It Is What It Is”

Donald Trump does not know what the term [suf­frage] means. He has zero inter­est in, or under­stand­ing of the wom­en’s suf­frage move­ment. He does­n’t like or respect women. To him, they are mere instru­ments of plea­sure, to be exploit­ed for sex.…. and that is if they are white. It is a whole oth­er mat­ter if they are Black or brown, then they are *nasty* it is the best his lim­it­ed vocab­u­lary can manage.

But none of that stopped the con-artist mas­querad­ing as chief exec­u­tive, from pre­tend­ing to care about Universal Women’s Suffrage. So as the Democrats unveiled their vir­tu­al Convention, the mas­ter of decep­tion and deceit, decid­ed to dis­tort, dis­rupt and divert atten­tion away from the cor­nu­copia of col­or and diver­si­ty that has so far char­ac­ter­ized the Democratic convention.
His han­dlers obvi­ous­ly thought, that hav­ing him on tele­vi­sion would be a good thing to do to try and steal some of the shine from the Democrats, so they decid­ed to have him par­don the suf­frag­ist Susan B Anthony.
In 1872, Anthony was arrest­ed for vot­ing in her home­town of Rochester, New York, and con­vict­ed in a wide­ly pub­li­cized tri­al. Although she refused to pay the fine, the author­i­ties declined to take fur­ther action.[w]
Donald Trump knows none of this.


In response to a reporter’s ques­tion on Tuesday at a White House event, as to his thoughts about for­mer first lady Michelle Obama’s speech, and in par­tic­u­lar, her com­ments that he was over his head, the pre­dictable pet­ti­ness-in ‑chief, respond­ed, “no she was in over her head and frankly she should have made the speech live”. He then went on to say that Michelle got the num­ber of COVID deaths wrong, which is some­thing the goof­ball does­n’t even real­ize is not some­thing he need­ed to be high­light­ing because, in the time that the speech was record­ed until it was aired, over 20’000 more Americans had died from the virus.
He then went on to talk about how the net­works across the board were fawn­ing over Michelle. This from the turd who won­dered out aloud about why no one likes him.
So yah, the Princeton cum laude, Harvard Jurist Doctorate grad­u­ate was way over her head, and the bum­bling car­ni­val-bark­er with the busi­ness degree his dad­dy paid for is not.
We gat that.

See, that’s exact­ly the prob­lem with this guy, he has a per­pet­u­al hard-on for the Obamas, but I do get how he must feel emp­ty, know­ing that the busi­ness degree his dad paid for, avoid­ing the draft on a moun­tain of lies, a litany of bank­rupt­cies after he blew dad­dy’s mon­ey, and bor­rowed buck­et­loads more, scan­dals and crimes to the ceil­ing, and still, he was able to get into the most pow­er­ful office in the world because of white privilege.
What’s more, he had the temer­i­ty to say Barack Obama is the rea­son he is stand­ing where he was based on “Obama’s failed presidency”[sic]
No man.……no, no, no.… you are where you are because there are enough racist whites who respond­ed neg­a­tive­ly to the idea of a black man in a place they had reserved only for them­selves, and a cor­rupt & crap­py sys­tem known as the elec­toral col­lege, which allows for a can­di­date with a three mil­lion vote advan­tage to be deemed the loser.

Mike Beckles is a for­mer police Detective cor­po­ral, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer,
he is a black achiev­er hon­oree, and pub­lish­er of the blog chatt​-​a​-box​.com. 
He’s also a con­trib­u­tor to sev­er­al websites.
You may sub­scribe to his blogs free of charge, or sub­scribe to his Youtube chan­nel @chatt-a-box, for the lat­est pod­cast all free to you of course.
