Gangsters Make Threats, But Good Police Departments Fulfill Promise

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Amidst the decap­i­ta­tion of the Police Federation by the sol­dier turned police com­mis­sion­er, the dis­re­spect Andrew Holness and his National Security Minister has for the police, and the long­stand­ing crim­i­nal cod­dling by what pass­es for judges, the peo­ple are seri­ous­ly suf­fer­ing under the yolk of mur­ders and oth­er vio­lent crimes.
Both polit­i­cal par­ties have paid lip ser­vice to law and order when in oppo­si­tion. It is impor­tant that they do so because they know wher­ev­er the police elec­toral­ly go, so does the country. 
Of course, once they get into office, they begin dis­re­spect­ing the police depart­ment. The Jamaica Constabulary Force has sub­se­quent­ly remained an unwant­ed stepchild, need­ed when need­ed but must not be seen when vis­i­tors come around.
One of the things said about the JCF in times past was that it was a big-foot­ed agency born out of the need for secu­ri­ty after the Morant Bay Rebellion. The nar­ra­tive is that it was pop­u­lat­ed with dunces who could not cut it in school- in oth­er words, fail­ures become cops.
Today there are more degrees in the JCF than there are on a Thermometer, but the dis­re­spect remains. In fact, the dis­re­spect is so pal­pa­ble that even a twice-con­vict­ed drug mule who did seri­ous prison time finds it in him­self to dis­re­spect our officers.
The cow­ard­ly crim­i­nal dressed up as a lawyer and lec­tur­er sought to pass his place by sug­gest­ing cops are dunces.
But the force is no longer pop­u­lat­ed with big-foot cops who are afraid or have no clue how to fight back. So one senior offi­cer remind­ed the clown that any cop could become a lawyer, but he could not become a cop with his record as a con­vict­ed drug mule.
One would have thought that he would have crawled into a cor­ner and known his place, well, maybe he did for a lit­tle bit, but once the smoke cleared, the drug mule was at it again, this time dis­parag­ing the Director Of Public Prosecution.
And now, he stepped down from his posi­tion with­in the PNP, but he is still allowed to prac­tice law in Jamaica. What a trav­es­ty when a twice-con­vict­ed drug mule can be an offi­cer of the court. My con­tempt for the exist­ing legal sys­tem stems from actions such as these. 
I am not sur­prised that despite his crim­i­nal con­vic­tions and faux paux, he is still retained by the intel­lec­tu­al ghet­to to indoc­tri­nate young minds with uncouth, dis­taste­ful left­ist dog­ma and dis­re­spect for law enforcement.
https://​mike​beck​les​.com/​3​5​2​873 – 2/

Nicholas Reuben

Having said that, there are sev­er­al ways to cause your detrac­tors to shut their pie holes. One way to do that is to say what you mean and mean what you say. If you can­not deliv­er, do not make promis­es. Former Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs and Secretary Of State, and Jamaican by way of his par­ents Colin Powell, famous­ly said, “if there is a pos­si­bil­i­ty that you may lose, do not go to war, but if you must go use all of your weapons, win and go home.”
The JCF is far from being a ready police depart­ment; nev­er­the­less, it is far bet­ter resourced that when I served in the ear­ly nineties. The JCF has had the propen­si­ty of punch­ing below its weight class. This may be attrib­ut­able to the lack of gov­ern­ment sup­port and the left-wing judges who turn the mur­der­ers loose as soon as they are arrest­ed. Frighteningly there are peo­ple, includ­ing well-placed peo­ple in the Constabulary, who fun­da­men­tal­ly believe Jamaica has a great judi­cia­ry. On that note, I have a few bridges to sell.
As soon as these mur­der­ers are arrest­ed these dirt­bag judges give them bail and turn them loose to kill again.
Take, for exam­ple, the case of some hood­lums in the parish of Westmoreland, where the police there are being cau­tioned by their lead­er­ship to be care­ful because some punks are threat­en­ing their lives in retal­i­a­tion for the police-involved killing of one gang mem­ber Nicholas Ruben, who his cronies labeled “Evil”.
Now when I talk about these fuck­ing judges, peo­ple open their pie holes to crit­i­cize my lan­guage as if I give a fuck.

The police killed this scum­bag, and a loaded weapon was tak­en from him last Wednesday as he engaged them in a shootout.
But here is the ques­tion well-think­ing peo­ple [must] ask after this germ was put out of his mis­ery. Why was he out on the streets to threat­en the lives of police offi­cers and the pop­u­la­tion at large?
(1) Nicholas Ruben was fac­ing five mur­der charges when he was fatal­ly shot by a police team in St Elizabeth on Wednesday.
Whether he was charged for five mur­ders com­mit­ted all at once or five sep­a­rate mur­ders, there is absolute­ly no cir­cum­stances under which some­one that is such a seri­ous threat to the com­mu­ni­ty should be out on bail. But in Jamaica, the things that pass for judges have nev­er seen a mur­der­er they do not want to coddle. 
(2) Nicholas Reuben is regard­ed as a pro­lif­ic mur­der­er in the west­ern parish­es, but none of that mat­ter to the courts, which have become aiders and abet­tors in the nation’s mur­der statistics.
(3) The ‘delete squad’, to which Nicholas Reuben belongs and to which he is a top killer, is report­ed to have tar­get­ed police offi­cers for dar­ing to want to go after them. 
Again, none of this mat­ters to the mur­der­er-sup­port­ing dip­shits who over­see these cas­es; noth­ing stands in the way of grant­i­ng bail.
(4) This scum­bag Nicholas Reuben was named in a series of indi­vid­ual and dou­ble mur­ders, yet he was ulti­mate­ly giv­en bail to con­tin­ue to kill. Of course, he was quite pre­pared to off police offi­cers, and now that jus­tice was brought to him, his cronies want to avenge his death.

This is where I have a prob­lem with the police, to hell with INDECOM, to hell with the crim­i­nal cod­dling dip­shits on the bench; there was a time when a crim­i­nal who dared threat­en or kill a cop would have swift jus­tice brought to them.
There will be no jus­tice com­ing from the com­pro­mised judi­cia­ry; the police force must become more tar­get­ed, more stri­dent, and more effi­cient. Those who would threat­en the lives of offi­cers must know before­hand that as they issue their threats, they must simul­ta­ne­ous­ly plan their funerals.
The force is weak, inef­fec­tu­al, dis­joint­ed, and a laugh­ing stock. Its lead­er­ship is filled with yes peo­ple with mul­ti­ple degrees and a com­mis­sion­er who is only there as a result of polit­i­cal patronage. 





Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.
