Corrupt Supreme Court Would Shame Even The Grossly Imperfect Founders…

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According to American History, these sev­en men are con­sid­ered the founders of the American Republic as the new nation extri­cat­ed itself from Britain. The sev­en are George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, and James Madison.
Battlefields .org argues that while many oth­ers con­tributed to the United States’ found­ing, these sev­en are con­sid­ered by most as the Founding Fathers. They all played key roles in the secur­ing of American inde­pen­dence from Great Britain and the cre­ation of the gov­ern­ment of the United States of America.

These were not right­eous or moral­is­tic men by any stretch of the imag­i­na­tion. They were not men of prov­able con­science or integri­ty. Sufficient to say they for­mu­lat­ed a nation enshrined in the con­cept of slav­ery and all its atten­dant ignobility.
One pos­i­tive that can­not be ignored is the found­ing doc­u­ment, the Constitution they cre­at­ed, and the Bill of Rights, which arguably is pure genius.
I have always mused that the men who cre­at­ed the Constitution knew in their hearts what was right, even if they chose not to do what was right.

As imper­fect as they were, the sev­en and all the oth­ers would have been dis­mayed were they to see what America has evolved into. They fought against the British Monarchy to estab­lish a set­tle­ment of free men para­dox­i­cal­ly, even as they enshrined a sys­tem of enslave­ment for Africans. They chose a Republic style gov­ern­ment of the peo­ple as a direct oppo­si­tion to rule by decree. That is now all gone. We now live in an oli­garchy in which nine (9) unelect­ed bureau­crats decide which rights should be plucked away at their decree.
Forty-nine years (49) of prece­dent in Roe Versus Wade were struck down. Fifty-one years (51), sec­tion 4‑B of the 1965 Voting Rights Act was demol­ished, open­ing the flood­gates of anti-abor­tion and anti-vot­ing rights laws. Citizens United affirmed flood­ing the American Electoral space unleash­ing an avalanche of dark mon­ey into pol­i­tics, effec­tive­ly shut­ting out the voic­es of the ordi­nary American voter.

But these are only a few of the shock­ing acts the founders must be turn­ing in their graves over; this ille­git­i­mate body of cor­po­rate shills is much worse than we know.

They have effec­tive­ly placed them­selves above the laws, con­tra­ven­ing the very intent of the Republic and the Constitution. It is the only body not guid­ed by checks and bal­ances. It insists that in the inter­est of main­tain­ing the sep­a­ra­tion of pow­ers, the arti­cle one branch of gov­ern­ment (con­gress) has no pow­er to reg­u­late how it operates.
Even as it asserts these fic­ti­tious rights, it is hard at work evis­cer­at­ing the rights of Americans, usu­al­ly the poor­est and most dis­en­fran­chised among us. Even as I write this arti­cle, this ille­git­i­mate court is get­ting ready to strike down affir­ma­tive action that has sought to cor­rect some of the racial imbal­ances in schools and work­places for hun­dreds of years.
If the robed mon­archs were men and women of integri­ty, the affront might have been more palat­able and digestible.
But they are not. Bit by bit, tiny drips of infor­ma­tion are begin­ning to seep out from this walled-off citadel of duplicity.
We are learn­ing of lav­ish trips paid for by wealthy oli­garchs, col­lege tuition paid by wealthy friends, refusal to recuse them­selves from cas­es they are hear­ing con­nect­ed to peo­ple they have accept­ed lav­ish gifts from, and lav­ish vaca­tions, and that is only a tiny drip of what is being revealed to the American pub­lic that has become increas­ing­ly wary of this body.
This body con­tin­ues to claim it has no army to enforce its rul­ings and relies on the con­sent and acqui­es­cence of the American peo­ple for its valid­i­ty and legitimacy.
It is a lie!!!!
It cre­at­ed the anti-American doc­trine of “qual­i­fied immu­ni­ty’ that has turned what now obtains for law enforce­ment into an aggres­sive, vio­lent, racist organ of oppres­sion against Americans of col­or and poor white people.
It is time for this ille­git­i­mate court to come under the checks and bal­ances that forms a safe­guard of the American demo­c­ra­t­ic sys­tem. The coun­try can ill-afford to have a group of unelect­ed cor­rupt bureau­crats mak­ing deci­sions inju­ri­ous to the peo­ple while claim­ing they are not sub­ject to the rules the rest of us must live by.




Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.
