How White Evangelical Preachers Have Prostituted The Gospel In Support Of White Supremacy.…

The Reverend Billy Graham has been an inspi­ra­tion to many includ­ing Presidents and oth­er heads of state

Many peo­ple old enough will recall how they felt hav­ing heard Evangelist Billy Graham preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
According to Crosswalk​.com
Billy Graham preached the mes­sage of Christ’s free­dom and for­give­ness around the world, reach­ing over 200 mil­lion peo­ple in more than 185 coun­tries. He leads hun­dreds of thou­sands of peo­ple to pray to receive Jesus Christ into their lives as Lord and Savior. His integri­ty and wis­dom opened doors to offer spir­i­tu­al sup­port and guid­ance for United States pres­i­dents from Eisenhower to Bush. He was a friend to celebri­ties, politi­cians, ath­letes, and lead­ers, such as Martin Luther King, Jr., Bono, Muhammad Ali, Johnny Cash, Larry King, and WWII hero and Olympian Louis Zamperini. 

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On the oth­er hand, his son Franklin Graham has been a mon­u­men­tal dis­as­ter and sure­ly must cause his now deceased father to turn in his grave.
At the risk to his deceased father’s lega­cy and more impor­tant­ly the Gospel of Jesus Christ, Frankly Graham has been a mouth­piece for Donald Trump’s Racism, tyran­ny and hate­ful behav­ior includ­ing to chil­dren.
To Graham, it seems that being a mouth­piece to the despi­ca­ble liar Trump,is far more impor­tant than fideli­ty to the Gospel of Christ.

Franklin Graham

In an inter­view on MSNBC, host Craig Melvin point­ed out to Graham that The Washington Post count­ed 8,158 false or mis­lead­ing claims made by the pres­i­dent dur­ing his first two years in office.
Franklin Graham: “Well, I don’t know how to rec­on­cile that, because I don’t know,” Graham replied. “You have a fact check­er for the pres­i­dent but I don’t know if you have a fact check­er for the media at the same time.”
Craig Melvin; “Pastor Graham, you and I both know this pres­i­dent has said things over and over that aren’t true.” 
Franklin Graham; “I don’t think the pres­i­dent is sit­ting there behind the desk try­ing to make up lies,I don’t believe that for a sec­ond. Has he mis­spo­ken on some­thing? Sure, all of us do that, you do it, I do it. “So I think the pres­i­dent is try­ing to do the best that he can under very dif­fi­cult circumstances.” 

According to the Atlantic: Franklin Graham’s mis­sion field knows no bor­ders, but he’s pro­posed a total ban on Muslims enter­ing the United States. He claims to hate pol­i­tics, yet main­tains a pro­lif­ic, politi­cized Facebook page. And when he looks at Donald Trump, he sees God at work in the White House, not a pres­i­dent who would fire an FBI direc­tor while under inves­ti­ga­tion, brag about grop­ing women, and give away state secrets over small talk.
Franklin Graham also told the media Trump is a “changed man” from when he made his noto­ri­ous lewd com­ments about women. 
All of the lies that Graham has told in sup­port of Trump’s lies while ignor­ing the mul­ti­tude the patho­log­i­cal Trump has told, makes a mock­ery of Graham’s sup­posed mantra of“objective truth”.

Michelle Obama's InStyle cover.
Comments below made in ref­er­ence to this glam­orous spread.

But there is way more. Speaking to the Conservative Chronicle and respond­ing to white Evangelical Christians claim that President Barack Obama was the Antichrist, Graham did not mince words.
“If Obama is the Antichrist, then Michelle Obama must be the Whore of Babylon.“The Whore of Babylon is a bib­li­cal fig­ure asso­ci­at­ed with apoc­a­lyp­tic myths. Graham went on to say there were sim­i­lar­i­ties between Michelle Obama and the Whore of Babylon.”“The bible says the Whore of Babylon sits on a scar­let beast. Michelle Obama rides in a limo called the Beast,” said Graham. “Also, the Whore wears scar­let and pur­ple, col­ors that Michelle Obama wears.”

According to the New York Times; When Barack Obama was pres­i­dent, Franklin Graham fanned the “birther” con­spir­a­cy that claimed the pres­i­dent was not an American cit­i­zen. He false­ly sug­gest­ed that Mr. Obama was not a Christian and might secret­ly be a Muslim. During the 2016 pres­i­den­tial cam­paign, Franklin Graham held ral­lies in 50 states to pump up evan­gel­i­cal turnout on what he called a “Decision America Tour.” Once Mr. Trump land­ed the Republican nom­i­na­tion, Mr. Graham avoid­ed explic­it endorse­ments at those ral­lies, but left no doubt about his pref­er­ence.
After the elec­tion, Mr. Graham said that Mr. Trump’s vic­to­ry was evi­dence that “God’s hand was at work.” 

In all of this, we haven’t yet begun to scratch the sur­face of white Evangelical hypocrisy.
The blind sup­port of trump by the old­er white, more xeno­pho­bic sec­tion of the pop­u­la­tion of which Graham is a part, has cre­at­ed a split in the so-called Evangelical move­ment.
But there is anoth­er wing of the evan­gel­i­cal move­ment whose mem­bers are more mod­er­ate polit­i­cal­ly, many of them black, Latino, Asian, or city dwellers, or young. Some of these evan­gel­i­cals have grown increas­ing­ly dis­com­fit­ed by the close asso­ci­a­tion with the Republican Party, and now, with Mr. Trump. Says the New York Times.

On that note, i is impor­tant that we call out the racist, xeno­phobe, the apos­tate Franklin Graham who believes he is an author­i­ty on God because he feeds some hun­gry peo­ple then dis­par­age them based on their skin col­or and reli­gious beliefs.
