Major Crime Leaders In Jamaica Are Indistinguishable From Major Players In Both Political Parties.


The head­lines in the Jamaica DailyGleaner this morn­ing spoke vol­umes today Thursday September 29th.
♦ Support grow­ing for lim­it­ed state of emergency.
♦Cops con­fi­dent in war against MoBay thugs — We have a lot of assets, but there could always be more, says Commish.
♦Montague: We are reap­ing the whirl­wind — Security min­is­ter cites social decay as he out­lines response to St James violence.
♦Last Chance’ — Stakeholders Warn Of Business, Tourism Fallout If Crime Not Curbed Next Month.
♦Queen Ifrica’s Grim Picture Of Montego Bay.
♦Editorial | Attack The Emergency With Emergency.
♦Devon Dick| Visit from a gunman?
♦Letter Of The Day | Stop The Speeches And Start Hunting.

These were the leads on the dig­i­tal ver­sion of the Daily Gleaner . Remarkably as the crim­i­nals push the enve­lope of what they can get away with the dither­ing and the sense of pre­tence continues.
Front and cen­ter to the debate of the exis­ten­tial threat faced by the nation and the ever slid­ing scale of what’s accept­able, is the talk about rights.

I fun­da­men­tal­ly respect the right of each and every one of those peo­ple to be dead right.
To those peo­ple, each and every one of you I do not advo­cate for you , I do not assume to speak on your behalf.
Now to the silent major­i­ty of ordi­nary Jamaicans like my fam­i­ly mem­bers and friends who have no con­nec­tion to crim­i­nals and their nefar­i­ous activ­i­ties I share your pain.
For the fam­i­lies of the police offi­cers and mem­bers of our nation’s mil­i­tary who are not involved in crim­i­nal­i­ty , I share your pain.
There is noth­ing I could pos­si­bly tell you that you do not already know. Nevertheless it is still impor­tant that you be remind­ed that you have the pow­er in your hands .How you uti­lize that pow­er is up to you.

Over the years you have seen the lev­el of crime in our coun­try grad­u­al­ly esca­late on a con­tin­u­ous upward tra­jec­to­ry . What you have not seen is a less­ing of those levels.
Regardless of what your polit­i­cal or oth­er lead­ers tell you, crime is not get­ting better.
The goal-post is being con­tin­u­al­ly moved on the lev­els of crim­i­nal con­duct. The Envelope is being pushed on what the crim­i­nal under­world is allowed to get away with.
Simply put, your elect­ed lead­ers , your busi­ness lead­ers, and even some of your reli­gious lead­ers are lying to you.
Political lead­ers are still putting guns into the hands of the young people.
Political lead­ers have turned their backs and allowed guns and ammu­ni­tion to flood the Island through Haiti and oth­er points of ori­gin with­out lift­ing a fin­ger to do any­thing about it.

Do not be fooled about what is hap­pen­ing even in the tourism sec­tor there is only an out­cry when their bot­tom-line is imperiled.
The steps being tak­en sup­pos­ed­ly in your inter­est are designed to pla­cate you rather than to solve the problems.
Your polit­i­cal lead­ers have no inten­tion of solv­ing crime in Jamaica . Look at the pro­lif­ic rise and expan­sion of the gar­risons in our coun­try, ask your­selves whether the PNP or the JLP is inter­est­ed in solv­ing the crime Problem in our country.
I point you to a Devon Dick Column in Thursday’s Daily Gleaner , read and decide for yourselves.

Crime is big busi­ness in our coun­try , it is, and has been ger­mane to who gets elect­ed to polit­i­cal office for decades. Business lead­ers from top to bot­tom bring in con­tra­band and stiff the coun­try of much need­ed revenue.
The Customs depart­ment has been a cesspool of graft , theft, and cor­rup­tion for decades. Lowly cus­tom offi­cers have owned some of the most pres­ti­gious homes and dri­ven lux­u­ry cars on their stipend salaries. No one both­ered to demand to know from what sources are those rev­enues derived. Jamaicans return­ing to the Island knows quite well where they get the mon­ey from.
Governments of both polit­i­cal par­ties com­mit the most egre­gious frauds and acts of cor­rup­tion, sub­ject­ing yet unborn gen­er­a­tions to lives of debt and impoverishment.
In response to your out­cry they empow­er a Contractor General law but gave the office no pow­er to pros­e­cute them. The con­trac­tor gen­er­al can bark all he wants, your thiev­ing politi­cians laugh with total dis­dain know­ing full well they are untouchable..

Literally every Government agency is a bureau­crat­ic cesspool of graft and extor­tion and a maze-like morass of incom­pe­tence . The RJD, Motor vehi­cle depart­ment. Passport depart­ment, every­thing depends on indi­vid­u­als abil­i­ty to pay or more appro­pri­ate­ly their abil­i­ty to be extorted.
No pub­lic sec­tor depart­ment is free from Corruption, Nepotism, and Extortion.
None !!!!
As such, lit­er­al­ly every pri­vate sec­tor enti­ty, every non gov­ern­men­tal orga­ni­za­tion has been taint­ed to some degree with the cor­ro­sive taint of graft , theft, and corruption.
What did you , all of you expect was going to hap­pen to your police department?
Did you think for a moment they would be the only pub­lic sec­tor work­ers untouched by the corruption?
Did you real­ly believe they cre­at­ed INDECOM to root out police cor­rup­tion? Or are you now rec­og­niz­ing that it was just anoth­er attempt at hol­low­ing out the already inef­fec­tu­al police department?
Look at the num­bers of cor­rupt cops suc­ces­sive Commissioners of police have root­ed out on their own, using the tools they have at their disposal.
Examine the num­bers of dirty cops the CCRB removed while they were the pri­ma­ry over­sight author­i­ty along with the depart­men­t’s own inter­nal mechanisms.
Now jux­ta­pose those num­bers with what INDECOM has accom­plished com­men­su­rate with it’s sup­posed mandate.

By INDECOM’s own admis­sion most of the cas­es it has sup­pos­ed­ly inves­ti­gat­ed result­ed in a con­clu­sion that offi­cers act­ed properly.
A cur­so­ry cost ben­e­fit analy­sis shows that resources used to fund INDECOM and the Public defend­er’s office could be bet­ter used to fund and improve the police’s inves­tiga­tive capabilities.
Which would reveal who the major orga­nized crime fig­ures are.
The major crime lead­ers in our coun­try to a large degree are indis­tin­guish­able from the major polit­i­cal play­ers in both polit­i­cal parties.
Therein ladies and gen­tle­men is the crux of your problem.

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