Cop Caught Holding Man Down While Others Beat Him Back On The Job…

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Some of you will remem­ber this image of a Mulberry, Arkansas, police offi­cer and two Sheriff’s deputy bru­tal­iz­ing a man before arrest­ing him. You may also recall their response when they real­ized they were being filmed.

The two deputies were fired.

The two Crawford coun­ty deputies were fired, but the cop was not, and as you may have expect­ed, he is back on the job.
The inci­dent began dur­ing the August 2021 arrest of Randal Worcester in the small town of Mulberry, about 140 miles (220 kilo­me­ters) north­west of Little Rock, near the bor­der with Oklahoma.
A local Mulberry Police Officer, Thell Riddle, and two Sheriff’s deputies, Zack King, and Levi White were record­ed beat­ing and bru­tal­iz­ing Randal Worcester dur­ing an attempt­ed arrest. Then Sheriff Damante said Worcester was being ques­tioned for threat­en­ing a clerk at a near­by con­ve­nience store and that he attacked one of the deputies.

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In the video, Thell Ridedle is seen hold­ing Worchester down while the two deputies beat the day­lights out of him. All three were sus­pend­ed after the video came to light, and nation­wide out­cry ensued.
The Sheriff’s depart­ment cor­rect­ly fired the deputies who have since been charged Federally and are await­ing tri­al in April.
On the oth­er hand, local author­i­ties have failed to charge Thell Riddel and have since allowed him back on duty.
Randal Worcester is a white male; imag­ine what these cops would have done to a black person.
Here is the real­ly fun­ny part, spe­cial pros­e­cu­tor Emily White said in a let­ter dat­ed Feb. 15 that she would [not] pur­sue any charges against Riddle. White said the inves­ti­ga­tion against for­mer deputies Zack King and Levi White remained open.
So they are charged fed­er­al­ly, but local author­i­ties are still inves­ti­gat­ing. This is why Republicans want every­thing to be decid­ed at the state lev­el and do away with the fed­er­al government.

Arkansas cop Thell Riddle was caught help­ing to bru­tal­ize a cit­i­zen back on the job with­out charge.

What could they be inves­ti­gat­ing? The Feds inves­ti­gat­ed and charged the two deputies, but the case is still open at the state level.
The video shows one of the deputies repeat­ed­ly punch­ing and knee­ing Worcester in the head before grab­bing his hair and slam­ming him against the pave­ment. The oth­er kneed him repeat­ed­ly. The grand jury did not charge Riddle, who has been with the Mulberry Police Department since 2017.

The spe­cial pros­e­cu­tor’s log­ic is anchored in the fact that he was­n’t seen hit­ting mis­ter Worcester. Using that log­ic, a get­away dri­ver in a bank rob­bery could not be pros­e­cut­ed for the robbery.
Never mind that an offi­cer see­ing a crime being com­mit­ted by col­leagues has a duty to inter­vene. It is also one more reminder that unre­strained police vio­lence is no longer reserved for inno­cent unarmed black peo­ple. It has come full cir­cle and is engulf­ing us all.



Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.
