Jamaicans Blame Banfield While Nuancing Murder :murder Is Murder Get A Grip…


American mis­sion­ar­ies Harold Nichols and Randy Hentzel, could have died any­where in America under any cir­cum­stances and this writer most prob­a­bly would not be writ­ing about their deaths at all.
Nichols and Hentzel lives does not mat­ter any more than any­one else’s lives in the greater scheme of things . What makes their demise dif­fer­ent than most oth­er deaths is that (1) they died doing good and (2) they died in Jamaica.
It’s like the pin-prick which results in death, a mere prick but there was so many oth­er pricks that the trau­ma becomes way too much for the body to bear and it gives out.
It’s like plac­ing one more shirt on the rack in your clos­et and the whole thing come tum­bling down.….
You are left stand­ing there , like but it was only a light dress shirt !!!
That was all it took … The rack was long over­loaded a mere wind would have brought it down.

Harold Nichols,53 (L) and Randy Hentzel, 48 (R) missionaries with the Pennsylvania-based TEAMS for Medical Missions were brutally murdered on the Caribbean island of Jamaica on April 30, 2016.
Harold Nichols,53 (L) and Randy Hentzel, 48 ® mis­sion­ar­ies with the Pennsylvania-based TEAMS for Medical Missions were bru­tal­ly mur­dered on April 30, 2016.

So too it seem with the killing of American mis­sion­ar­ies Harold Nichols and Randy Hentzel, who were in Jamaica help­ing to bring the gospel of Jesus Christ to oth­ers and build­ing homes for peo­ple in need.
Both men were sense­less­ly mur­dered as so many oth­ers have on the tiny Island of 2.7 mil­lion peo­ple with one of the world’s high­est homi­cide rate and oth­er seri­ous felonies.

According to the website ChristianPost​.com Nichols’ wife, Teri, who has been living on the island with her husband, told RJR News that he left to visit the work site for a house he planned to build for a woman in a week. Hentzel tagged along, she said, to check on a woman in his Bible college. “He’s building a house for a woman in a week. And he went to check to see if the foundation was finished and to check on the woman it was being built for,” said the grieving widow. “I believe Randy wanted to take care of somebody that was in his Bible college who was in dire need of a house. They were gonna go look at her situation yesterday (Saturday) morning. They went and they just never came back.”

Once upon a time for­eign­ers, chil­dren and cer­tain­ly for­eign mis­sion­ar­ies were safe in Jamaica, not any­more. The killings are no longer crimes they are intend­ed to ter­ror­ize the pop­u­la­tion and they don’t care who they offend.
A recent media report alleged that some of the killings are linked to the occult. Jamaicans have always had an affin­i­ty for and a rela­tion­ship with the occult. That affin­i­ty may be tied to igno­rance and illiteracy .
What we may be wit­ness­ing is Jamaicans engag­ing in rit­u­al­is­tic Obeah prac­tices and Haitians dab­bling in voodoo now that our coun­try has become a home for many Haitians.
That is not to sug­gest that these killings are in any way tied to the occult,or are attrib­ut­able to any­one else but Jamaica’s blood thirsty killers.

It is fair to assume these men were killed pos­si­bly for what they had on their per­sons pend­ing a pos­si­ble and mirac­u­lous break­through by my old friend Assistant Commissioner Élan Powell and his team of detectives.
Gone are the days when a poten­tial rob­ber would cov­er their faces and stick a gun in some­one’s side and take their valu­ables. Taking the vic­tim’s life is prob­a­bly more impor­tant to their assailant than what­ev­er valu­ables they may possess.
The insane and demon­ic prac­tice of(“mak­ing dup­py”) now forms part of the killer’s game-plan as it is to relieve the vic­tim of their valu­ables. The vic­tim’s life is like a scalp to be hung on the brave’s sad­dle, anoth­er notch on the gun­fight­er’s gun .

The con­tin­ued killings in Jamaica are no longer acts which may be looked at in the nar­row con­text of crime. Jamaica’s homi­cide num­bers long sur­passed that which could be char­ac­ter­ized as just crime.
The killings are designed to strike fear and ter­ror into the cit­i­zen­ry. To a cer­tain degree Jamaicans have no one to blame but them­selves for the present cri­sis they face. The tragedy is for those who unwit­ting­ly enter the Island under the mis­guid­ed notion that Jamaicans are lov­ing kind peo­ple who would do them no harm. Or blind­sided by rum and song, which tells them its “one love , one heart , lets get togeth­er and feel alright”.

These killings are par­tic­u­lar­ly poignant as it was just weeks ago my broth­er returned home to Jamaica to do mis­sion­ary work and stayed in Trewlany with friends.
As we spoke before he left I could not help going over a litany of do’s and don’ts with him. My broth­er a PhD has pre­cious lit­tle street smarts . Despite the fact we were born raised and lived in our home­land for decades I found it nec­es­sary to remind him of the inher­ent dan­gers in going about doing what he set out to do in the land of our birth.

Mother’s cov­er­ing for their sons who rob and mur­der for a liv­ing. Girlfriends who active­ly coerce and cajole their men to mur­der and steal so they can be decked out in fake hair and loads of stolen jew­el­ry as they uncon­scionably spend the blood mon­ey. No one is guiltless.
As a young cop girls would open­ly tell me (“mis­sa Beckles mi like yu , but yu nu have nu moni , yu a police , fi mi man hafi gu teef an gi mi nuff moni”).
Decked out in the lat­est fash­ion and jew­el­ry befit­ting the queen of Sheba they would make faces as they tell it, in that char­ac­ter­is­tic Kingston drawl known to us Jamaicans.

CNN Anchor Ashley Banfield
CNN Anchor Ashley Banfield

Responding to the killing of the two mis­sion­ar­ies CNN’s Ashley Banfield said quote …“It’s astound­ing to think that a lot of peo­ple think that Jamaica is a par­adise but it is an extra­or­di­nar­i­ly vio­lent coun­try with a remark­able mur­der rate,” said Banfield on her pro­gram ‘Legal View’.
It did not take long for the fake-ass Jamaicans to emerge with con­dem­na­tions against Banfield with some claim­ing the anchor has a “shaky grasp” of the country’s crime real­i­ty and for sen­sa­tion­al­iz­ing the problem.
Wait just a minute , a shaky grasp ?
What is there to under­stand , Jamaica is a coun­try of 2.7 mil­lion peo­ple some years the coun­try record 1600 mur­ders and those are just what are report­ed to police.
What is there to grasp?
So let me risk the ver­bal assault from the fake nation­al­is­tic patri­ots, let them tell me I have a shaky grasp of the Island’s crime reality.


I Mike Beckles believes It’s astound­ing to think that a lot of peo­ple think that Jamaica is a par­adise but it is an extra­or­di­nar­i­ly vio­lent coun­try with a remark­able mur­der rate.
There .…
Bunch of pre­tenders you.…..The place is a damn kill-zone. What mur­der real­i­ty are you nuancing ?
