Conundrum, As Police Struggle To Explain Events…


If you are in the major­i­ty of those who hate the rule of law in Jamaica, events of the last cou­ple of days for you, must be like the time a crack addict takes that very first hit.
Naturally, it should come as no sur­prise that the cock­roach­es opposed to the police are beside them­selves with glee.
On either side of the micro­phone they are lin­ing up to give and con­duct inter­views and to pon­tif­i­cate, all in an effort to say we told you so.

Even as the gun­fire residue sub­sides some­what, the truth sur­round­ing exact­ly what occurred ear­ly Sunday morn­ing in Chedwin Park St. Catherine remains opaque and murky.
The total­i­ty of what occurred seems to sug­gest mur­der, hero­ism, reck­less­ness, stu­pid­i­ty, incom­pe­tence and a whole host of oth­er Adjectives.
In all of the fore­gone, there is noth­ing which could remote­ly be con­strued to be help­ful to the Police Department or the rule of law in our coun­try.
Tragically, it is in this very sad state of affairs, that a vast plu­ral­i­ty of cer­tain sec­tor of the soci­ety will find the great­est glee. Rest assured that as events unfold those who speak the loud­est and are more vis­i­ble front and cen­ter will not be patri­ots but self-serv­ing anti-Jamaica dem­a­gogues look­ing to improve their own stand­ing using the unfor­tu­nate inci­dent as justification.

At the cen­ter of this event, is how could police offi­cers who were pulled from front-line duties be in pos­ses­sion of a ser­vice vehi­cle?
I lis­tened to a Radio inter­view giv­en by Deputy Commissioner of Police with respon­si­bil­i­ty for Crime, Fitz Bailey, to a glee­ful Cliff Hughes and was less than impressed with Bailey’s respons­es to the sali­vat­ing Hughes’ ques­tions.
Bailey could not give an account­ing as to the con­di­tions under which the sup­pos­ed­ly (on sus­pen­sion offi­cers were in pos­ses­sion of a ser­vice vehi­cle).
That is under­stand­able, even though there are rum­blings that the offi­cers weren’t real­ly on sus­pen­sion but were pulled from front-line duties.
None of which makes sense. If they were off front-line duties how could they be in pos­ses­sion of a depart­ment vehi­cle?
The periph­er­al ques­tions about log­book and police lights in the vehi­cle are moot as those are require­ments for unmarked police vehicles. 

Fitz Bailey was unable to artic­u­late these rather sim­ple respons­es in a coher­ent and com­mand­ing man­ner.
As for the offi­cers hav­ing retained pos­ses­sion of their ser­vice weapons even though they were sup­posed to be off front-line duties/​on sus­pen­sion, is a non-sequitur.
Those ques­tions have no rela­tion­ship to the facts of this inci­dent and do not belong in the series of events to be con­sid­ered from a law ‑enforce­ment per­spec­tive.
Police offi­cers charged with offens­es while on duty are still enti­tled to the pre­sump­tion of inno­cence. In Jamaica, lit­er­al­ly one of the most vio­lent mur­der­ous coun­tries in the world it would be a con­spir­a­cy to have them mur­dered was their ser­vice weapons to be tak­en from them.
Fitz Bailey made none of those asser­tions in defense of the Department, because he was too pissed scared in the face of the ques­tions from the sali­vat­ing Hughes who seemed to be hav­ing a limp-dick ejac­u­la­tion at the turn of events involv­ing those officers.

Bailey was, how­ev­er, emphat­ic that the so-called brave offi­cer who took on the three cops who were clear­ly car­ry­ing out a hit, was not guard­ing any Man/​Don. He argued the cop was there in an offi­cial capac­i­ty which went through the JCF’s chain of com­mand in a pro­gram which would see the pro­mot­er pay the JCF and the offi­cer would be paid for his off duty work.
We will be mak­ing an offi­cial request to the police high com­mand to release that doc­u­men­ta­tion, as there is infor­ma­tion in the pub­lic space which does not sup­port that line of rea­son­ing.
The reg­u­lar Vultures are out with their sharp­ened knives already carv­ing up the deceased cop and those who sur­vived.
Hamish Campbell and Terrence Williams and the oth­er bot­tom-feed­ers a‑la Cliff Hughes are hav­ing a field day goug­ing them­selves on the pub­lic­i­ty from this event.

(1)Since these police offi­cers were sup­posed to be on suspension/​off front-line duties It would be inter­est­ing to learn, just how is it pos­si­ble that they had pos­ses­sion of a police ser­vice vehi­cle?
(2) If they were indeed charged with mur­der as we are led to believe, then they would have been placed on sus­pen­sion, as has been cus­tom­ary, if they weren’t, who made the deci­sion not to, and why?
(3) As the pres­sure mounts, regard­less of the truth behind this inci­dent, these three offi­cers will be tossed under the bus by the cow­ard­ly police high com­mand as the Vultures cir­cles ever so clos­er, ready to tear the flesh from the car­cass of this inci­dent.
(4) Critically, it appears that the three offi­cers, did not return fire on their col­league. It seems to me that three against one would be odds in their favor dur­ing that encounter.
However, it appears that after alleged­ly shoot­ing the “DON, “their sole intent was to make good their escape, not hurt a col­league.
Regardless of what one thinks about them killing that indi­vid­ual, it begs the ques­tion, why would they have gone to assas­si­nate him and on whose orders?
The fact that they did not return fire on their col­league seemed to sug­gest that they had no inten­tion of harm­ing him.
How could they have got­ten access to force assets, unless high­er-ups in the depart­ment had a hand in this sor­did affair?

If there is a counter-intel­li­gence mis­sion in which these men were involved in root­ing out cer­tain ele­ments in the soci­ety using unortho­dox means, it can­not be that after they have act­ed in ser­vice to their coun­try they are left, hung out to dry, by an incom­pe­tent high-com­mand.
Since no one is pre­pared to ask these per­ti­nent ques­tions I have decid­ed to do so.
There are a lot of unan­swered ques­tions, more than there are answers and we know that hard­ly any­thing is ever done in a cohe­sive man­ner in our coun­try.
I believe there is a back sto­ry to this sto­ry and if there is, the least the police high com­mand could do is have a coher­ent and believ­able set of answers ready for when events like these occur as they are bound to.
