Despite The Blatant Racism Some Blacks Are Still Cooning For Whites Attention…

It is remark­able what peo­ple will do for mon­ey these days. Judas Iscariot saw Jesus heal the sick, raise the dead, and fed a mul­ti­tude with five loaves and two fish, and yet, he still sold him away to be crucified.
Some argue that Judas thought that Jesus would have saved him­self from his cap­tors. The tragedy inher­ent in that pre­sump­tion is that even if Jesus had saved him­self from being cru­ci­fied, Judas would still have com­mit­ted one of the most mon­u­men­tal acts of treach­ery ever.
So, where am I going with this? Well, to tell the truth, I am not writ­ing a reli­gious piece; it is sad to say that some of my read­ers are turned off by reli­gious writ­ings, and I get that, but I would rather please God than man, but with that said I would still like to bring my unsaved broth­ers and sis­ters along with me. What do you have to lose?
Anyway, as I said, this is not about reli­gion; I mere­ly broached the Judas sit­u­a­tion to reg­is­ter my dis­gust with what I see hap­pen­ing today in America. Some say it is because of social media, but I’m afraid I have to dis­agree. There were no social media when some black peo­ple sold out our Marcus Garvey. There were no social media when they spied on Dr. King for J Edgar Hoover. There were no social media when they assas­si­nat­ed Malcolm X on behalf of his white ene­mies. And there were no social media when they spied on set-up and lied on the host of oth­er black intel­lec­tu­als and activists on behalf of the ene­mies of Blackness.

Some black peo­ple have a cer­tain lev­el of coon­ery that goes way back, long before the black man was brought here. Let us be real about it; from as ear­ly as the first European from Portugal set foot on the African con­ti­nent, it was irre­versible that the con­ti­nent would be con­quered by force, dom­i­nat­ed, pil­laged, raped, and exploit­ed before they were done with it.
But it would have been a hell of a lot hard­er if African peo­ple were unit­ed against what they clear­ly must have known was a com­mon ene­my of the African continent.
If Africans were orga­nized and unit­ed, those ships bear­ing men with mus­kets would have been stopped, and not a sin­gle white man would have set foot on African soil. So it was the dis­uni­ty of the African peo­ple and the incom­pre­hen­si­ble naïveté of our ances­tors that allowed the rav­ages and the geno­cide that was vis­it­ed on our peo­ple not only to begin but thrive.
In addi­tion to that, African dis­uni­ty and trib­al­ism allowed for over five hun­dred years of the most bru­tal and bar­bar­ic geno­ci­dal actions ever to be imposed on one race of peo­ple by anoth­er in record­ed history.
Fast for­ward to 2021, and maybe you have missed it, but some black peo­ple in America would lay on their backs and allow white peo­ple to defe­cate in their mouths if they were guar­an­teed a pat on the back.
No, I will not name names; doing so ele­vates them; nam­ing them does exact­ly what they seek. I will not dig­ni­fy their exis­tence by nam­ing them, suf­fic­ing to say that I fun­da­men­tal­ly believe in the pow­er of the uni­verse tonex­act jus­tice; maybe what I want for those sell­outs is vengeance, but the Lord said that we should leave all vengeance to him.
Do they make a few bucks when they dis­re­spect and degrade black peo­ple? Sure they do; most clout-chasers on social media who do and say out­ra­geous things to make mon­ey do make a few coins. However it seems to me that what they are real­ly after is clout. To be laud­ed by a bunch of white peo­ple, to get on FOX noise, and by say­ing the most out­ra­geous things about the black com­mu­ni­ty while liv­ing in black skin seems to be a thing that is on the rise.

I will not lie, when I see black men say that America is not a racist coun­try, that cops are not racist, that black peo­ple com­mit a large per­cent­age of crimes with­out under­stand­ing the dynam­ics behind the data, I do wish that they have a vio­lent and fatal encounter with police. Judge me all you want, I feel it, and I said it, I am not a hypocrite.
But we live in an age of sound­bites, not facts. We are now in an age when melanat­ed skin-folk can get their face on social media and even on tele­vi­sion by say­ing out­ra­geous­ly igno­rant things, and that is all the haters and prop­a­ga­tors of lies want, they grab those sound bites and says, look, here is what real black peo­ple are saying.
Oh, I read some­where that Harriet Tubman car­ried a pis­tol for these kinds of coons who were always ready to run back to tell Massa where she was hid­ing, try­ing to get a pat on the back, or maybe to have mas­sa defe­cate in their mouths.
Nope, it has noth­ing to do with mon­ey, it may be called clout-chas­ing, but it is deep­er than that. It goes way , way back. I mean, how else could the last race that became civ­i­lized be giv­en such lever­age to do as it pleas­es to the point that they mis­ap­pro­pri­at­ed every­thing from us then called us niggers?
Yup, they must have expe­ri­enced the same unin­tel­li­gent coon­ery from back then, which allowed them to go all-in in try­ing to exter­mi­nate us.






Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com. 
