Former NYPD Violent Thug With 50 Complains Was Cop Who Abused Pregnant Black Woman

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The ques­tion is not that a police offi­cer can and most cer­tain­ly will make mis­takes on the job. As a for­mer cop, I will tell you it is not only pos­si­ble but assured. Like every oth­er cat­e­go­ry of work­ers, police offi­cers make mistakes. 
So it is not that we expect police offi­cers to be per­fect; it is that as cit­i­zens, we should expect that police depart­ments mon­i­tor offi­cers for pat­terns of abuse and take dras­tic reme­di­al action to retrain or remove prob­lem officers.
But, con­trary to pop­u­lar belief and the spiel that police depart­ments put out in their canned respons­es when out­rage erupts, American cops are allowed to oper­ate on their own and in groups and do what­ev­er they want.
The trag­ic irony is that cit­i­zens are usu­al­ly forced to lodge com­plaints to the very police depart­ment that has abused them, which is usu­al­ly met with opti­mum hos­til­i­ty and intimidation.

In the final analy­sis, it is designed this way to ensure state and local con­trol of the peo­ple, par­tic­u­lar­ly those they wish to dom­i­nate and control.
In the case below, a for­mer New York City Cop, who served 20 years left for Florida, one of the many vio­lent crim­i­nals with badges whom Ron Desantis encour­aged to come to Florida to police that state. In oth­er words, Desantis called mur­der­ers and oth­er abusers to come to that state to abuse and kill cit­i­zens there, and they re-elect­ed him with a large plu­ral­i­ty of the vote.

Florida’s Nazi Governor Ron DeSantis

The NYPD is the world’s largest police force, with an esti­mat­ed 36.000 cops on their pay­roll. I sus­pect there are many more, but the cit­i­zens are forced to pay for this mon­strous force large­ly of indis­ci­pline thugs whether they like it or not.
Imagine a sin­gle cop with­in that large army amass­ing 50 com­plaints over a peri­od of two decades. How vio­lent and abu­sive was this cop? He aver­aged 2.5 com­plaints each year and was still allowed to remain on the force to abuse cit­i­zens of the city.
Do you know why he was allowed to remain in the NYPD and was wel­comed to Boca Raton with open arms? He was not allowed to remain in New York and wel­comed to Florida despite being a vio­lent thug, but because of it.
His supe­ri­ors knew he was vio­lent, but they also knew that the sub­ject of this crim­i­nal’s vio­lent ten­den­cies were black peo­ple in New York City, so he was retained for twen­ty years.
To add insult to injury, the cit­i­zens of New York City will be forced to pay a pen­sion and oth­er ben­e­fits to this ani­mal and his fam­i­ly for the remain­der of their mis­er­able lives.
That has always been the game plan for the NYPD and NYFD. To the mem­bers of these two depart­ments, these pub­lic jobs belong to them s a sort of fam­i­ly busi­ness. So fir­ing this low-life thug was not going to happen

Matthew McNichol

Public out­rage over police con­duct and the amount of force used dur­ing the arrest of a preg­nant Black woman has shed light on a new rev­e­la­tion about the offi­cer involved. Viral clips of the May 22 inci­dent have cir­cu­lat­ed online in recent days, draw­ing atten­tion to the ongo­ing police inves­ti­ga­tion and the now-retired mem­ber of the force.
Former Boca Raton police offi­cer Matthew McNichol and his part­ner respond­ed to a call about a pos­si­ble domes­tic dis­pute at a Mobil gas sta­tion two months ago. When they arrived on the scene, they encoun­tered Nerillia Laurent and her boyfriend, Harry Hardy. Laurent, who was around five months preg­nant at the time, con­firmed to ABC 25 that she and Hardy were involved in a heat­ed dis­agree­ment after the car stalled.
“My boyfriend was stand­ing in front of the car try­ing to get me to open the hood, but I don’t know any­thing about cars,” said the expec­tant moth­er. Calls to 911 alleged that Hardy had been observed bang­ing his fists on the car’s hood, but claims of a full-out domes­tic sit­u­a­tion were misconstrued.

Bodycam footage showed McNichol, who is white, request­ing that Laurent hand over her license and reg­is­tra­tion, but she refused. Instead, she insist­ed that they wait until her moth­er arrived. “How aggres­sive he was — he was scar­ing me. I didn’t want to piss him off any­more. I didn’t want to reach for some­thing, and then he thinks I’m reach­ing for some­thing else,” she explained. The moth­er of four was pulled from the vehi­cle after she failed to comply.
After being thrown to the ground, she screamed, “I’m preg­nant! Get off my stom­ach.” McNichol con­tin­ued to place her under arrest as he respond­ed, “I don’t care. You don’t have a right not to give me a license and reg­is­tra­tion.” Days after the inci­dent, Police Chief Michele Miuccio issued a state­ment: “While the respond­ing offi­cers had a duty to iden­ti­fy the peo­ple involved and inves­ti­gate if a crime took place or any­one was at risk, one of our officer’s actions did not help to de-esca­late the sit­u­a­tion. I take our com­mit­ment to pro­fes­sion­al police ser­vice seri­ous­ly and hold that expec­ta­tion for all of our per­son­nel in all inter­ac­tions with the com­mu­ni­ty we serve.

In a report pub­lished by the Sun Sentinel on Friday (July 7), it was revealed that McNichol was retired and that his notice was sub­mit­ted on June 1, only a week after the inci­dent occurred. Prior to work­ing in Florida, he had been with the New York Police Department for 20 years, amassed 50 civil­ian com­plaints, and been for­mal­ly dis­ci­plined five times.
