KD Knight’s Views On The Monarchy Sound/​wrong Forum

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Former PNP Member of Parliament and Minister of National Security KD Knight recent­ly asked a Judge for per­mis­sion to sit dur­ing the start of court ses­sions in which an offi­cer declares the pro­ceed­ings open.
Knight, as many peo­ple are, is uncom­fort­able with the idea of ask­ing God to save the King. Parish Judge Maxine Ellis did not grant Knight’s wish, upon which he told the judge that he would not be there for the open­ing of the court, which the judge agreed to. This was no great com­pro­mise as there is no rule that makes it manda­to­ry for a lawyer to be present in court for the open­ing proceedings.

KD Knight

Knight has had the title of Queen’s Counsel for years now; how­ev­er, since the pass­ing of Queen Elizabeth and the ascen­sion of Charles to the British throne, that title became King’s Counsel. Pressed by Journalists as to his rea­son for not relin­quish­ing the title ‘King’s Counsel’, Knight said the fol­low­ing.‘There is no oth­er appro­pri­ate or accept­able way, at this time, of address­ing senior lawyers”. 
This made me laugh. These peo­ple, even those who are so-called edu­cat­ed, are so hung up on titles and for­mal­i­ties that they miss the for­est for the trees. Why is it impor­tant that peo­ple know that you are a senior lawyer? I believe every­one can see that you are damn old. Give me a f*****g break, dude.
KD Knight is a bril­liant Attorney who ought to know bet­ter. However, indoc­tri­na­tion and social­iza­tion into the colo­nial way of think­ing are still evi­dent even when we try to extri­cate our­selves from the same indoc­tri­na­tion and socialization.

KD Knight is per­fect­ly right about not want­i­ng to pray for God to save the King. He is also cor­rect about the injus­tices met­ed out to our peo­ple for hun­dreds of years by the very same British Monarchy, but the court is hard­ly the place to make a stand. Inside the court is hard­ly the hill KD Knight should wage this fight.
“The only save I would like God to save him is to allow him and the monar­chy to adhere to Christian prin­ci­ples, one of which is ‘Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s’, and they have things for us that they need to give. I don’t want any mon­ey from them,” Knight said. “My race has a right to repa­ra­tion, and I don’t want them to give a mil­lion dol­lars here and a bil­lion dol­lars there. I want them to give three things. I want them to deal with health, because they suf­fered bad­ly, my fore­par­ents. I want them to put in place in the coun­try a First World health sys­tem which includes build­ings, equip­ment and trans­porta­tion. I want them to deal with edu­ca­tion because they had me on a farm when I should be in school and there­fore I want a First World edu­ca­tion sys­tem. We need a prop­er rail and trans­porta­tion sys­tem. When we tried to run away, they chased us with dogs, and they had their guns, and we felt inse­cure.” Knight said.

Knight’s argu­ment to the court was mis­placed and is bet­ter served in edu­ca­tion­al forums in which he, as a senior mem­ber of the bar, can effec­tive­ly edu­cate the pub­lic on the neces­si­ty for not just a new con­sti­tu­tion but for repa­ra­tions from the British Monarchy.
Let us hope the bril­liant KD, as we affec­tion­ate­ly call him, will be an inte­gral part of the dis­cus­sions around a new con­sti­tu­tion and what will be in it…


Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.
