urgent appeal sent by kodi's brother aj
urgent appeal sent by Kodi’s broth­er Sunday, April 6th.

Pray for our Family FaceBook Family our 20-year-old son, a Junior at Plattsburg State University has been miss­ing since Friday night into Saturday1970386_821510291198031_880089478_n morn­ing. He was last seen at a par­ty with friends Friday night, just off Campus. Keep us in your prayers, please.

Monday, April 7th.
Today marks 3 days since my son Kodi Kadeem Beckles, a 20-year-old Junior of Plattsburg State University dis­ap­peared with­out a trace. We are ask­ing any­one who knows the where­abouts of my Son please call 518−563−3411, or 845−863−3870.
Kodi is 5 feet 10 inch­es tall, he weighs about 180 pounds, with low-cut hair, and brown eyes. We are appeal­ing to any­one with infor­ma­tion to please call any of these numbers.

April 7th.

UPDATE” April 7th.



This morn­ing Monday, April 7th after an exhaus­tive search by Campus,
City and State Police, our son Kodi have been found.
Unfortunately, the news we were hop­ing to get was not what we got. Our beloved and won­der­ful son was found dead. I would like to just acknowl­edge the heart-felt kind­ness all of you have extend­ed to our fam­i­ly at this time. Let me stress that at this time there is no indi­ca­tion of foul play. We are not allowed to say much, right now, but we believe there was no foul play involved. We will update you fur­ther as more becomes avail­able. Thanks please keep us in your prayers.

back home Kodes
Back home Kodes

April 9th.

Funeral ser­vices in cel­e­bra­tion of the life of our beloved Son’s home going will be held at the Beulah Baptist Church 92 Catherine Street Poughkeepsie New York at 11 am Thursday, April 17th. There will be a wake held for Kodi at the same venue on Wednesday, April 16th between the hours of 5 and 8 pm. The Services will be broad­cast on the web live @ www​.Beulahweb​.org. — with Kodi Kadeem Beckles.

My son was in such a hur­ry to get going, fin­ish high school, start col­lege, he was already dis­cussing grad­u­ate school, he just got induct­ed into the fra­ter­ni­ty he want­ed to be a part of. He got bap­tized, he got me to stop smok­ing years ago, he want­ed every­thing that was good for me. He was so kind and gen­tle. The world is much less fun a lot less kind with his pass­ing. I know my sug­ar will be a lot less sweet.
My ice less cold, my warm less invit­ing, my sleep less rest­ful. You came into my life and I strug­gled to pro­tect and care for you, all the time I nev­er real­ized you were car­ing for me. I will nev­er be the same. Yet you would be first to ask “Dad you ate, you okay”? I will always love you, I will nev­er stop miss­ing you.

April 11th

A family friend embraces Kodi’s stepmother, Cheryl Beckles, during Tuesday’s vigil in Memorial Hall. Over 1,000 Plattsburgh community members attended.
A fam­i­ly friend embraces Kodi’s step­moth­er, Cheryl Beckles, dur­ing Tuesday’s vig­il in Memorial Hall. Over 1,000 Plattsburgh com­mu­ni­ty mem­bers attended.

Outside the Memorial Hall gym­na­si­um, a mass of peo­ple waits patient­ly to enter the dou­ble doors and take their seats in the bleach­ers. When walk­ing through the doors, the bleach­ers are full, and ush­ers are direct­ing peo­ple to sit in the mid­dle of the bas­ket­ball court. More than 1,000 peo­ple are present, most­ly in black, somber­ly await­ing the start of the cer­e­mo­ny. Emotions are high as peo­ple con­tin­ue to fun­nel through the doors.http://www.cardinalpointsonline.com/news/a‑life-celebrated-over‑1 – 000-paid-respects‑1.2864401#.U1FTaPldWT0

Mike Beckles and student leader Michael Haynes
Mike Beckles and stu­dent leader Michael Haynes

When Kodi Beckles was born, God made a deposit. When Kodi passed God made a with­draw­al. We

 Pastor, Beulah Baptist Church. Poughkeepsie, NY. www.beulahweb.org. Meet Pastor "B". Rev. Jesse Voyd Bottoms, Jr
Pastor, Beulah Baptist Church. Poughkeepsie, NY. www​.beu​lah​web​.org. Meet Pastor “B”. Rev. Jesse Voyd Bottoms, Jr

did­n’t sec­ond guess God on the deposit, so we will not sec­ond guess Him on the with­draw­al. God made the deposit and God made the with­draw­al, and the dif­fer­ence between the deposit and the with­draw­al is the INTREST. Join us Thursday, April 17th, 11:00 AM at Beulah Baptist Church, 92 Catherine Street, Poughkeepsie, NY as we cel­e­brate the INTEREST. Pastor, Beulah Baptist Church. Poughkeepsie, NY. www​.beu​lah​web​.org. Meet Pastor “B”. Rev. Jesse Voyd Bottoms, Jr.

April 10th.
1974350_10201830401661374_7384710298898321807_oRest in peace my pre­cious baby, even as you emerged from child­hood into man­hood, you nev­er stopped me from baby­ing you. God gave you to me for a rea­son, I now know he only gave you to me for a sea­son. You were a bril­liant light that shone through to my soul. You were every­thing to me. God, how I love you .…..tears Kodes, how could you leave me like this». You always thought I could do any­thing, I don’t know about this Kodes. I don’t know about this.

Proud of the fac­ul­ty and stu­dent body of Plattsburg State University for lov­ing my son.

candles burn in honor of Kodi
can­dles burn in hon­or of Kodi
Kodi-Kadeem-Beckles in lights on camus
in lights on campus

Friends and fam­i­ly gath­er around can­dles gath­er to pay trib­ute to the like of Kodi Kadeem Beckles. A life well-lived. Gone too soon, you touched so many with your infec­tious smile and kind heart. No one will miss you more than your par­ents. No words can tell how much your dad grieves for you. I love you more than life itself my baby boy. You were a bril­liant light that went out too soon I can’t wait to see you again.


Proud of the fac­ul­ty and stu­dent body of Plattsburg State University for lov­ing my son.


Suny Plattsburg my baby

club Caribbean board member
club Caribbean board member

my baby Kodi on campus

Alpha Delta Phi
Alpha Delta Phi

Kodi finally made it in
Kodi final­ly made it in




View Funeral Service here. Go to ser­mon Archives, then click on Kodi’s celebration.


Many peo­ple live and die with­out ever get­ting a chance to see how appre­ci­at­ed they are. We would glad­ly give back every­thing we have been blessed with thus far, if we could have our Kodi back. It feels like a Pyrrhic vic­to­ry. Even so, I would like to acknowl­edge the legions of friends, rel­a­tives, and well-wish­ers who gave sup­port to our fam­i­ly. Our load is heavy, our hearts are bro­ken, words can­not express the way we feel. Notwithstanding, the lev­el of good­will all of you showed to our fam­i­ly was over­whelm­ing. Surely we could nev­er earn that many bless­ings. God favors us even when we could nev­er earn the mas­sive out­pour­ing of love we received. Thank you to all of you our friends. Every word, every song, every card, every prayer, every ges­ture is appre­ci­at­ed. We thank you, now we must begin this jour­ney, a jour­ney we did not crave or ask for. We have one road-map and that is the promise of God through Jesus Christ. That some­day because we accept­ed the sac­ri­fice of his son’s shed blood we will see our son again. Thank you for lov­ing and tak­ing care of us. (MB.


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3 thoughts on “KODI KADEEM BECKLES (KKB)

  1. The loss of a loved one is nev­er erased from ones mem­o­ry. May God’s peace bring you comfort.

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