Crime Strategy Tantamount To Pouring Water Into Basket

The process by which Jamaica evolved into its present law­less state did not occur overnight, even as I am tempt­ed to say it will not be resolved overnight I won’t because that would be too predictable.

Jamaica’s Terrorism prob­lem has been a slow but steady burn. Needless to say that burn has ebbed and flowed based on the polit­i­cal admin­is­tra­tion’s atti­tude at any giv­en time.

Before we get to how are we going to deal deci­sive­ly with this lit­tle prob­lem we must first acknowl­edge that the fix­es employed over­time and the fix­es being pro­posed are mere reac­tions to the mur­der rate, not tan­gi­ble sus­tain­able solutions.

So even as the lit­tle pow­er play­ers in the Senate debate Special zones bill recent­ly passed in the low­er cham­ber, the antic­i­pat­ed results after pas­sage will be just as neg­li­gi­ble as all of the oth­er anti-crime ini­tia­tives before it.

I wish I had a dol­lar for my many friends who tell me to lay off and give the bill time. They say after pas­sage we will see whether it works or not.
With all due respect to my friends, I don’t need to wait to know that pour­ing water into a bas­ket is a futile effort.

The fact of the mat­ter is that the fix­es being put forth in this bill are a dol­lar short and a day late.
The Island does not need anoth­er anti-crime law, nei­ther does it require anoth­er spe­cial police anti-crime task force if the atti­tude toward the rule of law and law enforce­ment continues.

Jamaicans have a very high tol­er­ance for law­less­ness, the politi­cians know it, the crim­i­nal Dons know it and the gang lead­ers know it.
If I said it once, I must have said it a thou­sand times.
This law­less­ness is fed by the acqui­es­cence of not just the locals but by Government and civ­il society.
Here ‘s a nov­el concept .….….
What would hap­pen if the gov­ern­ment called out the mil­i­tary and police and tell them to go get the criminals?

The first push­back would be the howls of con­dem­na­tion from the usu­al quar­ters. You know them they act smart, act like they are human rights advo­cates, but are lit­tle more than cheap oppor­tunis­tic leech­es.
Then there are the legions of vil­lage lawyers who know how every­thing should be done but have nev­er done anything.
Not to for­get the prog­nos­ti­ca­tors and pun­dits, the pon­tif­i­cates and the purists who have access to the airwaves.
They who shape pub­lic opin­ions and per­cep­tions, night and day, telling the unin­formed mass­es that the skies are falling.

Unfortunately for the unin­formed mass­es, it seems that they alone are bleed­ing, not the self-pro­claimed elites who live behind the high walls of the gat­ed communities.
But what would hap­pen if the Government ignored the vil­lage lawyers, pun­dits, and prognosticators?
What if the admin­is­tra­tors sim­ply ignored the provo­ca­teurs and the bleed­ing heart frauds who only care about dead crim­i­nals but have no love for the thou­sands of inno­cents dead?

You know what would happen?
The mind­less ter­ror­ists would get the mes­sage that the gov­ern­ment will not tol­er­ate their shit any­more and things would change.
In order to erad­i­cate this mon­ster from our midst, a gov­ern­ment must first under­take its pri­ma­ry function,
That func­tion is the safe­ty and pro­tec­tion of the pop­u­la­tion. Everything else is periph­er­al, incon­se­quen­tial until we have safe­ty and security.

These killers are killing because they know no one is com­ing after them.
The atti­tude of the admin­is­tra­tion must be to launch an all-out attack on Jamaica’s ter­ror­ists and if need be dri­ve them into the sea.
There should be no respite until these mur­der­ing scums are dealt full force with full force.

To the bleed­ing heart per­fec­tion­ist who have a prob­lem see­ing the blood of mur­der­ers, you hyp­ocrites have no prob­lem with the blood of inno­cent vic­tims, includ­ing chil­dren and lit­tle babies.
You are mod­ern day Pharisees who have no desire to see the end of the blood­let­ting as long as you can get some legit­i­ma­cy from it.
You are heathens.

The politi­cians, too pre­oc­cu­pied with the trap­pings of pow­er and the desire to get pow­er does not care a rat’s ass about the mul­ti­ple dead bod­ies each day, for them, it is a num­bers game which they see as a means to score cheap polit­i­cal points.
Up to June 24th, 697 peo­ple were report­ed killed. That num­ber does not include the many oth­ers who have been shot but sur­vived or may have died later.

In a mat­ter of 181 days, 697 peo­ple were slaughtered.
That trans­lates to just under 4 liv­ing breath­ing Jamaicans hav­ing their lives snuffed out by the Island’s terrorists.
In addi­tion to the car­nage on the roads and the oth­er deaths, it is no won­der that funer­als are now sport­ing events.
No wor­ries, pour the rum and go heavy on the cur­ry goat and white rice , every­thing irie.

Jamaica got on a path of car­ing about the lives of known killers, In a twist­ed Orwellian alter­nate uni­verse that exists today the lives of heart­less mur­der­ers are much more trea­sured than the lives of their inno­cent victims.
This sick twist­ed love affair with crim­i­nals, taught by the bour­geoisie from upper St Andrew has brought our coun­try to the edge of ruin and there is none to say enough of this shit.
Those of you who believe this will be fixed by social inter­ven­tion and social engi­neer­ing are even more stu­pid that you sound.
A coun­try and a peo­ple who erect bar­ri­ers to their own suc­cess are doomed to fail­ure and disaster.
