Drug Find Explanation : More Questions Than Answers.…

In what is being lauded as the largest maritime drug bust in Jamaica in more than 14 years, the Jamaica Constabulary Force’s Narcotics Police and the Jamaica Defense Force allegedly intercepted a cocaine laden boat on a beach in Savanna-la-mar Westmoreland , estimated street value US$7.2 million (approximately J$1 billion).

According to Jamaican Media the The JDF report­ed that at approx­i­mate­ly 1 a.m. on Monday a United States Maritime Patrol Aircraft spot­ted a ves­sel sus­pect­ed of illic­it traf­fick­ing head­ing towards Jamaica and informed the JDF head­quar­ters. The infor­ma­tion was passed to the JDF Coast Guard, which deployed patrol ves­sels to inter­cept and appre­hend the go-fast boat. When spot­ted, the oper­a­tors of the go-fast report­ed­ly made efforts to evade cap­ture and to jet­ti­son its car­go. The JDF, along with its Jamaica Constabulary Force Narcotics Division coun­ter­parts, then launched a rapid-response deploy­ment involv­ing ele­ments of the JDF Air Wing for aer­i­al sup­port and infantry sol­diers from the First Battalion the Jamaica Regiment, who were already deployed in Westmoreland on inter­nal secu­ri­ty duties. During the pur­suit, the JDF Coast Guard fired warn­ing shots across the bow of the ves­sel in what the army described as “keep­ing with inter­na­tion­al mar­itime law enforce­ment rules of engagement”.The ves­sel was even­tu­al­ly appre­hend­ed and four men, believed to be part of the sus­pect­ed crew, were detained by the Narcotics Police who are han­dling the inves­ti­ga­tion. According to the same media report , head of the Narcotics police Senior Superintendent Calvin Small, said the men would be inter­viewed and a deci­sion made if they should be charged.

Where Are The Investigators…

To those opposed to the pro­lif­er­a­tion of drugs and it’s effects in our pop­u­la­tion the inter­cep­tion of this ship­ment is a wel­come relief. Yet the fact that no one has been appre­hend­ed with a view to get­ting to it’s Genesis is yet anoth­er fail­ing of the secu­ri­ty appa­ra­tus fol­low­ing in the pat­tern of weapons and drug finds at the wharves which results in no arrests.
The Police being aware that the way this event was pre­sent­ed to the pub­lic cre­at­ed more ques­tions than answers issued a state­ment which sought to clar­i­fy exact­ly what occurred.
According to the police’s own account­ing : A joint police/​military oper­a­tion in Belmont District, Westmoreland inter­cept­ed a ves­sel car­ry­ing 36 bales of cocaine val­ued just under $1 bil­lion (US$7.5). “Four men, who were observed aban­don­ing the ves­sel and run­ning off in dif­fer­ent direc­tions were pur­sued and tak­en into cus­tody,”CCU spokesman had said in the release on Saturday.
However, in a lat­er release the CCU indi­cat­ed that its ini­tial report was not accu­rate. Quoting from the actu­al inci­dent report, the CCU instead said the following:
“Approximately 1:00 a.m. a joint police and mil­i­tary team, which includ­ed the Jamaica Defense Force Air Wing and Coast Guard teams inter­cept­ed a blue 28-foot ves­sel, which was spot­ted com­ing ashore at Belmont. ‘On the approach of secu­ri­ty per­son­nel to the ves­sel, men aboard the ves­sel aban­doned it and ran in dif­fer­ent direc­tions. Four men were sub­se­quent­ly held’.” The CCU also said that the four men were “duly processed” and inter­viewed in the pres­ence of their lawyer and lat­er released as inves­ti­ga­tors were rea­son­ably sat­is­fied that the evi­dence avail­able did not link the men to the seizure. The CCU says it regrets the error and any incon­ve­nience that may have been caused.

The CCU’s clar­i­fi­ca­tion in my esti­ma­tion cre­at­ed more ques­tions than answers.
If the Police’s ver­sion of events are to be believed, that they observed four men run­ning from the boats and they appre­hend­ed them, under what plau­si­ble sce­nario in law would the police be able to say they were rea­son­ably sat­is­fied that the evi­dence avail­able did not link the men to the seizure?
Did the Police in fact see the men run­ning from the boat?
Did the Police appre­hend the same men they alleged­ly saw run­ning from the boat?
Neither the ini­tial report­ing nor the fol­low-up report­ing said the police made a mis­take about the men they alleged­ly saw run­ning from the boat. Even if there were an instance of error involv­ing the iden­ti­ty of one of the men, what are the chances the police would have nabbed four men who had noth­ing to do with the cocaine haul?

How could the men arrest­ed by the police lawyer up so quick­ly, be inter­viewed and released so expe­di­tious­ly in a case of this magnitude?
Despite what appears to be some back-slap­ping by local police and even their American coun­ter­parts from media report­ing there appears to be a lot more to this cocaine bust than meets the eyes.
Whose drug ship­ment was it?
Why were the four men inter­viewed and released? Who pro­vid­ed them lawyers?
If the men were in fact on the boat there is no legal sce­nario in which they may be deemed inno­cent by the police unless they were there against their will, in which case a pro­tract­ed inves­ti­ga­tion would have to occur to deter­mine the verac­i­ty of their claim, as well as to deter­mine who was respon­si­ble. This would have made releas­ing them impos­si­ble or at best imprac­ti­cal in such short a time.
If they were not on the boat then the police is say­ing by default they unequiv­o­cal­ly lied about a major find which could have poten­tial­ly put seri­ous play­ers in jail for a long time.
The coun­try deserve to know the truth to this sto­ry which is shap­ing up to be a con­vo­lut­ed web of lies and deception.

The fact that the police is inca­pable of explain­ing how such a major drug find could result in no arrest and pos­si­ble pros­e­cu­tion leaves the pub­lic to spec­u­late as to what exact­ly occurred. If there was any covert involve­ment in the ship­ment, whether it involves Jamaica , the United States or any oth­er coun­try the Jamaican peo­ple must be made aware.
Nothing that the police has said thus far makes sense, it’s weak attempt at an expla­na­tion has once again cast the agency as an incom­pe­tent agency which can’t even explain it’s own lies.
