Killer Cops And White Privilege…


In what seem to be unprece­dent­ed killing of peo­ple by American police more and more peo­ple are get­ting a look at what cops actu­al­ly do while they are not look­ing, of course they claim to be doing it in the name and sup­pos­ed­ly for the pub­lic’s protection.
As a for­mer cop myself I know too well the dan­gers inher­ent in the job. At the same time I find it offen­sive that any­one would use the risks asso­ci­at­ed with law enforce­ment as a rea­son to com­mit murder.
I say this despite doing polic­ing in Jamaica one of the most vio­lent and dan­ger­ous places to do polic­ing , and oh by the way being shot in the line of duty.

So I real­ly am not deterred by killer cops wher­ev­er they ply their trade, nei­ther am I mind­ful of their rabid incon­se­quen­tial sup­port­ers who sup­port the mur­der they vis­it on defense­less citizens.
The attack the vic­tim strat­e­gy will nev­er deter me from speak­ing out against police killing inno­cent peo­ple and lying about it . I believe that on every occa­sion a cop kills a mem­ber of the pub­lic and lies to jus­ti­fy that ille­gal killing the vic­tim and his/​her fam­i­ly is slaugh­tered twice.
As I said in a con­ver­sa­tion just this morn­ing the argu­ment that police offi­cers do not leave home and go out to kill peo­ple is utter and total bullshit.
To those mak­ing that argu­ment I say lis­ten to the lan­guage of the white cops who are caught on tape telling unarmed mem­bers of the black com­mu­ni­ty “I will fuck­ing kill you, open your mouth and I put a fuck­ing bul­let in you head” !!!
Does that equate to intent in law ?
Intent can be expressed, inferred or implied , guess what ? Expressed intent is the most cred­i­ble . So when a cop tells some­one I will kill you and does that it exact­ly proves intent. What bet­ter way to know a per­son­’s inten­tion that the words which the per­son utter?
Only that they are not charged with mur­der as they should be , like every oth­er mem­ber of the pub­lic would be.

White Colorado movie theater shooter arrested after killing 12 and wounding 70
White Colorado movie the­ater shoot­er arrest­ed after killing 12 and wound­ing 70

Murder is the unlaw­ful killing of a human being by anoth­er human being with mal­ice aforethought .
Guess how we prove malice?
Malice is proven by the words or deeds which pre­ced­ed the act.
So when a cops says’I will fuck­ing kill” you and does he com­mits mur­der why he is not pros­e­cut­ed for the crime rests with the peo­ple who chose to remain igno­rant of what is being done in their names.
In America there will nev­er be out­cry about the mass of police mur­der by the broad­er soci­ety as long as the vic­tims are Blacks and Latinos.
It serves their pur­pose well , they defend it because these uni­formed killers car­ry out the sado­masochis­tic slaugh­ter that they them­selves would like to engage in.

Thus far this year cops have killed every (8) hours Let that sink in. Law enforce­ment in the US killed 92 times more peo­ple than a coun­try with near­ly 1.4 bil­lion peo­ple. Cops Have Killed Every 8 Hours in 2015, Sending At Least Three People to Early Graves Per Day Read more at http://​the​freethought​pro​ject​.com/​c​o​p​s​-​k​i​l​l​e​d​-​8​-​h​o​u​r​s​-​2​0​1​5​-​e​a​r​l​y​-​g​r​a​v​e​s​-​d​a​y​/​#​A​P​A​F​i​v​z​6​r​s​r​u​A​u​X​T​.99.
Police have killed rough­ly over a (1000) peo­ple for the year 2015 and it still is not over.
As of March 6th, just a lit­tle over two months into 2015, there has been at least 191 indi­vid­u­als killed by police in the United States since the year began. That’s 191 peo­ple divid­ed by 65 Days which equals 2.93. This aver­ages out to three peo­ple killed by police each day or 1 life tak­en every eight hours by Law enforcement.
So Far In 2015 Police Have Killed Three People A Day.

Robert Dear Arrested Alive Because He's White after killing He killed three people and injured 11 others.
Robert Dear Arrested Alive He killed three peo­ple and injured 11 others.

One of the great­est bit of hypocrisy sur­round­ing this whole police abuse of cit­i­zens is what Vermont Senator Patrick Leahy did in what is known as the
Leahy Amendment.

In the final days of the first ses­sion of the 105th Congress, the House and Senate approved H.R. 2159, the Foreign Operations, Export Financing, and Related Programs for Fiscal Year 1998. In a major vic­to­ry for human rights and arms con­trol pub­lic inter­est groups, the Leahy Amendment sur­vived the con­fer­ence com­mit­tee and remained in the final version.
The amend­ment, locat­ed in Section 570 of the bill, states the fol­low­ing: “None of the funds made avail­able by this Act may be pro­vid­ed to any unit of the secu­ri­ty forces of a for­eign coun­try if the Secretary of State has cred­i­ble evi­dence that such unit has com­mit­ted gross vio­la­tions of human rights, unless the Secretary deter­mines and reports to the Committees on Appropriations that the gov­ern­ment of such coun­try is tak­ing effec­tive mea­sures to bring the respon­si­ble mem­bers of the secu­ri­ty forces unit to jus­tice: Provided, That noth­ing in this sec­tion shall be con­strued to with­hold funds made avail­able by this Act from any unit of the secu­ri­ty forces of a for­eign coun­try not cred­i­bly alleged to be involved in gross vio­la­tions of human rights: Provided fur­ther, That in the event that funds are with­held from any unit pur­suant to this sec­tion, the Secretary of State shall prompt­ly inform the for­eign gov­ern­ment of the basis for such action and shall, to the max­i­mum extent prac­ti­ca­ble, assist the for­eign gov­ern­ment in tak­ing effec­tive mea­sures to bring the respon­si­ble mem­bers of the secu­ri­ty forces to jus­tice so funds to the unit may be resumed.”

South Carolina cop Michael Slager
South Carolina cop Michael Slager a coast guard vet­er­an himself ..

Obviously abuse of human rights and dig­ni­ty only hap­pen in oth­er coun­tries because I have not heard a sin­gle word , nei­ther have I head of any leg­is­la­tion from either Patrick Leahy or any­one else on the mass slaugh­ter of black and brown

Slager murdering Walter Scott a Coast guard veteran as he attempts to run away...
Slager mur­der­ing Walter Scott a Coast guard vet­er­an as he attempt­ed to run away…

peo­ple in America not to men­tion the cumu­la­tive assault on their dig­ni­ty and self respect daily.
How about a bill which bans fund­ing to police depart­ments which abuse the rights of citizens?
How about a bill which goes after killer cops who have lengthy records of abuse and no action is tak­en to rid the depart­ment of them .?
It is not enough for Mayor Rahm Emanuel to say “I own it , it hap­pened on my watch” , it was Emanuel and oth­er offi­cials who sought to keep the vis­cous cold-blood­ed slaugh­ter of Laquan McDonald under wraps.

Laquan McDonald
Laquan McDonald

Laquan McDonald could be alive today if the aggres­sive racist piece of human garbage parad­ing as a police offi­cer was removed from the depart­ment long ago .
Jason Van Dyke report­ed­ly had over (20) com­plaints of abu­sive and harm­ful behav­ior to the pub­lic and in one case a mem­ber of the pub­lic was even award­ed thou­sands of dol­lars yet no action was tak­en against Van Dyke, he was allowed to keep wear­ing the uni­form of a police officer.
Emanuel is not sor­ry for the killing of this trou­bled teen , he is sor­ry the facts were forced out into the open by jour­nal­ists who stayed true to their com­mit­ment and calling.
Can Emanuel, the Prosecutor or police offi­cials say the same ?

Chicago cop Jason Van Dyke fired (16)bullets into the body of 17 year old troubled teen Laquan McDonald he kept firing even as the teen's body lay on the ground twitching . It was the most egregious example yet of police terrorism I have ever seen.
Chicago cop Jason Van Dyke fired (16)bullets into the body of 17 year old trou­bled teen Laquan McDonald he kept fir­ing even as the teen’s body lay on the ground twitch­ing .
It was the most egre­gious exam­ple yet of police ter­ror­ism I have ever seen.

In the age of round the clock talk about ter­ror­ism and the demo­niz­ing of Muslims when mis­guid­ed zealots com­mit mass mur­der while hid­ing behind reli­gion, it is easy to dis­re­gard the home grown ter­ror­ism right here by a dif­fer­ent kind of ter­ror­ist oper­at­ing under the ban­ner and with the pro­tec­tion of the law.
Chicago cop Jason Van Dyke fired (16)bullets into the body of 17 year old trou­bled teen Laquan McDonald. He kept fir­ing even as the teen’s body lay on the ground twitch­ing . It was the most egre­gious exam­ple yet of police ter­ror­ism I have ever seen.
Van Dyke fired (16) bul­lets at Laquan McDonald even as McDonald was felled by the very first shot.
The first bul­let was ille­gal because he had no rea­son to fire his weapon.
The (15) bul­lets Van Dyke fired after McDonald was down was reck­less, depraved, indif­fer­ent , vicious­ly mur­der­ous, cal­lous yet they revealed the lev­el of mur­der­ous intent Jason Van Dyke har­bored for the peo­ple he col­lect­ed a salary to pro­tect and serve.

Charleston, S.C., shooting suspect Dylann Storm Roof, second from left, is escorted from the Shelby Police Department in Shelby, N.C., Thursday, June 18, 2015. Roof is a suspect in the shooting of several people Wednesday night at the historic The Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, S.C. (AP Photo/Chuck Burton)
Charleston, S.C., shoot­ing sus­pect Dylann Storm Roof, sec­ond from left, is escort­ed from the Shelby Police Department in Shelby, N.C., Thursday, June 18, 2015. 

It is the same sick dement­ed yet bla­tant risqué will­ful­ness with which Staten Island cop Daniel Pantaleo mur­dered Eric Garner.
The same casu­al unmind­ful delib­er­a­tion with which Ferguson Missouri cop Darren Wilson vicious­ly fired and fired and fired until Michael Brown was a bul­let rid­dled mass of human remains.
The sick cal­lous dis­re­gard for black and brown lives are well doc­u­ment­ed from the uncon­scionable slaugh­ter of (12)year Tamir Rice to the man who evad­ed police on the Saw Mill River Parkway who had no weapon but end­ed up killed by police anyway.
White shoot­er Dylan Roof slaugh­tered (9) peo­ple who wel­comed the dement­ed sav­age into their prayer meet­ing he was cap­tured alive.
On and on we see white priv­i­lege at work in the most egre­gious and shame­less way , they don’t even try to defend it, cer­tain­ly not since Barack Obama ascend­ed to the presidency>
It is a white-lash[sic] at the temer­i­ty of a black man to attain the high­est fortress of white Supremacy, they can’t get to him but they will get to those they can. Some argue the slaugh­ter has been going on for­ev­er we were just not aware at the breadth, width and depth of it , nei­ther were we aware of the heights to which Racism is still entrenched in the society.
Until you begin to lis­ten to Senior Supreme Court Associate Justice Antonin Scalia you prob­a­bly thought you could trust the courts to be just. Now you get an idea of what peo­ple of col­or are up against in this land of the free home of the brave.
The advent of social media and cam­era phones have seis­mi­cal­ly changed the par­a­digm, they do not deny it much any­more they sim­ply enforce it.

Alternet​.org said this.
White shoot­ers live and maybe get a Whopper on the way to jail. Black sus­pects don’t get the same roy­al treatment.
A bit of an under­state­ment how­ev­er the web­site said .Privilege con­sists of unearned advan­tages. Privilege is a sys­tem of pow­er rela­tion­ships. And priv­i­lege con­sists of all of the incon­ve­niences, chal­lenges and oppor­tu­ni­ties denied that a per­son does not have to ever think or wor­ry about.Warped White Privilege and the Planned Parenthood Killer.
Amid the (24) hour mass hys­te­ria sur­round­ing the issue of Islamist ter­ror­ism , far more whites are killing every­one else in America and far more police killings are occur­ring than peo­ple killed by Muslims.
Those are the irrefutable facts.
They have no shame , they nev­er did. They killed the Indians. They killed mil­lions dur­ing the slave trade .They killed mil­lions more after and they will kill as many more as they are allowed to kill. It’s in their DNA.
