Dems Mistakes In New York State A Wakeup Call…

In 2021 New York State had a pop­u­la­tion of 19.84 mil­lion. Nevertheless, when we think of our state’s pop­u­la­tion, we gen­er­al­ly round up to 20 mil­lion New Yorkers. New York’s pop­u­la­tion increased 6 out of the 11 years between 2010 and 2021. Its largest annu­al pop­u­la­tion increase was 3.6% between 2019 and 2020. The state’s largest decline was between 2020 and 2021, when the pop­u­la­tion dropped by 1.6%. Between 2010 and 2021, the state grew by an aver­age of 0.2% per year.
In the elec­tions held on November 8th, some inter­est­ing data points emerged from the results.
The deci­sions of activist judges in New York hand­ed sev­er­al seats to Republicans. At the same time, new con­gres­sion­al dis­trict lines in Florida at Ron Desantis’ instruc­tions also net­ted sev­er­al seats for Republicans.
The take­away is that the uncon­scionable lines in Florida were allowed to stand, ben­e­fit­ing Republicans. In con­trast, the less aggres­sive lines in New York were thrown out, also ben­e­fit­ting Republicans.
The largest take­away is that the courts have become so overt­ly polit­i­cal that they can no longer be count­ed on as objec­tive, unbi­ased referees.

We gen­er­al­ly look at New York State as a reli­able blue state, but real­is­ti­cal­ly this was the state that elect­ed George Pataki for three terms. New York City elect­ed and reelect­ed Rudolph Guialian and Michael Bloomberg.
Even if we con­vince our­selves that the 8‑plus mil­lion cit­i­zens in New York City are a large enough buffer in pres­i­den­tial elec­tions against the rad­i­cal­ism in the sub­urbs and exurbs that elects Elise Stefanik and oth­ers, there is still the lit­tle issue of the num­ber of Democrats, usu­al­ly Blacks, who con­tin­ue to stream out of the state to the south.
Many peo­ple unfa­mil­iar with New York may see the state as a bas­tion of blue. But a lit­tle excur­sion out­side Manhattan to the Southerly tip of New York State, Staten Island, and Long Island may be in for an unpleas­ant surprise.
That does not include head­ing north of Westchester County, much less into Western New York, Buffalo, Syracuse, and oth­er towns where res­i­dents proud­ly fly con­fed­er­ate flags.
They fly those despi­ca­ble flags much clos­er to New York City, in Westchester, Putnam, and Dutchess, much less in the north­ern and west­ern coun­ties where the lifestyle looks like that of Appalachia.


The Supreme Court vast­ly over­reached in its Dobbs deci­sion over­turn­ing Roe v Wade, which demon­strat­ed that the Courts could no longer be relied upon to be fair arbiters of jus­tice and rights.
The cor­rup­tion of Clarence Thomas, the arro­gance of Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amey Coney Barrett, and the extreme hubris of Samuel Alito took away rights Americans enjoyed for almost five decades. The fin­ger­prints of New York’s appel­late court are all over the recent elec­tion results. The court threw out the lines Democrats drew. And it was a spe­cial mas­ter appoint­ed by a repub­li­can judge that redrew new con­gres­sion­al lines giv­ing Republicans four seats in our state they would not nor­mal­ly have won. Former Governor Andrew Cuomo bears some respon­si­bil­i­ty for that débâcle.
New York State will prob­a­bly deliv­er the state’s 29 elec­toral votes to Democratic Presidential can­di­dates for a few more cycles. Still, even that may change if Republican judges are allowed to mud­dy the water to aid Republicans.
Additionally, the state con­tin­ues to hem­or­rhage Democratic vot­ers to places like Georgia and North Carolina, help­ing to change elec­tion results in those states.
Democrats can play offense in places like Georgia and North Carolina while play­ing defense in states like New York if they are smart and proac­tive. Democrats have nev­er been known to be proac­tive on these flu­id trends, so the jury is out on whether they will even real­ize the need to be so.
Democrats [must] build fire­walls in the Democratic states of California, New York, Washington State, Oregon, New Jersey, etc. Republicans in Florida and Ohio have decid­ed that they want to sup­port the MAGA agen­da, and Democrats must build from the ground up in those states.
To do so, Black vot­ers, in par­tic­u­lar, must become more edu­cat­ed on the rea­son for vot­ing, then under­stand that the Republican Party is dan­ger­ous for their very existence.
This means that regard­less of how harm­less and friend­ly a Republican can­di­date seems, they are dan­ger­ous because they are Republicans.





Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.
