Dwight Nelson’s Security Detail Still Intact

Dwight Nelson
Dwight Nelson

KINGSTON, Jamaica — The security detail for former National Security Minister, Dwight Nelson, remained intact yesterday, after he took to social media to complain about its removal without prior warning.Minister of State for National Security, Senator Pearnel Charles Jnr, confirmed yesterday that police security was still assigned to the former minister.

Nelson, who served as Minister of National Security dur­ing the 2007 – 2011 Jamaica Labour Party (JLP) admin­is­tra­tion, post­ed the loss of his secu­ri­ty detail on Facebook on Sunday, com­plain­ing that he had been with­drawn with­out notice. However, Charles said yes­ter­day that the action would have been tak­en by the police, and that he and Minister of National Security, Robert Montague, were unaware of the issue until Nelson made it pub­lic. He said that since then the mat­ter has been dis­cussed with the Commissioner and the min­istry made aware that the secu­ri­ty was reas­signed yes­ter­day morn­ing. Nelson had stat­ed on his Facebook page that he still gets death threats from high pro­file pris­on­ers impris­oned while he was Minister, and that a Superintendent of Police had warned him that of the pos­si­bil­i­ty of crim­i­nals invad­ing his home. See more here: Dwight Nelson’s secu­ri­ty detail still intact

Montague Defends Police Commissioner

National Security Minister Robert Montague urged those who do not wish the commissioner to succeed in the fight against crime to come and see him.
National Security Minister Robert Montague urged those who do not wish the com­mis­sion­er to suc­ceed in the fight against crime to come and see him.

National Security Minister Robert Montague says there appears to be an attempt to embar­rass Police Commissioner Dr Carl Williams.

He was speak­ing in rela­tion to a post on for­mer secu­ri­ty min­is­ter Dwight Nelson’s Facebook page yes­ter­day. In that post, Nelson named a mem­ber of the Jamaica Constabulary Force, who he alleges to be a Labourite, and blamed him for the removal of his secu­ri­ty detail.

READ: My secu­ri­ty detail was removed with­out notice, says for­mer Security Minister

In respond­ing to the post, Montague said he had made checks in rela­tion to the mat­ter. He assured the for­mer min­is­ter that the offi­cer in ques­tion was not respon­si­ble for the removal of the secu­ri­ty detail. According to Montague, the han­dling of Nelson’s secu­ri­ty detail and the open­ing of Parliament last week point to a pos­si­ble attempt to shame Dr Williams.

He said bar­ri­ers for crowd con­trol were placed right along­side Gordon House at last week’s open­ing of Parliament. However, the min­is­ter said there should be no gath­er­ing with­in 200 yards of Gordon House. There were sev­er­al reports of rau­cous sup­port­ers who hurled insults at sev­er­al mem­bers of par­lia­ment and at least one jour­nal­ist was report­ed­ly threat­ened with phys­i­cal vio­lence. The Security Minister used the medi­um to com­mend the police com­mis­sion­er and the Police High Command for their pro­fes­sion­al­ism. He urged those who do not wish the com­mis­sion­er to suc­ceed in the fight against crime to come and see him. He said he is will­ing to dis­cuss any issues or prob­lems. : sto­ry orig­i­nat­ed here. Montague Defends Police Commissioner
