King Charles Compared To ‘Sesame Street’ Character Rosita After He Ignored Handshake From Black Man

I can’t say I feel sor­ry for the ignored male fig­ure that stood there wait­ing to shake the hand of the sym­bol of Black oppres­sion for hun­dreds of years. You get what yu deserve when you fail to rec­og­nize your worth and sub­se­quent­ly allow those who are beneath you to cause you to believe in them enough to stand in line to be touched by them.(MB)

While we are on the sub­ject of Kings. How about a real King?

The new king of the United Kingdom, who has been dodg­ing issues of insti­tu­tion­al dis­crim­i­na­tion and prej­u­dice, has made head­lines for seem­ing to snub a Black man griev­ing the loss of Charles’ moth­er, Queen Elizbeth II, who passed away on Thursday, Sept. 8,
Days after these claims of insti­tu­tion­al dis­crim­i­na­tion made head­lines, on Monday, Sept. 19, Britain’s new lead­ing monarch King Charles III went viral after some­one tweet­ed a video where he appears to shun a Black man in a crowd of white cit­i­zens hop­ing to shake his hand.
The clip, shared by @RamaboduObakeng on Twitter, has been viewed more than 8.4 mil­lion times since it was pub­lished. The user cap­tioned the post, “Black man, you are on your own.”

How about this King?

Thousands of peo­ple turned out to cel­e­brate the Queen in the Palace of Westminster Chapel, and the king and his son Prince William went out to shake hands with the peo­ple who were there to show their respect. The king shook all the white mourn­ers’ hands but skipped the man of color.
The Black man reached out his hand when the monarch was close to him. Charles looked away, try­ing to avoid the man’s face, despite the man con­tin­u­ing to reach out to him.

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Some peo­ple com­pared Charles’ response that of the “Sesame Street” char­ac­ter Rosita inci­dent from ear­li­er in the sum­mer. It took place at the Sesame Place theme park on the out­skirts of Philadelphia when one of the adult cos­tumed actors play­ing the role of Rosita seemed to snub two lit­tle Black girls vying for her atten­tion dur­ing a parade. The inci­dent was caught on cell phone video and shared with the world via social media.

The con­tro­ver­sy comes after the Duchess of Sussex, Meghan Markle, an African-American mar­ried into the roy­al fam­i­ly, spoke about the dis­crim­i­na­tion she expe­ri­enced as the first bira­cial per­son to mar­ry into the senior branch of the British monarchy.

Markle, while not nam­ing names, has pre­vi­ous­ly spo­ken out about peo­ple being wor­ried about the com­plex­ion of her son before he was born.

The cur­rent hand­shake débâ­cle punc­tu­ates an ear­li­er hand­shake con­tro­ver­sy where sev­er­al refused to shake hands with Markle as she joined her hus­band, Prince Harry, and her in-laws, the Prince and Princess of Wales, William and Kate, as they greet­ed mourn­ers who gath­ered out­side of Windsor Castle in England to hon­or the late Queen Elizabeth II on Sept. 10.

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Still, many believe the King Charles inci­dent was not a snub but sim­ply a missed oppor­tu­ni­ty based on an over­whelm­ing demand to greet him.

One per­son on social media said, “King Charles III shook the hands of many black peo­ple on that day.”

Another per­son said, “He even­tu­al­ly acknowl­edged him by touch­ing him now, Nawa oh. Obviously, he was dis­tract­ed as he got to them but he did acknowl­edge him just like he did his neighbor.”
