Every One On That Stage Knew Jan 6th Was Treason But They Still Support The Traitors…

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Someone near and dear to me texted me Thursday morn­ing ask­ing if I had watched the Republican Presidential debate. I respond­ed that I did not care to watch a bunch of pathet­ic trea­son supporters.
‘Treason ’ is the crime of betray­ing one’s coun­try, espe­cial­ly by attempt­ing to kill the sov­er­eign or over­throw the gov­ern­ment.
On January 6th, 2021, armed insur­rec­tion­ists from dif­fer­ent fac­tions of the white suprema­cist ecosys­tem, with Donald J. Trump’s direct urg­ing, attacked the US. Capital Building where Mike Pence, Trump’s own Vice President, was car­ry­ing out the aca­d­e­m­ic task of cer­ti­fy­ing Joe Biden’s win, mak­ing him the 46th pres­i­dent of the United States.

Most Americans until that time weren’t even aware that this mun­dane activ­i­ty was part of the process of cer­ti­fy­ing the vote to seat a new American pres­i­dent. It was that way because the process was a cer­e­mo­ni­al end to the long elec­tion bat­tle pre­ced­ing it. On that day, Mike Pence over­saw the process­es as vice pres­i­dent, which the Constitution man­dates. Pence had no pow­er to act to stop the count or throw out bal­lots; he was there sim­ply in a cer­e­mo­ni­al capacity.
But for his boss, the 45th occu­pant of the pres­i­den­cy, this was an attempt to use Mike Pence to thwart the will of the 81,283,098 Americans, or 51.3 per­cent of the vot­ers who cast their votes for Joe Biden…
Donald J. Trump had tried every legal means through the courts to chal­lenge and decer­ti­fy Biden’s win all the way to the Supreme Court that he packed with his own floozies; it was all for naught. There was no elec­tion fraud. The only elec­tion fraud found was Republicans intim­i­dat­ing vot­ers and vot­ing numer­ous times for Trump.
Having failed in the courts, Trump and his band of trai­tors attempt­ed to use ille­gal means, fake elec­tors, attempt­ing to seize vot­ing machines, slan­der­ing Dominion. a man­u­fac­tur­er of vot­ing machines, slan­der­ing and threat­en­ing poll work­ers, Trump him­self call­ing Georgia’s sec­re­tary of state and demand­ing that he manufacture11,780 votes to hand the state to him electorally.

Every aspect of the def­i­n­i­tion of ‘trea­son’ was sat­is­fied on January 6th, 2021. Every sin­gle American with sight has seen some or all of what tran­spired that day. Every patri­ot­ic American should be repulsed by what they saw. This was big­ger than pol­i­tics. Whichever par­ty engaged in such action against the coun­try should be purged through the Justice sys­tem, the par­ty dis­band­ed, or both. Every sin­gle per­son rep­re­sent­ing the par­ty of insur­rec­tion, trea­son, and total­i­tar­i­an­ism saw what Trump and his acolytes did on January 6th, yet every sin­gle one of them raised their hand that they would sup­port the nom­i­nee for pres­i­dent in 2024, even if that per­son is Donald J Trump.
In most nations, the penal­ty for ‘trea­son’ ‚betray­ing one’s coun­try, is death. In America, the world’s sup­pos­ed­ly old­est democ­ra­cy, the trai­tor is run­ning for anoth­er four-year term to be pres­i­dent. I can­not think of a nation in which there is a rule of law that all of the peo­ple who orches­trat­ed and par­tic­i­pat­ed in an event like January 6th, 2021, aren’t already tried, impris­oned, or executed…
An ordi­nary American can hard­ly get a job with a mis­de­meanor charge pend­ing against them, much less a felony. Many peo­ple have lost their jobs sim­ply because they got arrest­ed for some minor infrac­tion. Yet a man with 91 felony charges pend­ing, who has already been con­vict­ed of sex­u­al assault charges, forced to close a fake University and a fake char­i­ty and pay back mil­lions, is run­ning to sit atop the fed­er­al bureau­cra­cy. Half the coun­try has no prob­lem with it.
Donald Trump is fac­ing 91 felony charges and is the front-run­ner for pres­i­dent in the Republican trea­son par­ty. Let that sink in.
Not a sin­gle one of the morons stand­ing up on that plat­form field­ing soft­ball ques­tions from the anti-American pro­pa­gan­da machine FOX News would stand up for America. They all knew that what Trump and his cronies did was trea­son, but none was will­ing to defend America.
This made them all com­plic­it, but none more so than Mike Pence, who scur­ried away like a cor­nered rat into the bow­els of the Capitol build­ing as his boss’s thugs yelled hang Mike Pence and erect­ed a gal­lows to string his cow­ard­ly ass up.
Mike Pence is not a hero; he is a coward.
Pence had zero con­sti­tu­tion­al author­i­ty to change the out­come of the 2020 vote. Trump mere­ly want­ed Pence to attempt to use his office to dis­rupt the process so he could point to him and say he did it. Even though the sin­gle-term, twice impeached trai­tor who faces 91 felony counts of crim­i­nal behav­ior did not feel he should be on stage with the oth­er losers, they were a[ll] pet­ri­fied of say­ing any­thing about him or the crimes he com­mit­ted. While we are on that sub­ject, Vladimir Putin respond­ed to Yevgeny Prigozhin’s alleged pass­ing in a plane crash by say­ing he was a great busi­ness­man. He sent con­do­lences to Prigozhin’s fam­i­ly.




Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.
