Chuck’s About Face Attempt To Deride Empirical Data.…

You have seen me crit­i­cize Jamaican politi­cians PNP and JLP alike where war­rant­ed and to be frank, it’s gen­er­al­ly always warranted.
Some of the Island’s Politicians do mean well [ a small and shrink­ing minor­i­ty if you will].
It’s dif­fi­cult to imag­ine that Tourism Minister Edmund Bartlett does not mean well for Tourism even though he is a long­time politi­cian who has to bear some respon­si­bil­i­ty for the con­di­tion of the coun­try to some minute degree.
The same may be said of Christopher Tufton the Health Minister who has not been dirt­ied by the stains of Garrison Politics.

On both sides of the polit­i­cal divide, there may only be a few good men and women who are not sul­lied, one way or the oth­er by graft, cor­rup­tion, and deceit of some kind.
Even those who may not have com­mit­ted crim­i­nal acts [or rather have not been held account­able], deceit and com­plic­i­ty even by their very silence are omnipresent. This, when they should have spo­ken up and out against the wrong­do­ings of their col­leagues in a non-polit­i­cal way.
Deceit and com­plic­i­ty endure in oth­ers when they do speak up and out when they should have remained silent.‘


In no oth­er Politician prac­tic­ing today have I seen more deceit and com­plic­i­ty than in the Minister of Justice Delroy Chuck.
In him I see a hyp­ocrite extra­or­di­naire who speaks with forked tongue, as native Americans once char­ac­ter­ized the white men who nev­er signed a treaty they did not break.

Chuck’s dis­dain for offi­cers of the law and his pro­cliv­i­ty to appease the local aris­to­crat­ic rab­ble which dwells in the enclaves of upper Saint Andrew rivals only his forked tongue on issues of relevance.
I have writ­ten expan­sive­ly on Delroy Chucks harm­ful imprint on the rule of law in our coun­try but by and large in the Orwellian uni­verse in which our coun­try oper­ates Chuck will inevitably go down as a hero who has advanced Jamaica’s jus­tice system.

Just days ago police released a report they com­piled in which they out­lined extra­or­di­nar­i­ly light sen­tences being met­ed out by the courts in the west­er­ly parts of the country.
The law-enforce­ment report detailed a com­pre­hen­sive case by case analy­sis of indi­vid­ual cas­es in which Judges in the same cir­cuit have inex­plic­a­bly giv­en felons what could only be char­ac­ter­ized as tiny slaps on the wrist.

Court Management Services Response Weak And Demonstrative Of Deeper Scars.

Delroy Chuck, expe­ri­enc­ing what could eas­i­ly pass for a pang of decen­cy and dare I say real­i­ty and duty to coun­try, if not hon­esty, declared that he has con­cerns about the dis­par­i­ty in the sen­tences being imposed by judges. “There needs to be greater con­sis­ten­cy by judges,” he said, adding that sen­tences should send a strong sig­nal to soci­ety about the repug­nance of crim­i­nal activities.

I was stunned at that state­ment from Chuck so much so that I wrote the above arti­cle on the CVM’s response but did not men­tion Chuck’s response.
I thought his state­ment was self-serv­ing, and could only have been giv­en because he thought there was lever­age there for himself.
It did not take long for my sus­pi­cions to be con­firmed Sunday Gleaner of January 21st.
Justice Minister Delroy Chuck has hit back at the police and oth­er crit­ics who have tak­en issue with per­ceived light sen­tences being imposed by judges for ille­gal pos­ses­sion of firearm and ammu­ni­tion.

It was not just this writer who found Chuck’s about-face duplic­i­tous and self-serv­ing, the glean­er admit­ted as much stating.
Days after pub­licly admit­ting that he also has con­cerns about the dis­par­i­ty between some of the sen­tences being imposed, Mr. Chuck says crit­ics should under­stand that sen­tenc­ing is not a sci­ence and that every case can be explained.

But this is vin­tage Delroy Chuck, the very man who paid homage to a deceased crim­i­nal area” don” on the occa­sion of his demise but has noth­ing pos­i­tive to say about valiant police offi­cers who give their lives for their country.
Chuck stu­pid­ly crit­i­cised the police, for what he char­ac­ter­izes as a sin­gling out of cas­es with light sen­tences, to make the argu­ment that the jus­tice sys­tem should be blamed for the esca­la­tion in crime.
When fac­tu­al­ly what pass­es as a jus­tice sys­tem in the coun­try is objec­tive­ly and demon­stra­bly part­ly to be blamed for the esca­la­tion in seri­ous crimes.
The catch and release of mur­der­ers back onto the streets on a dai­ly basis only so that they may kill again is a good place to start if Chuck in an edu­ca­tion on basic indis­putable facts.

The very same Delroy Chuck who just last week agreed with the sober assess­ment of the police doc­u­men­tary report­ing flips and makes the scur­rilous claim that empir­i­cal data should not be used to form objec­tive conclusions.
The shock­ing trav­es­ty in Delroy Chuck’s shame­less about-face may only be attrib­uted to a weak yet trans­par­ent attempt to cur­ry favor and run defen­sive cov­er­age for his crim­i­nal lov­ing cohorts on the bench who are sub­vert­ing the rule of law.

A shame­less dis­play of col­lu­sion by the rul­ing class as it clos­es ranks even as the peas­antry eats itself alive and the streets run red with the blood shed by the very demons they release back onto them.

One thought on “Chuck’s About Face Attempt To Deride Empirical Data.…

  1. Delroy Chuck is an ene­my of the Jamaican peo­ple, espe­cial­ly the law abid­ing cit­i­zens and he has shown us that he sup­ports the mur­der­er who killed a police woman by demo­niz­ing the Jamaican Constabulary Force mem­bers for killing the cop killer. 

    What Delroy Chuck have been ped­dling in Jamaica for decades is seen as a hero­ic efforts to vil­i­fy the Jamaican Constabulary Force and it’s mem­bers. In oth­er juris­dic­tions, his polit­i­cal career would be over. But this is Jamaica where crim­i­nals are the cho­sen ONES and are treat­ed as vic­tims by the Jamaican gov­ern­ment irre­spec­tive of the par­ty that’s in Power. 

    The end of Jamaica is on the hori­zon and we are see­ing it in the inter­na­tion­al are­na by the var­i­ous coun­tries warn­ing its cit­i­zens to avoid Jamaica.

    Jamaica is a crim­i­nals par­adise in the Caribbean Sea and the Somalia in the mak­ing. It’s the best place to start your career as a crim­i­nal to get the expe­ri­ence to go onto big­ger things in the inter­na­tion­al arena.

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