Corrupt Media Ready To Foist Ron Disingenuous Onto The People…

The results are not even yet con­clu­sive in the elec­tions of November 8th, yet parts of the cor­rupt cor­po­rate media have already jumped off the Donald Trump train. They have attached them­selves to the Ron Desantis caboose.
One of the most destruc­tive media enti­ties in the United States is the Rupert Murdoch media empire which owns FOX. This dis­in­for­ma­tion net­work pass­es itself off as a news net­work but is an organ of pro­pa­gan­da, lies, and hatred.
Murdoch’s empire includes the Wall street jour­nal, which is a more palat­able appe­tiz­er because it is wrapped in glo­ri­fied pack­ag­ing that seems to make it more upper ech­e­lon. Still, once that pack­ag­ing is removed, the stench iden­ti­fies it as just anoth­er load of bovine manure.
Then there is the New York Post, a dishrag unwor­thy of men­tion but a dishrag nonethe­less that pol­lutes the bot­tom ech­e­lon of the lumpen that the Journal does not care to cater to.
In the heart of Gotham city resides all three sew­er rats, larg­er and more tox­ic than the super-sized rodents that roam the sub­ways and tun­nels beneath the bustling Gotham city.
Their place­ment in the heart of the largest and prob­a­bly most fabled city on the plan­et was no sur­prise; their Founder and own­er, Rupert Murdoch, knew exact­ly what he was doing. He want­ed to change America into his vision and, at the same time, make a shit load of mon­ey doing it. Tactically Murdoch suc­ceed­ed beyond his wildest dream.
Donald John Trump was elect­ed President of the United States in 2016, an ignominy that will have last­ing neg­a­tive con­se­quences for America for gen­er­a­tions to come.

It was­n’t just Rupert Murdoch’s empire that cre­at­ed Donald Trump; it includ­ed all of the oth­er net­works that exist­ed before Murdoch’s for­ay into the sew­er swamp of new york media.
The cor­po­rate media, which has pre­cious lit­tle, if any, cred­i­bil­i­ty left, from the very begin­ning, cra­dled, nur­tured, cod­dled, and pro­mot­ed a young Donald Trump with­out doing any inves­tiga­tive work on a man who was a con artist who inher­it­ed hun­dreds of mil­lions from his father, blew it, and was run­ning a shell game on gullible banks and oth­er companies.
But the cor­po­rate new York media need­ed a gold­en-haired white male fig­ure to con­tin­ue the lie about white male inge­nu­ity, a Johnny Bravo char­ac­ter if you will.
The media need­ed a gold­en boy white American male char­ac­ter, so it chose a car­ni­val bark­ing emp­ty suit to pro­mote as the per­son­i­fi­ca­tion of American success.
Rupert Murdoch and those who helped to run his media empire knew the coun­try’s char­ac­ter, and they cor­rect­ly antic­i­pat­ed that a mes­sage of hatred, resent­ment, and lies would res­onate with the pop­u­la­tion seg­ment that nev­er fig­ured out how to mon­e­tize white priv­i­lege in ways oth­ers have.
The more that seg­ment saw the suc­cess sto­ries of immi­grants who, despite not hav­ing the ben­e­fit of white priv­i­lege, found a way to thrive in America, the angri­er and more bit­ter it became. The sto­ries of Barack Obama, Kamala Harris, and count­less oth­ers ignite a fear that some­how they were los­ing some­thing they nev­er had or could law­ful­ly lay claim to.

Even after Donald Trump incit­ed a sedi­tious attack on the US capi­tol, the media con­tin­ued to treat Trump as a cred­i­ble fig­ure wor­thy of respect rather than what he is, a mis­er­able fail­ure, a trai­tor to the United States who in anoth­er nation would have been locked away for good or worse.
After Donald Trump refused to leave the stage after his 2020 one-term débâ­cle of a pres­i­den­cy end­ed, a pres­i­den­cy in which he was twice impeached and should have been removed from office, the media still stood by him. Even after Trump final­ly stepped aside so the new President could take office, he nev­er quit the stage.
His lies and con­tin­ued desire to be noticed caused the repub­li­cans two sen­ate seats in Georgia and, worse cost them the 2022 midterms in a [bigly] way they nev­er saw coming.
And now the Post, which was nev­er any­thing but a worth­less piece of a dirty dishrag, wants to jet­ti­son failed Donny, and who does it seek to foist on the American people?
Ron disingenuous!!!!
Ron Desantis is only 44 years old but is ten times worse than Donald Trump. He is a pompous Trump and Mussolini wrapped together.
This is the new leader the Murdoch machine and the rest of the media are pushing.
People beware.




Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.
