound­ing name or not the sit­u­a­tion is the same . America is made up of peo­ple from all over the world so of course there will be ter­ror sus­pects with Arab sound­ing names as there will be peo­ple of oth­er eth­nic­i­ty. The fact of the mat­ter is that in most cas­es where they have those eth­ic names they are not for­eign­ers at all but were born right here in America.

Republican presumptive nominee Donald Trump,
Republican pre­sump­tive nom­i­nee Donald Trump,

The prob­lem is when a polit­i­cal par­ty look­ing to replace the par­ty which con­trols the Executive branch of Government goes to the polls and elects as it’s pre­sump­tive nom­i­nee a car­ni­val bark­er and a total buf­foon. Out of a field of 17 can­di­dates this what they came up with ‚a racist xeno­phobe whose claim to fame is being a con artist. He has no idea about pol­i­cy and has no clue how his actions as com­man­der in chief of the world’s most pow­er­ful nation would impact the rest of the world.
This absolute igno­ra­mus could poten­tial­ly be elect­ed pres­i­dent while some nations are con­sid­er­ing ban­ning him from enter­ing their countries.
This is what the world faces, a con man with some mon­ey , brava­do , and a whole bunch of hatred for every­one else who is not white Anglo-Saxon.
