Delroy Chuck Will Most Likely Receive A National Honor All Their Cronies Do: But He Belongs In The Hall Of Shame !!!

Last Sunday an entire family of five were slaughtered and their home along March Pen Road in Spanish Town, burned to the ground. According to the Police for the last three consecutive weekends there have been acts of arson along March Pen Road.

According to the US, State Department’s Overseas Security Advisory Council [Crime through­out Jamaica maybe as a result of sev­er­al fac­tors: pover­ty, ret­ri­bu­tion, drugs, gangs and politics. 
Additionally, Organized crime and oth­er crim­i­nal ele­ments are preva­lent and extreme­ly active. Most crim­i­nal activ­i­ty is gang-relat­ed. The police are only able to resolve (make arrests) in 45 per­cent of homi­cides annu­al­ly, and they only con­vict per­pe­tra­tors in sev­en per­cent of the homi­cide cas­es. This leads both the pub­lic and police to doubt the effec­tive­ness of the crim­i­nal jus­tice sys­tem lead­ing to vig­i­lan­tism, which only exac­er­bates the cycle of vio­lence. Based on their past expe­ri­ences, most civil­ians fear that at best, the author­i­ties can­not pro­tect them from orga­nized crim­i­nal ele­ments, and at worst, are col­lud­ing with crim­i­nals, lead­ing cit­i­zens to avoid giv­ing evi­dence or wit­ness testimonies.]

Having seen it first hand and fought it for a decade, I would say to the US State Department , “you hit the nail on the head but there is no maybe about the fac­tors which have cre­at­ed this dan­ger­ous Serengeti of violence”.
This assess­ment is a damn­ing indict­ment, not on our coun­try but on the Administrations which have han­dled the Island’s affairs since it was let go by Britain.
When a team screws up you don’t fire the team. Sure you may make a change here and there ‚but the prob­lem is always with­in the remit of the coach­ing staff.

This guy belongs in the hall of shame. Delroy Chuck the Island's justice Minister wants cases over 5 years old to be tossed from the court dockets.(Including capital murder cases) This is the quality of the leadership which fertilizes crime on the Island.
This guy belongs in the hall of shame.
Delroy Chuck the Island’s jus­tice Minister wants cas­es over 5 years old to be tossed from the court dockets.(Including cap­i­tal mur­der cas­es)
This is the qual­i­ty of the lead­er­ship which fer­til­izes crime on the Island.

Jamaica’s polit­i­cal lead­ers after Independence have been indis­tin­guish­able from lit­tle banana repub­lic strong­men. The kind every­one points to in Latin America, Africa and parts of Asia.
They have pret­ty much inter­pret­ed the pow­er giv­en to them to serve as author­i­ty to rule.
Both polit­i­cal par­ties have placed guns into the hands of crim­i­nals and insu­lat­ed them­selves from crim­i­nal pros­e­cu­tion by effec­tive­ly dis­man­tling the rule of law.

There are sev­er­al rea­sons why cas­es gets stalled in the system.
Incomplete pros­e­cu­tion case files ◊Missing wit­ness­es ◊ Overburdened Infrastructure ◊Defense coun­sels not being paid◊Accused crim­i­nals abscond­ing the juris­dic­tion, among others.
When we con­flate the afore­men­tioned and jux­ta­pose them with the lim­it­ed time that the high court sits in the abbre­vi­at­ed ses­sions, we have a bet­ter idea why there is such a huge back­log. One begins to get a bet­ter idea why such small num­bers of cas­es gets heard much less decided.
It gives us a bet­ter view of why even mur­der cas­es do not get heard as they should with the degree of dis­patch they deserve.
Did I also men­tion poor pri­or­i­ti­za­tion on the part of author­i­ties giv­en the exist­ing chal­lenges? Well that is also a part of the equation.

Nevertheless , none of the rea­sons which con­tribute to the back­log sin­gu­lar­ly or com­bined is enough to jus­ti­fy toss­ing a case as seri­ous as mur­der from the roster.
Look, I too believe that clear­ing the dock­et of all cas­es would give all con­cerned a fresh start . But as tempt­ing as that prospect is , it would only offer the polit­i­cal direc­torate and those who got the sys­tem bogged down in the morass in the first place a sec­ond chance at lethar­gy ‚lazi­ness, and corruption.

No amount of zeal and desire for a fresh start could ever jus­ti­fy toss­ing a mur­der case from the court dock­et sim­ply because we crave a fresh start , or worse that some bureau­crat desires to over­step his bounds .
There are sev­er­al ways that court dock­ets can be cleared with greater alacrity with­out deny­ing jus­tice to those whom have had their loved ones tak­en away from them.
First , get rid of the sil­ly Michaelmas , Hillary and Easter ses­sions and have Judges sit in courts on week­days in oth­er countries.
If nec­es­sary appoint more judges and sus­pend for a time the use of court­rooms used for res­i­dent mag­is­trate mat­ters . This can be done by effec­tive­ly using the plea-bar­gain tool, giv­ing low lev­el offend­ers the oppor­tu­ni­ty to accept a plea , pay a fine and move on with­out clog­ging the sys­tem. Doing so would effec­tive­ly free up court­room space and release the bot­tle­neck chock­ing off the dis­pen­sa­tion of justice.

Andrew Holness
Andrew Holness

The idea of throw­ing out cas­es in order to gain a fresh start is exact­ly the oppo­site of what the coun­try should be doing . It will encour­age cor­rup­tion. It will encour­age crim­i­nal offend­ers to stall their cas­es know­ing they will even­tu­al­ly be tossed.
Shockingly that is what the Island jus­tice Minister is advo­cat­ing. Which leads me to ask , ?whose inter­est does Delroy Chuck represent.
Delroy Chuck is not igno­rant to these facts, there­fore it must rea­son­ably be con­strued that his push is to absolve dan­ger­ous mur­der­ers using the office of the Minister of Justice to do it will not stand.
We can­not allow Delroy Chuck to use the peo­ple’s office to help Jamaica’s dan­ger­ous mur­der­ers to evade jus­tice . Chuck belongs in the hall of shame, in a coun­try of law this guy would be boot­ed from office for dar­ing to sug­gest what he has.,
This pub­li­ca­tion is call­ing on Prime Minister Andrew Holness to repu­di­ate the posi­tion of Delroy Chuck. And replace him with a pub­lic ser­vant who has the inter­est of Jamaica’s law abid­ing cit­i­zens at heart.

The coun­try does not need a jus­tice min­is­ter who advo­cates for crim­i­nals over decent law abid­ing citizens.
