CNN Kept Rick Santorum’s Bigotry Despite His Outright Racism Until It Was Untenable…

As a small busi­ness own­er, hir­ing some­one to work with me would mean that the hiree will add to my busi­ness. At least, that is con­ven­tion­al wisdom.
I nev­er quite under­stood what CNN saw in for­mer Pennsylvania Republican US Senator Rick Santorum.
Santorum served in the US House of Representatives & the US Senate. He is a lawyer, author, com­men­ta­tor, and con­sul­tant, but Rick Santorum is also a bigot.
Rick Santorum ran for pres­i­dent twice and lost in the pri­maries, but his record as a politi­cian has been check­ered at best. Santorum has a holi­er than thou per­sona, even though he was involved in the K‑street project then denied that he was asso­ci­at­ed with it.
Rick Santorum’s views on issues are more in line with the back­ward think­ing of Patrick Buchanan than they are of rea­son­able edu­cat­ed Republicans like Adam Kinsinger.
Santorum’s hypocrisy knows no bounds; he admit­ted to smok­ing weed in col­lege. Still, when it became con­ve­nient to denounce mar­i­jua­na as is cus­tom­ary for right-wing politi­cians, Santorum denounced the weed and said he was against the legal­iza­tion of cannabis and believes that the fed­er­al law against it should be enforced in Colorado.
Despite know­ing that Rick Santorum is a light­ning rod, CNN hired him as a con­trib­u­tor in ear­ly 2017, right in time for the Trump sur­ro­gate to poi­son the air­ways with big­otry and lies on behalf of the lying-thiev­ing Donald Trump.

Addressing the ultra-con­ser­v­a­tive youth orga­ni­za­tion Young America’s Foundation at their “Standing Up for Faith and Freedom” sum­mit, Santorum told young peo­ple that while most cul­tures around the world devel­oped over time, America just sprang into the world ful­ly formed.
“We came here and cre­at­ed a blank slate; we birthed a nation from nothing.”
“We birthed a nation from noth­ing. I mean, there was noth­ing here,” he con­tin­ued. “I mean, yes, we have Native Americans, but can­did­ly, there isn’t much Native American cul­ture in American culture.”
Despite calls for CNN to fire Rick Santorum, it took a whole month for the net­work to announce on Saturday, May 22nd, that they cut ties with him.
Earlier this month, in a tweet queer activist, Rebecca Nagel ridiculed CNN for not fir­ing Santorum, quote.
Hey, @CNNhow many Native Americans polit­i­cal com­men­ta­tors do you have? Since you give a plat­form to ppl like Rick Santorum — whose entire career is based on scor­ing polit­i­cal points by tak­ing cheap shots at LGBTQ folks, ppl of col­or, and now Native Americans.
CNN made a tac­ti­cal deci­sion to hire Rick Santorum; it will argue that it is a mid­dle-of-the-road news orga­ni­za­tion, and as such, Santorum as a voice on the right was a unique fit.
No, Rick Santorum has, and will always be a racist big­ot who spews racist invec­tives to the extent he is allowed to get away with it. CNN hired and kept him to attract the bot­tom feed­ers that believe as he does in white suprema­cy. They did it for money.
That’s all.

.Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com. 