The Greatest Ever Muhammad Ali Dies.

He was fast of fist and foot — lip, too — a heavy­weight cham­pi­on who promised to shock the world and did. He float­ed. He stung. Mostly, he thrilled, even after the punch­es had tak­en their toll and his voice bare­ly rose above a whis­per. He was “The Greatest.” Muhammad Ali died Friday, accord­ing to a state­ment from his fam­i­ly. He was 74. “We lost a leg­end, a hero and a great man,” Floyd Mayweather told ESPN. Ali had been hos­pi­tal­ized in the Phoenix area this week with res­pi­ra­to­ry issues, and his chil­dren had flown in from around the coun­try. One of them, Rasheda Ali, took to Twitter ear­ly Saturday morn­ing to mourn her father.

Rashida Ali. The Greatest Man that ever lived. Daddy my best friend & my Hero You R no longer suffering & now in a better place..
Rashida Ali.
The Greatest Man that ever lived. Daddy my best friend & my Hero You R no longer suf­fer­ing & now in a bet­ter place..

The Paradise Valley Police Department told ABC News that an emer­gency med­ical ser­vices call was made from Ali’s address in the Phoenix area on Tuesday, and the Phoenix Fire Department con­firmed that it respond­ed at that time to a call for mutu­al aid for a 74-year-old male with res­pi­ra­to­ry issues.

Retired from box­ing since 1981, Ali had bat­tled Parkinson’s dis­ease for decades. He had been hos­pi­tal­ized a few oth­er times in recent years, includ­ing in ear­ly 2015 because of a severe uri­nary tract infec­tion ini­tial­ly diag­nosed as pneumonia.

Ali had looked increas­ing­ly frail in pub­lic appear­ances, the last com­ing April 9, when he wore sun­glass­es and was hunched over at the annu­al Celebrity Fight Night din­ner in Phoenix, which rais­es funds for treat­ment of Parkinson’s.

One thought on “The Greatest Ever Muhammad Ali Dies.

  1. I’m so mean, I make med­i­cine sick, ” said the late Muhammad Ali. 

    One of our best and leg­endary black man died peace­ful­ly. Although he’s not here with us, remem­ber that this was a man who was very, very proud to be black and white suprema­cy could­n’t get him to be a boasie slave!

    Muhammad Ali is dead but his work, words, and mem­o­ries will for­ev­er be with us black peo­ple. God is the ulti­mate and the almighty!

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