The Inherently Bone-headed Approach To Crime In Jamaica Will Lead To More Killings.…

Policing is an indispensable function of any society, democratic or autocratic. It’s effectiveness is solely within the remit of those who hold political power. As such we have to place responsibility for the failure or successes of this most important arm of Government squarely at the feet of Government and not on the arm itself.

As polic­ing in the United States con­tin­ue to come under con­tin­ued scruti­ny more and more inter­est groups are mak­ing their voic­es heard an how this crit­i­cal func­tion may be enhanced while pro­tect­ing and empow­er­ing those we ask to go out and place them­selves in harms way on our behalf.
Front and cen­ter in those dis­cus­sions are the police. Americans under­stand they can­not have a con­ver­sa­tion about police with­out the police and respect for the police.
They talk with their police . They do not talk with­out their police . And they cer­tain­ly do not talk at their police.

The President of the United States the most pow­er­ful man on the plan­et attend­ed a reli­gious ser­vice in Dallas to hon­or the five police offi­cers gunned down by a sin­gle man angry at what he sees as police misconduct.
Following on the heels of that reli­gious ser­vice he con­vened a meet­ing at the white house yes­ter­day which includ­ed the police, black lives mat­ter and oth­er inter­est groups. In that white house meet­ing the President of the United States sat for four(4) hours with the police and var­i­ous oth­er groups in dis­cus­sions on how the issue of police abuse may be resolved.

In Jamaica as the streets run with blood var­i­ous voic­es are giv­ing their two cents worth of opin­ions on what is real­ly hap­pen­ing par­tic­u­lar­ly in west­ern parish­es as it relates to the homi­cide rate.
The Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF) the agency respon­si­ble for polic­ing the entire Island has con­sis­tent­ly main­tained that the crime in the west­ern end of the Island is being fueled by lot­tery scam­ming which has become a major headache for law enforce­ment on the Island.


What is sig­nif­i­cant­ly dif­fer­ent between the approach­es of the two coun­tries is that in Jamaica the dis­cus­sions regard­ing solu­tions is being done with­out the police. And absolute­ly no regard for the views and opin­ions of the police.
You can’t make this up , it is out­side the scope of my under­stand­ing that one coun­try could be so anti-police that it fun­da­men­tal­ly denies the very peo­ple they are dis­cussing and whom they ask to pro­tect them a seat at the table..
These are the worst cas­es of the resid­ual ves­tiges of colo­nial mind alter­ing imaginable.
Just yes­ter­day Hardley Lewin for­mer head of the Army and failed com­mis­sion­er of police joined the cho­rus of peo­ple talk­ing at the police .
He assert­ed that there are his­tor­i­cal facts to sup­port his belief that law enforce­ment author­i­ties in St James often get involved in vio­lent crimes.

Nothing here beyond join­ing in the unsub­stan­ti­at­ed bat­ter­ing of police with­out a scin­til­la of tan­gi­ble proof, but most impor­tant gen­er­at­ing some “Yaaas” from the online local papers.
If you want to be some­one in Jamaica demo­nize police.

Additionally one group call­ing itself the fourth floor con­vened a dis­cus­sion which includ­ed peo­ple with absolute­ly no polic­ing sense , train­ing , or expe­ri­ence and Hardley Lewin . Absent the dis­cus­sion as you may have guessed were any police offi­cer of any level.
Lewin whose stint as com­mis­sion­er of police was a colos­sal dis­as­ter was there talk­ing about polic­ing, some­thing he knows noth­ing about.

While all of the hand wring­ing is going on the local papers are report­ing on how lucra­tive the lot­tery scam is . According to the Gleaner a lot­tery scam­mer can become a mil­lion­aire long before he reach­es vot­ing age. Boys as young as 14 have report­ed­ly hauled in mil­lions via the ille­gal enter­prise, which has held Montego Bay and its envi­rons in a vise-like grip for more than a decade.

Not to be out­done the Commissioner of INDECOM not want­i­ng to be left out of the news cycle argued that police over­sight is here to stay whether cops like it or not.
Terrence Williams argue that no oth­er set of work­ers could say they will not do but the bare min­i­mum because they have oversight.
Everyone who knows me knows just how crit­i­cal I am of police . They also know just how sup­port­ive I am of police offi­cers as well.

Here is the prob­lem with this new asser­tion from this lit­tle grem­lin, most police offi­cers in Jamaica want over­sight . Most offi­cers want to have some­one else say this shoot­ing was not a bad shoot­ing. They want some­one else to say this alle­ga­tion of assault did not occur as was first report­ed or mis­in­ter­pret­ed. They under­stand that when an inde­pen­dent agency does that a lot of the cloud of sus­pi­cion will be lift­ed and they can car­ry out their duties as they are sworn to do.

The prob­lem with INDECOM is that it’s nei­ther inde­pen­dent nor fair. It is an agency built not to pur­sue fair­ness and jus­tice but an arm of Government head­ed and staffed by anti-police dem­a­gogues intent on per­se­cut­ing police officers.
Let me be clear on William’s ridicu­lous asser­tion that no oth­er cat­e­go­ry of work­ers could refuse to do the duty because of over­sight. No oth­er job is sim­i­lar to policing.
No oth­er set of work­ers are required to make split deci­sions as a mat­ter or life and death at the per­il of prison.

It’s very easy for a lit­tle gov­ern­ment par­a­site who can­not cut it in the real world to con­tin­ue to cre­ate jus­ti­fi­ca­tion for the blood mon­ey he receives, a lux­u­ry police offi­cers do not have.
I fore­saw crime esca­lat­ing . I fore­saw mur­der explod­ing . I fore­saw crim­i­nals embold­ened . It’s all doc­u­ment­ed on this medium.
When police offi­cers go out and do their jobs and are sum­mar­i­ly , with­out any calls for an inves­ti­ga­tion or out­cry required to sub­mit to humil­i­at­ing sec­ond-guess­ing why would they expose themselves?

The sil­ly unin­formed con­ver­sa­tions about the legit­i­ma­cy of these argu­ments can con­tin­ue , frankly I don’t care, whats impor­tant is that once police real­ize they are being treat­ed like crim­i­nals they have sim­ply laid down arms.

Jamaican crim­i­nals are extreme­ly savvy they know they are being aid­ed and abet­ted by gov­ern­ment and the pop­u­la­tion in their activ­i­ties. When Hardley Lewin and the oth­er experts[sic] talk about police get­ting involved in crime here is what they should con­sid­er whether they like it or not.
Why would a young per­son who could become a mil­lion­aire before he/​she is able to vote want to be maligned , ridiculed , humil­i­at­ed and risk their lives in a job where doing their job could get them sent to prison while they earn pennies?

The math is quite sim­ple, the fix is dif­fi­cult but not insur­mount­able . The issue is that there are too many peo­ple on that lit­tle Island with their head too far up their own ass­es. They have this notion in this the 21st cen­tu­ry that polic­ing should be debat­ed, and agreed upon by no-polic­ing actors and with­out the input of the police.
The left over Colonialist men­tal­i­ty in these peo­ple is pal­pa­ble they still see police offi­cers as night watch­men, regard­less of their education.

Terrence Williams (right) commissioner of the Independent Commission of Investigations (INDECOM), Hamish Campbell, (centre) IDECOM's assistant commissioner and Dave Lewis, INDECOM's director of complaints central region at a Gleaner Editors' Forum last Friday. (Source:
Terrence Williams (right) com­mis­sion­er of the Independent Commission of Investigations (INDECOM), Hamish Campbell, (cen­tre) IDECOM’s assis­tant com­mis­sion­er and Dave Lewis, INDECOM’s direc­tor of com­plaints cen­tral region at a Gleaner Editors’ Forum last Friday. (Source: jamaica​glean​er​.com)

Subsequently poli­cies are debat­ed and giv­en to police to exe­cute with­out their point of view being includ­ed into the pol­i­cy. That was Bruce Golding’s lega­cy , he gave the peo­ple INDECOM . Until this law is re-vis­it­ed the mur­ders will continue.
Until they extract their heads from up their own ass­es and say we made a huge mis­take this INDECOM act is a mur­der enhance­ment law it’s busi­ness as usual.
I feel sor­ry for the inno­cent Jamaicans who will con­tin­ue to die as a result of this mon­stros­i­ty called INDECOM . Unfortunately this is not a com­mon sense coun­try with lead­ers capa­ble at look­ing at issues and address­ing them with balls and fortitude.
So they will con­tin­ue to look at less police shoot­ings and see it as sign of INDECOM’s effec­tive­ness in curb­ing alleged police abuse . In the mean­time mur­der and oth­er seri­ous crimes con­tin­ue to soar because police cor­rect­ly refuse to extend them­selves unnecessarily.

This is exact­ly what Terrence Williams and his bucky mas­sa deputy from England wants . I mean Terrence Williams could­n’t get a high court job in Jamaica. He can’t even get a low­er court job. He cer­tain­ly want­ed to be Director of Public pros­e­cu­tion, that went to Paula Llewelyn. So he went on to argue that his role is sim­i­lar to that of a high court judge . That is the essence of whats hap­pen­ing in Jamaica, lit­tle men puff­ing up to show how impor­tant they are while the blood of the inno­cent con­tin­ue to run.
