Government Finally Grows A Pair By Not Attending IACHR Kangaroo Conference

I applaud the Jamaican Government for not send­ing rep­re­sen­ta­tives to a con­fer­ence con­vened in Uraguay by the Inter American Conference on Human Rights.
According to local report­ing, the Government of Prime Minister Andrew Holness object­ed to the con­fer­ence because of it’s des­ig­nat­ed heading.

Reports of Extrajudicial Executions and Excessive Use of Preventive Detention against Afro-descen­dants in Jamaica”.

The Jamaican Government has object­ed claim­ing that the term afro-descen­dants sug­gests that these per­sons are being tar­get­ed by the police while more than 90 per­cent of Jamaicans are Afro-descendants.

The Jamaican Government also con­tends that it has no rep­re­sen­ta­tives in Uruguay where the con­fer­ence is convened.
Though this writer total­ly agrees with the posi­tion of the gov­ern­ment I do not agree with the stat­ed rea­sons it has cit­ed for not attending.

President of the com­mis­sion, Francisco Eguiguren, through an inter­preter, said he did not under­stand the refusal of Government rep­re­sen­ta­tives to attend, he argued it would have been more help­ful if the Jamaican gov­ern­ment had attend­ed to clar­i­fy its posi­tion:[jamaica​glean​er​.com]

The chair­per­son speak­ing through an inter­preter lament­ed that the Jamaican Government did not show up to the talk fest to hear the state­ments made against it and there they could have basi­cal­ly debunked the charges if it did not agree with them.

In essence what he wants is what they have always done, con­vene con­fer­ences across the globe to accuse poor devel­op­ing states of human rights abus­es in their fight against dan­ger­ous criminals.
They love to hear them­selves talk yet they nev­er have the courage to chal­lenge the large indus­tri­al pow­ers for their sys­temic racism and geno­cide against indige­nous peo­ple of color.

Jamaica is awash in crime and it’s secu­ri­ty forces are strug­gling to cope, the last thing this admin­is­tra­tion needs is to give rel­e­vance to the per­cep­tion that police offi­cers are engag­ing in extra-judi­cial killings.
There are more than enough good that the IACHR can do in the world and so they must tar­get where they can be thor­ough­ly and real­is­ti­cal­ly effective.

On that basis, I salute the Jamaican Government for not wast­ing a pen­ny of tax-pay­ers mon­ey to attend this Kangaroo con­fer­ence. They are cheap talk fests that demor­al­ize local law enforce­ment and embold­ens criminals.
I wish the Jamaican Government had the cajones to tell them to go to hell and stay there with their fraud­u­lent conference.
The Jamaican peo­ple have no more tol­er­ance for these for­eign­ers telling us how to run our affairs.
