Lower Murder Stats Of The Past A Result Of Hardcore Policing: Not Despite, Or Worse, A Result Of It…

Chicago is the cap­i­tal city of the state of Illinois, the pop­u­la­tion of the city of Chicago is approx­i­mate­ly 2.7 mil­lion residents.
The city is con­sid­ered one of the most vio­lent places in the United States, accord­ing to Newsweek Chicago is known for hav­ing the high­est num­ber of homi­cides in the United States, and it’s liv­ing up to that rep­u­ta­tion by already top­ping 400 killings for 2017, after four peo­ple were killed among 36 shot over last weekend.

Despite these fright­en­ing homi­cide num­bers, the killings are con­cen­trat­ed only in cer­tain areas of the city which are heav­i­ly pop­u­lat­ed. You are free to guess who lives in those vio­lent, heav­i­ly pop­u­lat­ed areas.

A south side Chicago neighborhood.

Jamaica is an Island nation whose pop­u­la­tion is rough­ly the same as the city of Chicago’s 2.7 mil­lion residents.
Of the four­teen small parish­es which makes up the tiny Island nation of Jamaica, the Parish of St James is among the small­er parish­es with a land size of approx­i­mate­ly 594.9 square kilo­me­ters or (230 square miles).
So far this year St James which is vying for the new wild west title while boast­ing it is the epic cen­ter of Caribbean tourism has reg­is­tered over 310 homicides.

Leaders, please lis­ten to me, you are doing some­thing wrong!
Blacks killing Blacks in the city of Chicago is not out­side the realm of an accept­able solu­tion for oth­er inter­ests in a racial­ly polar­ized coun­try like the United States.
Jamaicans killing Jamaicans at that alarm­ing rate with­in those tiny spaces can­not be viewed with the same lens. The rever­ber­at­ing trau­mat­ic con­se­quences of this will be felt for gen­er­a­tions to come, grant­ed that there is any­one left.

You sim­ply can­not build a shiny new city in a great big for­est with­out first doing some seri­ous clear­ing and estab­lish­ing an infrastructure.
The notion that we can build a soci­ety of promise and pros­per­i­ty in an envi­ron­ment of law­less­ness and blood­shed is a pipe dream.
This lat­ter state­ment is not meant to be a cri­tique of the present Administration or any pre­vi­ous or future admin­is­tra­tion, it is sim­ply a state­ment of fact.

Part of a com­mu­ni­ty adjoin­ing the city of Montego Bay.

So where are we going wrong?
We need a com­plete 180 degree turn from the way we see our respon­si­bil­i­ty to the crime monster.
As far as is evi­denced there is a mis­guid­ed per­cep­tion among the edu­cat­ed on the Island that crime is a social phe­nom­e­non which must be han­dled with nuance and care.

If that is what they teach them at the University of the West Indies our coun­try is in for a rude awak­en­ing. Most of the coun­try’s aca­d­e­m­ic elites came out of that caul­dron of left­ist ide­o­log­i­cal stew.
The prob­lem with their world­view is that it has failed and failed dis­mal­ly, so much so that even the most pow­er­ful nations which embraced those philo­soph­i­cal under­pin­nings have come to the real­iza­tion that they guar­an­tee only fail­ure and pover­ty for their populations.
Subsequently, even as Russia and China still cling to their total­i­tar­i­an past they have moved to mod­ern­ize their economies, mov­ing them in line with the more mar­ket-dri­ven west­ern models.

Percival James Patterson for­mer PM presided over
years of cor­rup­tion and failed leadership

On those mod­els are built the prin­ci­ple of the rule of law, a con­cept which is not per­fect but one which has demon­stra­bly result­ed in a bet­ter stan­dard of liv­ing for west­ern democracies.
The notion that our secu­ri­ty forces should be cau­tious and care­ful in the fight against dan­ger­ous 21st-cen­tu­ry killers has no basis in reality.
Neither does it guar­an­tee that the fight in which our secu­ri­ty forces are engaged is winnable using those mind-numb­ing­ly stu­pid rules of engagement.

Our Country has a deci­sion to make. Much of what the old nean­derthals like Delroy Chuck, Peter Phillips, et al embrace are the failed teach­ings which came out of the 70’s when Michael Manley was lead­ing throngs of peo­ple to free crim­i­nals from police sta­tions. This igno­rant mind­set has seeped into Andrew Holness and the younger gen­er­a­tion of lead­ers who do not ful­ly under­stand the con­cept of the rule of law.

The stark real­i­ty is that crim­i­nals must know that our secu­ri­ty forces are com­ing for them and if they resist they will be killed, end of story.
The con­stant attack on the tech­niques of the past now cham­pi­oned by Holness and many in the JLP and the PNP fail to speak to the most impor­tant facts.
Their argu­ment that the secu­ri­ty forces had their way and look where it got us, is again a lie which is not sup­port­ed by the facts.

When have the Jamaican secu­ri­ty Forces ever had their way in Jamaica? Was there ever a time in which the polit­i­cal admin­is­tra­tion of both polit­i­cal par­ties did not have their grub­by lit­tle fin­gers in the police department?
When was the secu­ri­ty forces not starved of train­ing resources and pay?

So let’s deal with what they are real­ly deal­ing with when they broach this sub­ject of police hav­ing their way.
It was failed lead­er­ship and the nur­tur­ing of crim­i­nals which neces­si­tat­ed the Suppression of Crimes Act which gave police addi­tion­al pow­ers to com­bat the dan­ger­ous crim­i­nals Jamaica produce.
Other Law Enforcement Agencies like the London Metropolitan Police and the New York City Police Department have attest­ed to the feroc­i­ty and heart­less­ness of Jamaica’s killers.

Portia Simpson Miller.
Failed lead­er­ship on crime ..

It was the pol­i­tics of polit­i­cal inter­fer­ence which cre­at­ed the lack of respect for law enforce­ment in the first place.
It was both polit­i­cal par­ties which cre­at­ed polit­i­cal gar­risons and made them ver­i­ta­ble no-go zones for the secu­ri­ty forces.
It was the cre­ation and main­te­nance of these zones of exclusions(garrisons) which metas­ta­sized into incu­ba­tors of crim­i­nal activ­i­ty result­ing in the Shower Posse, Spanglers, Ratbat, Wareika Hills gangs and the now thou­sands of gangs which have tak­en over the Island.

Jamaica did not become the mur­der cap­i­tal because of tough polic­ing Peter Phillips and Andrew Holness, Jamaica became a crim­i­nal par­adise because that type of polic­ing was not allowed to con­tin­ue and expand.


Year # of Murders
1970 152
1971 145
1972 170
1973 227
1974 195
1975 266
1976 367
1977 409
1978 381
1979 351
1980 899
1981 490
1982 405
1983 424
1984 484
1986 449
1987 442
1988 414
1989 439
1990 543
1991 561
1992 629
1994 690
1995 780
1998 953
1999 849
2000 887
2002 1045
2003 975
2004 1471
2005 1674
2006 1340
2007 1574
2008 1601
2009 1680
2010 1428
2011 1125
2012 1097
2013 1200
2014 1005
2015 1192
2016 1350

Based on the num­bers above it is clear that between 1970 and 1972, under the lead­er­ship of the Island’s best law and order Prime Minister, Hugh Lawson Shearer, the homi­cide num­bers fluc­tu­at­ed from a high of 145 to 170. An aver­age of just over 155 dead Jamaicans each year to violence.

Michael Manley

By 1972 the nation elect­ed a left­ist Prime Minister on a plat­form of bet­ter must come. By 1973 under Michael Manley’s lead­er­ship mur­ders had jumped to 227.
After two terms of Michael Manley’s lead­er­ship in 1980 mur­ders were up to 899. In that 8 year peri­od not only were 3095 Jamaicans mur­dered accord­ing to police reports, the aver­age year­ly homi­cide rate had jumped from 155 under Hugh Lawson Shearer to 386.875 under Manley’s stewardship.
The sam­pling I used to arrive at this con­clu­sion includ­ed only the years 1970, 1971 and 1972 under Shearer stew­ard­ship while the sam­pling rep­re­sent­ed (8) years of Michael Manley’s stewardship.

Given that the data does not include years before 1970, and we do know that mur­ders were marked­ly less in those years it is fair to argue that if the sta­tis­tics were aver­aged over a peri­od of eight years under the Jamaica Labor Party the year­ly aver­age would have been expo­nen­tial­ly low­er than the 155 aver­age using just the three years under Hugh Lawson Shearer.

Edward Seaga.

By 1980 Edward Seaga was elect­ed to office and homi­cides again dropped from the anom­aly year of 1980 when 899 were slaugh­tered to 490 in 1981.
Based on exist­ing data mur­der nev­er reached the 490 num­ber ever again under the lead­er­ship of Prime Minister Edward Seaga.

By 1988 a reformed and pen­i­tent Michael Manley was returned to office and for the very first time homi­cide had sur­passed the 500 mark, for the first time ever in 1993 when 543 peo­ple were mur­dered( not on list).

Citing ill health Michael Manley stepped down and Percival Patterson was appoint­ed Prime Minister.
Under Patterson’s pol­i­cy of “any­thing, a any­thing” crime gal­loped away from 629 homi­cides annu­al­ly when he assumed office in 92 to 1574 in 2007 when Orette Bruce Golding assumed office as the nation’s Eight Prime Minister.

It is impor­tant to note that by 2005 Murder had reached its high­est peak of 1674 under the do as you please atti­tude of Percival Patterson.

The trend lines are clear, Jamaica’s crime rate and more specif­i­cal­ly it’s homi­cide rate increased under polit­i­cal lead­er­ship in which crim­i­nals were giv­en the upper hand by politi­cians whether through com­mis­sion or omission.
The homi­cide rates under both Hugh Shearer and even lat­er under Seaga after which the nation had endured 8 years of Michael Manley poli­cies indi­cate that stronger law enforce­ment result­ed in few­er dead people.

These num­bers are avail­able for all to look at and extrap­o­late from them the truth. That is the rea­son I am and will be a crit­ic of Andrew Holness who as a JLP Prime Minister has depart­ed from the tried and proven ortho­doxy of his con­ser­v­a­tive labor par­ty predecessors.

There is one way and one way only to go after hard­ened crim­i­nals who have made it clear that they intend to destroy our societies.
That way is with an iron fist and resolve of steel.
That law enforce­ment offi­cer who risks their lives to go after dan­ger­ous killers must be hyper­sen­si­tive to the human rights of those killers is retard­ed thinking.
Criminal play by their own rules, which means there are no rules. Tying the hands of police in that regard is strict­ly tan­ta­mount to aid­ing and abet­ting criminals.

Unless we stop with the pre­tense and the hifa­lutin bull­shit com­ing out of the legal and crim­i­nal rights com­mu­ni­ties we can kiss our coun­try goodbye.
