Free Blacks Lived In The North, Right? By Henry Louis Gates, Jr. | Originally Posted On The Root


I hope it’s clear by now I love facts, espe­cial­ly those that sur­prise — even shock — us out of our assump­tions. Don’t get me wrong. All of us, includ­ing schol­ars in var­i­ous fields, have so much infor­ma­tion to assim­i­late on a dai­ly basis that it is dif­fi­cult to avoid short­hand in con­ver­sa­tion. The prob­lem aris­es when we sim­pli­fy and there­by dis­tort. This is espe­cial­ly true when it comes to the his­to­ry of slavery.

Most of us know that before the American Civil War there were so-called slave states and free states. Knowing this, our minds fill in the map with log­ic. If such a line as “Mason-Dixon” exist­ed (actu­al­ly, there were a series of lines drawn by “com­pro­mis­ing” Congresses through­out the first half of the 19th cen­tu­ry), slaves must have resided below it and free black peo­ple above it, with every man, woman and child in chains try­ing to escape to the North just as soon as they could — fol­low­ing the prover­bial North Star to a new life of unbound­ed oppor­tu­ni­ty — while those already up there remained vig­i­lant against being kid­napped back into slav­ery down in the South.

Then a book comes along — a once-in-a-gen­er­a­tion mas­ter­piece of research and analy­sis — that shakes up our con­stel­la­tion of inher­it­ed “facts” to the point that we no longer feel com­fort­able assum­ing any­thing about what was so in the black past, and why it occurred. That’s exact­ly what the great his­to­ri­an Ira Berlin did in his book, Slaves Without Masters: The Free Negro in the Antebellum South (ini­tial­ly pub­lished in 1974, and reis­sued by the New Press in 2007), a book I read as a grad­u­ate stu­dent, then returned to recent­ly, to help me under­stand a puz­zling fact in my own fam­i­ly tree.

Genealogists for our Finding Your Roots PBS series told me that I had descend­ed from three sets of fourth great-grand­par­ents who had been freed well before the Civil War. (Unless, like come­di­an Wanda Sykes, you descend from a mulat­to child born to a white moth­er, all of your African-American ances­tors were once slaves; the only ques­tion is when they became free, which for 90 per­cent of us was either dur­ing the Civil War or with the rat­i­fi­ca­tion of the 13th Amendment fol­low­ing the war.) Two sets of my own ances­tors (the Cliffords and the Redmans) were free peo­ple by the time of the American Revolution, and the oth­er set, the Bruces, were freed in the will of their mas­ter in 1823.

As if this weren’t sur­pris­ing enough, it was anoth­er fact that drove me to re-read Ira Berlin’s book about freed slaves. All of these peo­ple, and their descen­dants, con­tin­ued to live in slave-hold­ing Virginia, even dur­ing the Civil War. (Their part of Virginia would join the Union as the state of West Virginia in the mid­dle of the war, but they had no way of know­ing this when they decid­ed to remain there, rather than flee.) Why didn’t my great-great-great-great-grand­par­ents run away to safe­ty in the North, rather than remain in the Potomac Valley region of slave-hold­ing west­ern Virginia, about 30 miles, as a mat­ter of fact, from where I was born? Free Negroes head­ed north just as soon as they could, right? Didn’t my ances­tors’ deci­sion to stay put in the Confederacy run counter to what we all under­stood about the his­to­ry of slavery?

I turned to Ira Berlin’s book for answers, and I was aston­ished to learn that my ances­tors’ pres­ence in the South and their deci­sion to stay put dur­ing the war were not as uncom­mon as I had imag­ined. And per­haps most remark­able of all is the fact that pro­fes­sor Berlin explained the mys­tery of my ances­tors’ (and many oth­ers’) seem­ing­ly coun­ter­in­tu­itive deci­sions using num­bers in plain sight, includ­ing those in the 1860 U.S. Census.

In that rag­ing year of Lincoln’s elec­tion and Southern seces­sion, there were a total of 488,070 free blacks liv­ing in the United States, about 10 per­cent of the entire black pop­u­la­tion. Of those, 226,152 lived in the North and 261,918 in the South, in 15 states (Delaware, Kentucky, Maryland, Missouri, North Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina and Texas) plus the District of Columbia. Let me break that down fur­ther: A few months before the Confederacy was born, there were 35,766 more free black peo­ple liv­ing in the slave-own­ing South than in the North, and remov­ing D.C. from the equa­tion wouldn’t have shift­ed the result. And they stayed there dur­ing the Civil War.

Don’t believe it? You can now fact-check the num­bers your­self on the U.S. Census Bureau web­site. Amazing, right? Even if, as Berlin illus­trates in a com­pan­ion table, 100 per­cent of the African Americans liv­ing in the North were free in 1860 (com­pared to only 6.2 per­cent in the South), it still is a puz­zle to fig­ure out why the major­i­ty lived below the Mason-Dixon Line. And here’s the kick­er: At no time before the Civil War (at least not after the first U.S. Census was tak­en in 1790 and future states were added) did free blacks in the North ever out­num­ber those in the South!

To me, learn­ing about this aspect of African-American his­to­ry was as aston­ish­ing as any of the “amaz­ing” facts on Joel A. Rogers’ orig­i­nal list of 100. (Rogers didn’t include this one on his list, but he did claim that some of these Southern Free Negroes fought for the Confederacy, a claim that we shall exam­ine in anoth­er col­umn.) Despite count­less sto­ries I’d read and heard about the Underground Railroad, with abo­li­tion­ists on one side and fire-eaters on the oth­er, there was, I now knew, a more com­plex land­scape under­foot. Black his­to­ry is full of sur­pris­es and con­tra­dic­tions, and this is one of the most sur­pris­ing and seem­ing­ly con­tra­dic­to­ry ones that I have encountered.

First things first: How did more free blacks end up liv­ing in the South? Weren’t their lives a liv­ing hell? In this week’s col­umn, I plan to address those ques­tions. Next week, I’ll tack­le why so many, like sev­er­al gen­er­a­tions of my own ances­tors, stayed.

Luckily, Ira Berlin has the answers, and if you seek them, too, I urge you to read his book, since there’s no way I can pos­si­bly cap­ture its many dimen­sions — or its bril­liance — in this col­umn. There’s a rea­son Slaves Without Masters won the National History Society’s Best Book Prize, and Berlin is the Distinguished University Professor at the University of Maryland in College Park (fit­ting also because Maryland was the state with the largest pop­u­la­tion of free blacks in 1860 — 83,942 — and the high­est pro­por­tion of free ver­sus enslaved blacks, with 49.1 per­cent free).

Who They Were and How They Got There

To under­stand how the South cre­at­ed — and acquired — its major­i­ty of free black peo­ple, you would have to trav­el back fur­ther in time to the Revolutionary War, when nat­ur­al rights fever and mil­i­tary neces­si­ty (first, among the British) stim­u­lat­ed the first major surge of free blacks in America. Before then, there were a scant few, Berlin writes (in 1755, Maryland, the only English colony to keep track, count­ed 1,817; Virginia had about the same in 1782). By 1810, there were 108,265, rep­re­sent­ing “the fastest-grow­ing ele­ment in the Southern pop­u­la­tion,” with a dra­mat­ic 89.3 per­cent spike between 1790 and 1800 and anoth­er 76.8 per­cent jump between 1800 and 1810.

There were oth­er sources besides man­u­mis­sions (for­mal acts of eman­ci­pa­tion by slave­own­ers), to be sure, includ­ing an increase in run­aways and immi­grants. Among the immi­grants were free blacks flee­ing the West Indies (often with their own slaves) dur­ing the 1791 slave revolt against the French in Saint-Dominque, which became the inde­pen­dent Republic of Haiti in 1804. In part because of that revolt, anoth­er impor­tant surge in the Southern free black pop­u­la­tion occurred when Napoleon Bonaparte, exhaust­ed and in need of cash from France’s defeat by the slaves, sold his country’s vast Louisiana ter­ri­to­ry to the Americans under its slave-own­ing pres­i­dent, Thomas Jefferson, in 1803. With it, the U.S. acquired thou­sands of “free peo­ple of col­or,” many of whom had sprung from sex­u­al unions between French and Spanish colonists and black slaves.

Still anoth­er group of free peo­ple of col­or (orig­i­nal­ly from Saint-Dominique) emi­grat­ed to New Orleans from Cuba in 1809, in the upheavals of the Napoleonic wars, dou­bling the size of the black pop­u­la­tion there. While the rate of growth among Southern free blacks would slow across near­ly every decade lead­ing up to the Civil War (the growth rate was a mere 10 per­cent between 1850 and 1860), by 1810 the South had a free black pop­u­la­tion that was there to say.

So who were they?

The short answer is they lived as far as they could from what we know as the Gone With the Wind South. As Berlin shows in a demo­graph­ic pro­file as con­cise as it is clear, free blacks in the South large­ly resided in cities — the big­ger the bet­ter, because that’s where the jobs were (in 1860, 72.7 per­cent of urban free blacks lived in Southern cities of 10,000 or more). They were pre­dom­i­nant­ly female (52.6 per­cent of free blacks in the South were women in 1860), because, accord­ing to Berlin, free black men had a greater ten­den­cy to move out of the region. They also were old­er than the aver­age slave, because they often had to wait to earn or buy their free­dom, or, in not uncom­mon cas­es, be “dumped” by their own­ers as weak or infirm (in 1860, 20 per­cent of free blacks were over the age of 40 com­pared to 15 per­cent of slaves and whites). Free blacks also were lighter in col­or (40.8 per­cent of Southern free blacks in 1860 report­ed mixed racial ances­try ver­sus 10.4 per­cent of slaves); not sur­pris­ing­ly, slaves with their master’s blood were more like­ly to be favored by him and, as Berlin shows, favored slaves were more like­ly to be freed.

Two Souths

Here’s where the mono­lith falls apart, how­ev­er. As crit­i­cal as Berlin’s find­ings about the North and South was his rev­e­la­tion that the South real­ly con­sist­ed of “two Souths”: an Upper and a Lower, dis­tin­guished, among oth­er things, by their his­to­ries, geo­gra­phies and outlooks.

The Upper South (think Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina and lat­er Kentucky, Missouri, Tennessee and D.C.) had been marked by its ear­li­er his­to­ry of man­u­mis­sion fol­low­ing the Revolution; it also had a more neg­a­tive out­look about slavery’s future as a result of its increas­ing­ly inhos­pitable soil (for more on this, see Amazing Fact, “What Was the Second Middle Passage?”).

The Lower South (think Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, South, Carolina and Texas), by con­trast, had nev­er embraced man­u­mis­sion fever, and because there was still so much mon­ey to be made off the cot­ton trade (see Amazing Fact, “Why Was Cotton King?”), it nev­er wavered in its com­mit­ment to the slave economy.

Consequently, there were two broad groups of Southern free blacks, Berlin writes. Not only did the vast major­i­ty live in the Upper South (224,963 in 1860 ver­sus 36,955 in the Lower South in 1860), they were on aver­age dark­er-skinned and more rur­al than their Lower South coun­ter­parts. By con­trast, free blacks in the Lower South were few­er in num­ber, lighter-skinned and more urban, cre­at­ing a much more pro­nounced three-caste sys­tem and with­in it var­i­ous gra­da­tions of black­ness, includ­ing mulat­toes (those who would be called bira­cial today), quadroons (those with one black grand­par­ent) and octoroons (those with one black great-grandparent).

According to Berlin, “through­out the South, a light skin was the freeman’s dis­tin­guish­ing char­ac­ter­is­tic,” and “[t]he slaveholder’s increas­ing­ly selec­tive lib­er­a­tion of favored bonds­men and the dif­fi­cul­ties slaves had run­ning away or pur­chas­ing their lib­er­ty meant that free Negroes were gen­er­al­ly more skilled, lit­er­ate, and well con­nect­ed with whites than the mass of slaves.” This was espe­cial­ly true in the Lower South, where some free blacks even owned slaves — among them were Andrew Durnford of Louisiana, who, says Berlin, had “some sev­en­ty-five slaves” work­ing on his sug­ar plantation.

Jim Crow: The Prequel

I hope I’m not giv­ing you the wrong impres­sion about free black life in the ante­bel­lum South, because life for them there was “no crys­tal stair,” to quote Langston Hughes. Laws, espe­cial­ly in the Upper South, reflect­ed whites’ sus­pi­cion (very often hatred) of free blacks, and there were repeat­ed attempts to deport them, to reg­is­ter them, to jail the indo­lent and tax and extort the wage-earn­er, to dis­en­fran­chise the free black caste alto­geth­er from vot­ing or tes­ti­fy­ing in court against whites. To leave lit­tle doubt, as Berlin quotes the say­ing at the time, that “even the low­est whites [could] threat­en free Negroes … with ‘a good nig­ger beating.’”

This cre­at­ed per­verse incen­tives for free blacks to try hard to dis­tin­guish them­selves from slaves, some­times even to “pass” (pdf) out of the “black” caste as “white” if they could. Throughout the region, repres­sive laws helped cre­ate the con­di­tions for a vast under­class that for most free blacks meant liv­ing along a very thin line between slav­ery and free­dom, debt and depen­den­cy, pover­ty and pride. In fact, many of those same laws would lay the ground­work for what would fol­low after the Civil War and Reconstruction dur­ing the Jim Crow era.

By the 1850s, Berlin reveals, only Delaware, Missouri and Arkansas still allowed legal man­u­mis­sion of free blacks, and Arkansas, on the eve of seces­sion, threat­ened its small pop­u­la­tion of free blacks with an impos­si­ble choice: self-deport (where have we heard that before?) or be re-enslaved. The result: Across the South in the ante­bel­lum peri­od, there were “qua­si-free” blacks who had been ille­gal­ly freed with­out papers or prospects. Add to them those who passed as white or were kid­napped back into bondage, and it begins to make even the clear­est of cen­sus num­bers seem shaky.

So under those con­di­tions, why would any free black remain in the South? Next week’s arti­cle in our series will address what impelled my ances­tors and so many oth­ers to stay put on the eve of the Civil War. Until then, remem­ber to be care­ful what you say short­hand in con­ver­sa­tion. As I told an audi­ence in Charlotte, N.C., last month, what was true for the ancient Greeks remains true for those con­duct­ing genealog­i­cal research today: “Know thyself.”
