Cop Allegedly Recorded At Least 30 Sexual Assaults In The Back Of His Police Car

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These are the kinds of cas­es Philidelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner’s office has inves­ti­gat­ed and brought to tri­al. The types of cas­es that past District Attorneys would cov­er up because of their uneth­i­cal close rela­tion­ship with police and their unions, which pre­vents them from doing their job impartially.
These kinds of cas­es have caused cops, their unions, and Republicans to con­tin­ue to try to remove DA Krasner, a for­mer pub­lic defend­er, from office.
The mar­gin­al­ized com­mu­ni­ties in Philadelphia do under­stand the impor­tance of hav­ing this District Attorney in office.(mb) 

Former Philadelphia police offi­cer Patrick Heron was arrest­ed last year over what CBS News Philadelphia described as “a long list of charges relat­ed to unlaw­ful sex­u­al con­tact with a per­son less than 13 years of age, pho­tog­ra­phy depict­ing sex acts with young girls and retal­i­a­tion and harass­ment against vic­tims and wit­ness­es.” This week, the same out­let report­ed he was back in court, with pros­e­cu­tors alleg­ing that Heron had record­ed some 30 sex­u­al assaults in the back of his police cruiser.

The case itself is dis­turb­ing. It start­ed last September when the retired Philadelphia police offi­cer was arrest­ed after pros­e­cu­tors said an inves­ti­ga­tion turned up “dis­turb­ing images and threat­en­ing mes­sages against the alleged vic­tims.” Due to the nature of the alleged crimes, the dis­trict attor­ney didn’t release many details at the time but asked any­one with more infor­ma­tion to come for­ward as they believed there were more vic­tims than they already knew about

At the time Heron was arraigned, his bail was report­ed­ly set at $111 million.

As of this week, pros­e­cu­tors say they have iden­ti­fied a total of 48 vic­tims, 44 of which are still uniden­ti­fied. Thirty assaults were report­ed­ly record­ed in the back of his police car over a span of 13 months and some of the vic­tims were chil­dren he met through his own child. Prosecutors request­ed that all of the cas­es filed against Heron be con­sol­i­dat­ed going for­ward, which the judge report­ed­ly granted.

With so many uniden­ti­fied vic­tims, inves­ti­ga­tors ask any­one with more infor­ma­tion to come forward.
