Don Lemon A Casualty Of Rightward CNN March…

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For the whites and wannabe whites in this coun­try, the recent uncer­e­mo­ni­ous fir­ing of Journalist Don Lemon from CNN after 17 years of ser­vice was music to their ears. Don Lemon had turned into a woke man of integri­ty who stood up to loud­mouth racists and racial assas­sins whose idea of America is a Utopian enclave of peace and har­mo­ny for everyone.
To those intel­lec­tu­al embryos, black peo­ple have no right to con­tin­ue to speak about five hun­dred years of geno­cide which con­tin­ue to the present day.
Not just that, they go as far as to speak to our sto­ry with­out our per­mis­sion and have the gall to tell us our sto­ry with­out liv­ing in our skin.

Don Lemon’s fir­ing report­ed­ly came after doing a morn­ing inter­view with Vivek Ramaswamy, an Indian run­ning for the pres­i­den­cy on the Republican tick­et. To sug­gest that Ramaswamy has no chance of assum­ing the pres­i­den­cy of the United States is to state the obvi­ous. However, like Nicky Haley, Bobby Jindal, and oth­ers of Indian ances­try, it appears there is a strate­gic per­sis­tence by these East Asians to be the most super­flu­ous in praise of America and its sup­posed inher­ent virtues as a way of assim­i­lat­ing in the con­struct of American white­ness despite their black skin.
I under­stand the val­ue of social climb­ing and ass-kiss­ing, but these peo­ple we referred to as co*l*es take brown-nos­ing to a whole oth­er lev­el. They damn sure know how to kiss ass. Compare them with the Cubans in Florida, and it’s dif­fi­cult to tell which is worse.

CNN’s chair­man Chris Licht a Trump sup­port­er was hired to do exact­ly what he did, get rid of lib­er­al voic­es and replace them with con­ser­v­a­tive ones.
Licht arrived at CNN, claim­ing he wants the net­work to be objec­tive again. Obviously, telling the truth is not objec­tive, so he intends to turn the net­work into a new ver­sion of FOX. Objectivity is ampli­fy­ing right-wing talk­ing points.
One of Licht’s first moves was to embark on what Axios described as a “Capitol Hill diplo­ma­cy tour,” and oth­ers described as a Republican boot-lick­ing tour. Licht met with law­mak­ers who had become wary of cable news and promised them that CNN was mov­ing away from “alarmist” pro­gram­ming towards more neu­tral, objec­tive reporting.
Licht began by fir­ing Brian Steltzer, a harsh Trump crit­ic. He then fired John Harwood for call­ing Trump a dis­hon­est dem­a­gogue.
The Guardian Arwa Mahdawi argued It’s not just who was fired that is alarm­ing – it’s the abrupt man­ner in which they were fired. As the media ana­lyst Josh Marshall not­ed, “The most strik­ing thing about Licht’s fir­ings to date is how they are chore­o­graphed for … right-wing media con­sump­tion and designed to gen­er­ate mass schaden­freude on the right:
He then went ahead and hired John Miller, a loud-mouthed for­mer NYPD deputy com­mis­sion­er of intel­li­gence and counter-ter­ror­ism as a law enforce­ment and intel­li­gence analyst.
John Miller autho­rized spy­ing on Muslims in New York City after the September 11th attack. 

So, no one should be sur­prised that Don Lemon was fired after he engaged in a heat­ed debate with Ramaswamy, who demon­stra­bly had the gall to think he can define the black expe­ri­ence in America even as he jock­eys for hon­orary whiteness.
Licht had an itch to fire Don Lemon, a Trump crit­ic, and so any­thing that Lemon did or said would have been deemed offen­sive by the immoral right-wing cabal and peo­ple like Chris Litcht Warner Brothers placed in posi­tions of power.
I nev­er both­ered to watch CNN, but now they won’t have to wor­ry about me. My tele­vi­sion will nev­er be turned to CNN ever again. 




Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.
Subscribe to Mike’s Youtube @ Mikebeckles
