Ignorant Racist & Mask Skeptic Louie Gohmert Tests Positive For COVID-19

One of the most anti-mask mem­bers of Congress, Republican Rep. Louie Gohmert of Texas, has test­ed pos­i­tive for COVID-19. Gohmert was sched­uled to trav­el to Texas with President Donald Trump and got a pos­i­tive result after tak­ing a test at the White House.

Gohmert told CNN last month that he would only start wear­ing a mask reg­u­lar­ly if and when he con­tract­ed COVID-19. According to that CNN report, Gohmert “spends ample time on the House floor not wear­ing a mask, often talk­ing with aides and law­mak­ers at length while not main­tain­ing a social dis­tance.” In recent weeks, the icon­o­clas­tic Texan has been in the news for bang­ing on his desk (while not wear­ing a mask) in an effort to inter­rupt a con­gres­sion­al wit­ness and defend­ing sup­port­ers of his who took part in fights (while them­selves not wear­ing masks) at an event being held by the Democrat run­ning against him in November. On Tuesday, Gohmert’s chief of staff used Facebook to post an alter­nate link to a con­spir­a­cy the­o­ry video in which a doc­tor who has espoused bizarre beliefs regard­ing demon sperm and alien DNA argued that mask usage is unnec­es­sary. (Both Facebook and Twitter have attempt­ed to remove the video from cir­cu­la­tion on their plat­forms.)
Read more below.
