CNN And Oregon Sheriff Won’t Name Campus Shooter, We Will

Oregon college shooting suspect Chris Harper- Mercer
Oregon col­lege shoot­ing sus­pect Chris Harper- Mercer

Christopher Harper-Mercer, 26, who moved to Oregon from the Los Angeles sub­urb of Torrance, California, was offi­cial­ly iden­ti­fied on Friday as the assailant in the ram­page at Umpqua Community College in Roseburg, which ranks as the dead­liest among dozens of U.S. mass shoot­ings in the past two years. According to Reuters new Agency.
Information com­ing to the fore indi­cates Mercer was born in Britain but came to the United States as a young child.
Reports indi­cate he had a month long stint in the US Army but was ter­mi­nat­ed before he even became a soldier.
According to Reuters, The shoot­er left behind a “mul­ti­page, hat­ed-filled” state­ment in the class­room, accord­ing to a Twitter mes­sage from an NBC reporter, cit­ing mul­ti­ple law enforce­ment sources who were not iden­ti­fied. CNN, cit­ing sources, said the state­ment showed ani­mos­i­ty toward blacks.

CNN insist it will not show Mercer’s face on it’s net­work nei­ther will it men­tion his name. The rea­son CNN gives for this posi­tion is that Mercer want­ed noto­ri­ety and the net­work would not help him to get that noto­ri­ety. Douglas County Sheriff John Hanlin, who has vowed nev­er to say the gun­man’s name, declined to com­ment when asked about the writ­ings at a news conference.
This writer total­ly see how the dead Christopher Mercer will be ben­e­fit­ting from his face being on tele­vi­sion and his name being men­tioned on their air. [sic]

It’s inter­est­ing to note that the same Sheriff John Hanlin wrote to Vice President Joe Biden Two years ago, Hanlin was one of hun­dreds of sher­iffs around the coun­try who vowed to stand against new gun con­trol leg­is­la­tion. In a January 15, 2013, let­ter to Vice President Joe Biden, he wrote, “Gun con­trol is NOT the answer to pre­vent­ing heinous crimes like school shootings.”
After the shoot­ing John Hanlin was ques­tioned about his stance in response he said he will not deal with that issue as he is occu­pied with deal­ing with the events at hand.
So we decid­ed to pro­duce John Hanlin’s let­ter to the Vice President of the United States.

 Sheriff John Hanlin
Sheriff John Hanlin


U.S. President Barack Obama pauses while speaking about the shootings in Oregon from the White House in Washington October 1, 2015. REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque
U.S. President Barack Obama paus­es while speak­ing about the shoot­ings in Oregon from the White House in Washington October 1, 2015. REUTERS/​Kevin Lamarque

According to reuters report­ing ‚The first thing cus­tomers enter­ing the Gun Shop in Roseburg Oregon see is a life-sized card­board cutout of President Barack Obama with a Middle Eastern scarf around his head and a badge pinned to his chest that reads: “Gun sales­man of the year.”
The cus­tomers and sales staff in this store, locat­ed 10 miles (16 km) from Umpqua Community College, where a gun­man killed nine peo­ple and injured nine oth­ers on Thursday, said they were hor­ri­fied by the shoot­ings. But they were not buy­ing the president’s argu­ment that guns were the problem.
Note that that let­ter was addressed to Vice President Biden and not the President of the United States.
The threat­en­ing tone of the let­ter can­not be ignored
But what is even more reveal­ing is the sen­tence which reads thus.“We are Americans” sug­gest­ing by infer­ence that the President of the United States is not American.

The penul­ti­mate para­graph amount­ed to noth­ing less than an out­right threat against the pres­i­dent and the duly con­sti­tut­ed author­i­ty of the Federal Government.
These are the back­wa­ter hicks who are polic­ing America’s streets and sup­pos­ed­ly uphold­ing the nation’s laws.
According to Police six guns were recov­ered at the scene of the shoot­ing and sev­en more recov­ered from the home of Christopher Harper-Mercer . A total of 13 guns which they insist were all pur­chased legally.
Yet many with­in the com­mu­ni­ty includ­ing cops insist the prob­lem is not guns it is men­tal illness.
Imagine if some­one with an Arab sound­ing name had com­mit­ted this act ?
The President of the United states point­ed to the dis­con­nect in America as it relates to the noise sur­round­ing gun con­trol as against the num­ber of Americans killed in inci­dents not char­ac­ter­ized as ter­ror­ist acts each year.
According to Vox​.com Deaths from gun vio­lence vs. deaths from ter­ror­ism, in one chart
More than 10,000 Americans are killed every year by gun vio­lence. By con­trast, so few Americans have been killed by ter­ror­ist attacks since 911 that when you chart the two togeth­er, the ter­ror­ism death count approx­i­mates zero for every year except 2001. The point President Obama is mak­ing is clear: We spend huge amounts of mon­ey every year fight­ing ter­ror­ism, yet are unwill­ing, at the nation­al lev­el, to take even minor steps (like requir­ing back­ground checks on all gun sales nation­al­ly) to stop gun violence.

Never mind that this creep who took the lives of those unsus­pect­ing peo­ple also expressed hatred toward Black people.
As America spends Trillions pro­tect­ing against the “bogey­man Islam” the facts are unmis­take­able the real killing of Americans are being done by Americans, right here in America.
Islamic hatred and Xenophobia will not change those num­bers there is a large part of the American pop­u­la­tion which is hell­bent on self destruc­tion fuelled by racial hatred. They have a blind alle­giance to the sec­ond amend­ment to the con­sti­tu­tion only because that amend­ment suits their insane desire to own a mul­ti­plic­i­ty of weapons of mass destruction.
Weapons which they believe gives them the abil­i­ty to con­trol oth­ers through fear by force of arms. Unfortunately for every­one those weapons are killing every­one , not just those they hate but them and their chil­dren as well.
This 26 year old killer had 13 guns.
How many is enough?
Don’t expect this insan­i­ty to end any­time soon if ever.
