Giants’ Victor Cruz Says Racial Slurs In Nikita Whitlock’s Home Reflection Of Donald Trump’s America

Victor Cruz said the racial slurs scrawled on the walls of Giants full­back Nikita Whitlock’s home in Moonachie, N.J, on Tuesday are a direct reflec­tion of the America that elect­ed Donald Trump its next president.

Trump America offi­cial­ly has arrived at 1925 Giants Drive.

I think it’s def­i­nite­ly a direct reflec­tion of how this coun­try’s being run and how this coun­try’s react­ing maybe to some of the deci­sions, some of the ways that this coun­try’s being run and things that are being said by peo­ple at the helm of this coun­try and at the helm of our day-to-day lives — our day-to-day from social media all the way up to the White House,” Cruz, 30, a prod­uct of near­by Paterson, N.J., said Thursday in the Giants’ lock­er room. “These are things that are being spo­ken of and talked about on a dai­ly basis, the good and the bad, more so the bad at this point right now because that’s all we have to work with. It’s just an unfor­tu­nate sit­u­a­tion we’re going through right now.”

Cruz said he sees graf­fi­ti swasti­ka, the ini­tials “KKK” and the mes­sage “Go back to Africa” left for Whitlock and his fam­i­ly dur­ing a break-in, accord­ing to the Giants full­back, as direct reflec­tions of the mind­set that is send­ing Trump to Pennsylvania Avenue. Read more here :‑1.2903492
