How Can You Prefer To Live On Your Knees Than Die On Your Feet?

Right ?
A coun­try formed on the pow­er of the indi­vid­ual citizen.
A Government made up of indi­vid­ual citizens.
A sys­tem in which the cit­i­zen gov­ern­ment fears the peo­ple, not the oth­er way around.
In fact the peo­ple are guar­an­teed that right to remove the Government if the Government become tyrannical .

The finan­cial Oligarchs pick the polit­i­cal puppets. 
Money talks.
Remembercit­i­zens unit­ed”?
In fair­ness this was the sta­tus-quo long before the Supreme Court’s cit­i­zens unit­ed decision.
The Political pup­pets hire waves and waves of goons, arm and indoc­tri­nate them and the cir­cle is complete.
So what hap­pen to that con­cept of a Government of the peo­ple for the peo­ple by the people?
It nev­er existed

Egyptians stood their ground and were not intimidated by their Government structure which had been in place for thousands of years
Egyptians stood their ground and were not intim­i­dat­ed by their Government struc­ture which had been in place for thou­sands of years

During the American sup­port­ed so-called Arab Spring upris­ings in the Middle East, the world wit­nessed peo­ple stand up and defy tyran­ni­cal gov­ern­ments, some thou­sands of years entrenched in places like Egypt and Libya, and Tunisia.
Governments in Egypt , Tunisia, Syria and oth­ers rolled out Military might in a show of force, designed to intim­i­date the peo­ple into capit­u­lat­ing and return­ing to the status-quo.
The peo­ple stood their ground and one by one those tyran­ni­cal regimes fell.
People pow­er is democracy.
In America Federal Agents were forced to back down from white fun­da­men­tal­ists in Nevada.


Hundreds of heav­i­ly armed mili­tia mem­bers cel­e­brat­ed their vic­to­ry over fed­er­al law enforce­ment offi­cers on Saturday after they secured the release of Cliven Bundy’s cap­tured cattle.

In an embar­rass­ing climb-down, the Bureau of Land Management retreat­ed from its high pro­file stand­off with Bundy and his rag-tag bunch of anti-fed­er­al­ists after the BLM attempt­ed to forcibly cap­ture near­ly 1,000 of his cat­tle. The mili­tia mem­ber showed up at cor­rals out­side Mesquite to demand the ani­mals’ return to ranch­er Cliven Bundy. Some pro­test­ers were armed with hand­guns and rifles at the cor­rals and at an ear­li­er near­by rally.

Thanks: Rancher Cliven Bundy, middle, addresses his supporters along side Clark County Sheriff Doug Gillespie, right, on April 12, 2014 Read more:  Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
Thanks: Rancher Cliven Bundy, mid­dle, address­es his sup­port­ers along side Clark County Sheriff Doug Gillespie, right, on April 12, 2014 

Bundy, 67, does­n’t rec­og­nize fed­er­al author­i­ty on land he insists belongs to Nevada. His Mormon fam­i­ly has oper­at­ed a ranch since the 1870s near the small town of Bunkerville and the Utah and Arizona lines. ‘Good morn­ing America, good morn­ing world, isn’t it a beau­ti­ful day in Bunkerville?’ Bundy told a cheer­ing crowd after his cat­tle were released, accord­ing to the Las Vegas Review-Journal. A num­ber of Bundy’s sup­port­ers, who includ­ed mili­tia mem­bers from California, Idaho and oth­er states, dressed in cam­ou­flage and car­ried rifles and sidearms.

Wild west: The Bundy family and their supporters drive their cattle back onto public land outside of Bunkerville, Nev. after they were released by the Bureau of Land Management on Saturday Read more:  Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
Wild west: The Bundy fam­i­ly and their sup­port­ers dri­ve their cat­tle back onto pub­lic land out­side of Bunkerville, Nev. after they were released by the Bureau of Land Management on Saturday 

During the stand-off, some chant­ed ‘open that gate’ and ‘free the peo­ple.’ A man who iden­ti­fied him­self as Scott, 43, said he had trav­eled from Idaho along with two fel­low mili­tia mem­bers to sup­port Bundy. ‘If we don’t show up every­where, there is no rea­son to show up any­where,’ said the man, dressed in cam­ou­flage pants and a black flak jack­et crouched behind a con­crete high­way bar­ri­er, hold­ing an AR-15 rifle. ‘I’m ready to pull the trig­ger if fired upon,’ Scott said.

Fanatical: The edge of a Cliven Bundy supporter camp is shown near the Virgin River Saturday, April 12, 2014, near Bunkerville, Nevada Read more:  Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
Fanatical: The edge of a Cliven Bundy sup­port­er camp is shown near the Virgin River Saturday, April 12, 2014, near Bunkerville, Nevada 

The dis­pute between Bundy and fed­er­al land man­agers began in 1993 when he stopped pay­ing month­ly fees of about $1.35 per cow-calf pair to graze pub­lic lands that are also home to imper­iled ani­mals such as the Mojave Desert tor­toise. Support: An armed civil­ian waits near­by in some bush­es as the Bundy fam­i­ly and their sup­port­ers gath­er togeth­er under the I‑15 high­way just out­side of Bunkerville, Nevada Land man­agers lim­it­ed the Bundy herd to just 150 head on a land which the ranch­er claims has been in his fam­i­ly for more than 140 years.

Support: An armed civilian waits nearby in some bushes as the Bundy family and their supporters gather together under the I-15 highway just outside of Bunkerville, Nevada Read more:  Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
Support: An armed civil­ian waits near­by in some bush­es as the Bundy fam­i­ly and their sup­port­ers gath­er togeth­er under the I‑15 high­way just out­side of Bunkerville, Nevada 

The gov­ern­ment also claims Bundy has ignored can­cel­la­tion of his graz­ing leas­es and defied fed­er­al court orders to remove his cat­tle. ‘We won the bat­tle,’ said Ammon Bundy, one of the rancher’s sons. Hundreds of Bundy sup­port­ers, some heav­i­ly armed, had camped on the road lead­ing to his ranch in a high desert spot­ted with sage­brush and mesquite trees. Some held signs read­ing ‘Americans unit­ed against gov­ern­ment thugs,’ while oth­ers were call­ing the ral­ly the ‘Battle of Bunkerville,’ a ref­er­ence to a American Revolutionary War bat­tle of Bunker Hill in Boston. 

Firepower: Protester Eric Parker from central Idaho aims his weapon from a bridge next to the Bureau of Land Management's base camp where seized cattle Read more:  Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
Firepower: Protester Eric Parker from cen­tral Idaho aims his weapon from a bridge next to the Bureau of Land Management’s base camp where seized cattle 

The large crowd at one point blocked all traf­fic on Interstate 15. Later, as lanes opened up, motorists honked to sup­port the demon­stra­tors and gave them a thumbs-up sign. Las Vegas Police Lt. Dan Zehnder said the show­down was resolved with no injuries and no vio­lence. Clark County Sheriff Doug Gillespie was able to nego­ti­ate a res­o­lu­tion after talk­ing with Bundy, he said. The fight between Bundy and the Bureau of Land Management widened into a debate about states’ rights and fed­er­al land-use policy.

Deal: Cliven Bundy shakes hands with Sheiff Doug Gillespie on Saturday morning as the rancher comes to a deal to stop federal agents rounding up his cattle Read more:  Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
Deal: Cliven Bundy shakes hands with Sheiff Doug Gillespie on Saturday morn­ing as the ranch­er comes to a deal to stop fed­er­al agents round­ing up his cattle 

The dis­pute that ulti­mate­ly trig­gered the roundup dates to 1993, when the bureau cit­ed con­cern for the fed­er­al­ly pro­tect­ed tor­toise in the region. The bureau revoked Bundy’s graz­ing rights after he stopped pay­ing graz­ing fees and dis­re­gard­ed fed­er­al court orders to remove his ani­mals. Kornze’s announce­ment came after Bundy repeat­ed­ly promised to “do what­ev­er it takes” to pro­tect his prop­er­ty and after a string of rau­cous con­fronta­tions between his fam­i­ly mem­bers and sup­port­ers and fed­er­al agents dur­ing the week­long oper­a­tion. Bundy did not imme­di­ate­ly respond to requests for com­ment. Republican Nevada Gov. Brian Sandoval issued a state­ment prais­ing the agency for its will­ing­ness to lis­ten to the state’s con­cerns.http://​www​.dai​ly​mail​.co​.uk/​n​e​w​s​/​a​r​t​i​c​l​e​-​2​6​0​3​0​2​6​/​S​e​n​a​t​o​r​-​s​p​e​a​k​s​-​f​a​v​o​r​-​N​e​v​a​d​a​-​r​a​n​c​h​e​r​-​m​i​l​i​t​i​a​s​-​j​o​i​n​-​b​a​t​t​l​e​-​f​e​d​e​r​a​l​-​a​g​e​n​t​s​-​a​c​c​u​s​e​d​-​a​c​t​i​n​g​-​l​i​k​e​-​t​h​e​y​r​e​-​T​i​e​n​a​n​m​e​n​-​S​q​u​a​r​e​-​f​i​g​h​t​-​d​i​s​p​u​t​e​d​-​r​a​n​c​h​-​l​a​n​d​.​h​tml.


From Ferguson Missouri , to New York city New York, from Cleveland Ohio to Baltimore Maryland the press­ing issue of police killing unarmed black men is front and center.
Black cit­i­zens amass to protest these killings and the gov­ern­ment responds with mas­sive show and use of force.

In Baltimore Gov.thugs confiscate posters an terrorize citizens who are exercising the constitutional rights
In Baltimore Gov.thugs con­fis­cate posters and ter­ror­ize cit­i­zens who are exer­cis­ing their con­sti­tu­tion­al rights

The shock­ing thing to me is that they actu­al­ly obey the gov­ern­men­t’s cur­fews in these instances.
Why would you allow the gov­ern­ment to tell you to go home and stay home at 10.00pm until 5.00 am the next day?
You are an adult, it’s your city, it’s your coun­try, isn’t it?
You are demon­strat­ing against police killings yet you bow to the very same police dic­tates , threats and intimidation?
Who do you expect to take you seri­ous­ly after that?

These are the scenes which greeted black protesters in Baltimore Maryland. Lets show the world how America handles protest from it's citizens
These are the scenes which greet­ed black pro­test­ers in Baltimore Maryland.
Lets show the world how America han­dles protest from it’s citizens

If you have a Government of the peo­ple for the peo­ple and by the peo­ple, why are they killing your chil­dren and using the very same agents to herd you like cat­tle into des­ig­nat­ed areas when you protest?
Why do you allow them to tell you where you may stand?
Why do you allow them to tell you when you may stand there?
Why do you allow them to tell you if you may stand there?
What are they going to do gun you all down?martin-luther-king-quote-a-riot-is-the-language-of-the-unheard

The American black has grow so accus­tomed to being beat down they don’t even know what they want.
It is shock­ing to hear them talk about their great neigh­bor­hoods in Baltimore after a few build­ings went up in smoke.
In some of those neigh­bor­hoods unem­ploy­ment stand at fifty percent.
Gang vio­lence is the norm.
Poverty abounds.
Police assault and kill with no accountability.
To date they still have not both­ered to tell the fam­i­ly of Freddy Gray how come their son end­ed up with a bro­ken neck and sev­ered spine in their custody.
Yet they lis­ten to the uncon­scionable white struc­ture tell them to trust the system.
The same sys­tem which is an “unjust crim­i­nal system”.

Baltimore Police officers arrest a man following the funeral of Freddie Gray near Mowdamin Mall
Baltimore Police offi­cers arrest a man fol­low­ing the funer­al of Freddie Gray near Mowdamin Mall

When you final­ly gath­er up the will to demon­strate you allow the white pow­er struc­ture through it’s cor­po­rate media to tell you to say your neigh­bor­hoods are great.
I though it was the pover­ty and hope­less­ness which bred the drug-deal­ing and death?
I thought it was the per­va­sive dis­re­gard the pow­er struc­ture had for you which allows the police to dis­re­spect you?
I thought you were march­ing because your sons and hus­bands, broth­ers and nephews were being mauled and killed in the streets by the armed goons they place to keep you in check?
Do you still believe they are there to pro­tect you?
How then do you go on tele­vi­sion to lament when the youth speak in the only lan­guage the pow­er struc­ture understand?
Even King who believed in the fal­la­cy of non-vio­lence, under­stood the rea­son for riot­ing. Stating quote.“Rioting is the lan­guage of the unheard”.

freddie gray arrest
fred­die gray arrest

Those who per­pet­u­al­ly talk about vio­lence solves noth­ing, are the most afraid of violence.
They are the ones who do not want the apple cart up-ended.
They are the ones who ben­e­fit from police oppress­ing the underclass.
It is trag­ic when the under­class believes and buys into the lie that march­ing will some­how solve it’s problems.
What has changed since King and oth­ers marched over 50 years ago?
They want order with­out giv­ing you justice.
Both sides have some­thing to give , both sides have some­thing to lose.
They want order and peace then demand justice.
You have giv­en them 400 years of blood and servi­tude and they keep demand­ing you wait .
Wait for what ?
What kind of peo­ple are you who are more con­cerned with what your ene­my thinks of you than to have your dig­ni­ty and self-respect?
How do you expect oth­ers to grav­i­tate to your cause when you fold like a cheap tent in the face of intimidation?
How can you pre­fer to live on your knees than die on your feet?
