Jamaica’s Criminal Loving Judges:

On July 14th of this year this web­site was born, con­trary to con­ven­tion­al wis­dom I launched with­out an appre­cia­ble vol­ume of con­tent as would have been the pru­dent thing to do, the rea­son I could­n’t wait for con­tent was an issue that enraged a lot of peo­ple, the killing of Young Khajeel Mais. I wrote my first blog then and titled it


 Khajeel Mais
Khajeel Mais

Readers may go back and read that vir­gin blog , but I would like to tell you about this young man whom I nev­er met ‚but whose death unearthed some­thing inside of me.

17 years old school-boy Khajeel Mais was killed in an appar­ent case of road rage gone ter­ri­bly wrong .
Young Mais, an inno­cent vic­tim rid­ing in the back of a Cab to a fête at a high School, became the vic­tim of a ter­ri­ble case of road rage, when the cab in which he was a pas­sen­ger alleged­ly ran into the back of a BMW-x6 sport util­i­ty vehicle.
Its is alleged that the dri­ver of the sport util­i­ty vehi­cle emerged from the vehi­cle fir­ing at the cab, the cab dri­ver it is report­ed turned his cab around and head­ed in the oppo­site direc­tion ‚with the x6 dri­ver still fir­ing. The cab dri­ver lat­er dis­cov­ered that young Khajeel was killed shot through the head.

Without rehash­ing the sto­ry, the killer was lat­er iden­ti­fied as Patrick Powell a busi­ness-man with a lot of influence,Mister Powell had tak­en off to the United States after the shoot­ing, Police, des­per­ate for his return to the Island arrest­ed his son on an out­stand­ing war­rant for what we were told was a felony wound­ing , the vic­tim is report­ed­ly now a crip­ple after the assault by the junior Powell. The rea­son he was not arrest­ed before is open to your spec­u­la­tion and as such I will not bela­bor that point here. Patrick Powell returned to Jamaica after a series of con­sul­ta­tions with Jamaican pow­er­house lawyer, Patrick Atkinson who rep­re­sents him.

Fast for­ward to November 10th 2011:

Patrick Powell was offered bail by Supreme Court Justice Carole Beswick. Beswick is a part of the Jamaican Judges hall of shame two days ago we fea­tured anoth­er of the crim­i­nal cod­dling judges that are called his/​her lord­ship. Powell remains in cus­tody as the pros­e­cu­tor has the right to object to bail under the bail act. Beswick has grant­ed Powell bail in the sum of 10 mil­lion dol­lars ‚he is to sur­ren­der his trav­el doc­u­ments and report to the police three times week­ly. As a for­mer police officerI was enthralled by this non­sense, report to the police? All one needs is to get out of jail , if a sus­pect wants to run the police can wait for that first vis­it all they want , a sus­pect could be any­where with a new identity.

Patrick Powell
Patrick Powell

This is not a stretch of the imag­i­na­tion, he ran before. Beswick tried to insu­late her­self from the howls of con­dem­na­tion that she knew was sure to emanate from her actions, brought to bear by vig­i­lant cit­i­zens like yours tru­ly and oth­ers, here’s what she had to say. Quote ” I am for­ti­fied by the law and cas­es from the judi­cial com­mit­tee of the United Kingdom Privy Council that bail was not to be with­held as a form of pun­ish­ment

Ok I am not a lawyer , but where is the pun­ish­ment? The kid is dead Khajeel Mais will not get a chance to enjoy the life God gave him,what part of this does these morons that pass for judges do not get. One of the pri­ma­ry rea­son for the denial of bail is that the sub­ject is a flight risk (will run) unlike­ly to turn up for trial.Patrick Powell is demon­stra­bly a flight risk , he already ran and had to be lured back to the coun­try. The oth­er is that the sub­ject may interfere,with or be a threat to poten­tial wit­ness­es slat­ed to tes­ti­fy at tri­al. From all appear­ance Beswick has no evi­dence that he won’t , so why not err on the side of cau­tion? What is it that dri­ves Jamaican Judges to love crim­i­nals so much? We are post­ing a cur­rent list­ing of all of the Judges in Jamaica who are mak­ing these egre­gious decisions,decisions which are result­ing in the destruc­tion of our country,not all of them are crim­i­nal cod­dlers ‚you decide , every­thing is a mat­ter of pub­lic record, this list was pulled from the Supreme court web­site. Every Jamaican must avail them­selves to these facts, these are the peo­ple who are releas­ing crim­i­nals back onto the streets ‚as I have said some of the Judges are seri­ous Jurists,but not enough of them ‚when the Magistrates are thrown into the mix we get a pic­ture of why crime is at those lev­els. Judges sim­ply refuse to lock crim­i­nals away. We will con­tin­ue to shine a light on the atro­cious behav­ior of these malig­nant tumors eat­ing away at the Jamaican nation.

Current Judges

The Hon. Miss Justice Gloria Smith (Senior Puisne Judge)

The Hon. Miss Justice Kay Beckford

The Hon. Mr. Justice Horace Marsh

The Hon. Mr. Justice Donald McIntosh

The Hon. Mr. Justice B. Andrew Rattray

The Hon. Mrs. Justice Carol Lawrence-Beswick

The Hon. Mr. Justice Lennox Campbell

The Hon. Mr. Justice Patrick Brooks

The Hon. Mrs. Justice Marjorie Cole-Smith

The Hon. Miss Justice Paulette Williams

The Hon. Mr. Justice Courtney Daye

The Hon. Miss Justice Ingrid Mangatal

The Hon. Mr. Justice Raymund King

The Hon. Mr. Justice Bryan Sykes

The Hon. Miss Justice Jennifer Straw

The Hon. Mrs. Justice Almarie Sinclair-Haynes

The Hon. Mr. Justice Leighton Pusey

The Hon. Miss Justice Christine McDonald

The Hon. Mr. Justice Martin Gayle

The Hon. Mrs. Justice Marva McDonald-Bishop

The Hon. Mr. Justice Bertram Morrison

The Hon. Mr. Justice Glen Brown

The Hon. Mrs. Justice Sarah Thompson-James

The Hon. Mr. Justice David Fraser

The Hon. Mr. Justice Frank Williams

The Hon. Miss Justice Carol Edwards

The Hon. Mr. Justice Kirk Anderson

Acting Judges

The Hon. Mr. Justice Evan Brown

The Hon. Miss Justice Nicole Simmons

The Hon. Miss Justice Sharon George


Mrs Audre Lindo

Mrs Sonia Bertram-Linton

