Jamaica Will Invariably Have To Adopt Colombia’s Model To Eradicate The Murder Scourge ..



The Island’s Prime Minister Andrew Holness vis­it­ed Montego Bay and spoke to cit­i­zens a cou­ple days ago he also met with secu­ri­ty per­son­nel in the parish who gave him first-hand brief­ing of the chal­lenges they face. The Prime Minister sub­se­quent­ly released a state­ment in which he said the following .

We don’t have a switch to turn off crime … . The strate­gies we are putting in place will take some time to bear fruit, but we are work­ing with the great­est speed and alacrity to ensure the results bear fruit,”. “There is a need for leg­isla­tive reform to empow­er our police – and mil­i­tary in sup­port of the police – leg­is­la­tion that is rel­e­vant and applic­a­ble to the crime sit­u­a­tion we face.

I humbly sub­mit to the Prime Minister and indeed the entire Nation that this fight is an exis­ten­tial fight. If the events of 2010 in Tivoli Gardens have not con­vinced you that there are enough guns, ammu­ni­tion and the will to effec­tive­ly chal­lenge the author­i­ty of the state I do not know what will.

There is a series present­ly avail­able on Netflix which tells the sto­ry of Colombia’s war with nar­co traf­fick­ers. It depicts the pow­er and ruth­less­ness of the Colombian drug lords in that exis­ten­tial fight that nation had with deter­mined nar­co traf­fick­ers. I sug­gest the Prime Minister , the Minister of National Security sit down and take a look at that series.
Otherwise they may do a sim­ple Google search which will reveal what the Colombian peo­ple did to break the back of that threat, sav­ing their nation from becom­ing a Narco state.

Prime Minister Andrew Holness
Prime Minister Andrew Holness

Mister Prime Minister I sup­port­ed your can­di­da­cy for the high­est elect­ed office in our coun­try . At this time I sup­port the work you are doing . You have demon­strat­ed an under­stand­ing of what needs to be done . I also under­stand that there are strong forces arrayed against a change in our coun­try which are quite com­fort­able with the sta­tus quo.
Mister Prime Minister, I am sure that you are more con­ver­sant with what is occur­ring on the ground than most, includ­ing this writer. You live there , you receive brief­in­gs, you see it on tele­vi­sion. It is up to you to change this.

It won’t be easy I under­stand that. At the risk of sound­ing grandiose I am speak­ing direct­ly to you because I am aware that you and some well placed peo­ple in your admin­is­tra­tion do take a peek at this lit­tle medi­um from time to time.
I implore you to get rid of INDECOM.
It is a bad law which was poor­ly thought through, you know it, many in your Administration know it, and an ever increas­ing plu­ral­i­ty of the Jamaican peo­ple are com­ing to that realization.

Terrence Williams
Terrence Williams

Mister Prime Minister I know that you under­stand that I am absolute­ly not advo­cat­ing for unfet­tered polic­ing with no over­sight . I have a his­to­ry of advo­cat­ing for strong over­sight of police but it can­not be an adver­sar­i­al over­sight deter­mined to have gotcha moments of police offi­cers who go out and risk their lives for your life and that of all of our citizens.
Mister Prime Minister the future of our coun­try can­not be mort­gaged on the ego of a sin­gle per­son or even a small group of elites who are hell bent on a destruc­tive path of social engi­neer­ing which has been tried and proven to fail, not just in our coun­try but in others.

Finally Prime Minister Holness, I do believe you are crit­i­cal­ly aware that your growth agen­da can­not and will not be suc­cess­ful in an atmos­phere of mur­der and may­hem. Someone will have to bell the cat . If not you then who?
You do not want to pre­side over the ash­es of our coun­try . Make no mis­take if this regres­sion is not halt­ed with deci­sive action and soon, that will be the result.
This is not the first time that this kind of threat has emerged in our coun­try . It was anoth­er great Labor Party Prime Minister, the Rt Honorable Hugh Lawson Shearer who placed his boot-heels on that monster.
You too can be great , if not for your­self , for the yet unborn chil­dren, for the future of our coun­try. It’s up to you. You must send Terrence Williams pack­ing and empow­er the police to go after the murderers.
The world is watching !!!
