#EatingWhileBlack: An Innocent Black Man Gets Handcuffed While Eating With Family At Virginia Beach Mall

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Another day, anoth­er task to add to the ever-grow­ing list of things Black folks can’t do for fear of hav­ing a com­plete­ly unwar­rant­ed and volatile run-in with the police.
On Saturday, Jamar Mackey was enjoy­ing lunch with his fam­i­ly at a food court inside of a local Virginia Beach Mall. Well, that was the case until two Virginia Beach police offi­cers hand­cuffed Mackey with­out explanation.
Visibly and under­stand­ably upset, Mackey and his wife began ques­tion­ing the offi­cers who con­tin­ued to escort Mackey from the food court and out­side of the build­ing. In a video post­ed to Facebook, you can hear Mackey and the woman with him try­ing to get some answers from the offi­cers but to no avail.
“But what did he do?” the woman ques­tioned. “Can you just tell us, we just came with our babies. We don’t even have a Black truck.”

Insider reports that when offi­cers final­ly got out­side, they attempt­ed to explain the sit­u­a­tion to Mackey and his fam­i­ly, who had fol­lowed them out­side to con­tin­ue record­ing. According to police, Mackey and appar­ent­ly his son “matched the descrip­tion” of a per­son they were look­ing for who was sus­pect­ed of using stolen cred­it cards inside the mall. “We got a descrip­tion of some­one who was using stolen cred­it cards, OK?” police explained after final­ly remov­ing the hand­cuffs from off of a now irate Mackey. “That per­son is a Black male with dreads and was wear­ing all black and was with a boy who was wear­ing red, OK?” The cam­era then pans over to anoth­er pair that a dif­fer­ent set of police were also ques­tion­ing on the oth­er side of the mall entrance.

It was a big mis­un­der­stand­ing,” the offi­cer explained. The woman with Mackey respond­ed, “this is so embar­rass­ing” and pro­ceed­ed to ask for the name of the offi­cer and num­ber that she could call to han­dle the mat­ter further.The Virginia Beach Police Department has since launched an inves­ti­ga­tion into the inci­dent and Chief of Police Paul Neudigate said in a statement:
“Certainly, any­one would be upset about being detained for some­thing they didn’t do” said Chief Neudigate. “While the video shows the offi­cer stayed calm and respect­ful through­out the brief encounter, we must ensure the sit­u­a­tion mer­its the response. We are gath­er­ing all the facts to eval­u­ate the inci­dent so we can address the con­cerns peo­ple have raised.”

According to WAVY-TV, the Virginia Beach Branch of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) is also launch­ing an inves­ti­ga­tion and released a state­ment in regards to the inci­dent saying:

The Virginia Beach NAACP strong­ly con­demns the appar­ent racial bias on dis­play in the video clip that has wide­ly cir­cu­lat­ed on social media today. In the midst of a glob­al pan­dem­ic, Virginia Beach police offi­cers – with­out masks or per­son­al pro­tec­tive equip­ment – mis­tak­en­ly detained a Black man who was spend­ing qual­i­ty time with his fam­i­ly. As a Virginia Beach offi­cer stat­ed ‘you have the right to be upset,’ and indeed we are just that: quite upset. Even more alarm­ing, calls from the Virginia Beach NAACP to the Virginia Beach Police Chief remain unan­swered as of Sunday evening. We are demand­ing a meet­ing with the Virginia Beach Police Chief with­in 48 hours. As the police depart­ment has not respond­ed to our inquiries, the Virginia Beach NAACP has launched its own inves­ti­ga­tion into the inci­dent. The NAACP will not rest until every Black cit­i­zen in Virginia Beach can shop, dine, and trav­el with­out being racial­ly pro­filed by our city’s police officers.

The Virginia Beach police chief has since apol­o­gized to Mackey and his fam­i­ly. From the root.
