Carolyn Gomes, Terrence Williams, Earl Witter And Other Con-artiste All Live Away From The Carnage: What An Efficient Con-job On Jamaica…

The rampant murder in Jamaica is so severe that making mention of a particular case or writing about a single instance seem discriminatory and unmindful of the fact that the taking of each and every life is the same in God’s sight.

No life is more impor­tant than the oth­er , as a for­mer street cop I know this all too well , I saw the dead bod­ies in the slums and I saw them in the upscale neigh­bor­hoods of upper upper Saint Andrew.

Despite my pol­i­cy of not treat­ing any death as more impor­tant than anoth­er, I some­times break with that tra­di­tion to speak specif­i­cal­ly on a par­tic­u­lar killing not because the par­tic­u­lar decedent/​s life is more valu­able than that of oth­ers but because of the cir­cum­stances of their indi­vid­ual demise.
There is much talk regard­ing the com­plex­i­ties of the Island’s crime sit­u­a­tion . If you lis­ten to the Police Commissioner you would walk away with a shrug, because you would be utter­ly con­vinced that the only peo­ple who are being killed on the Island are peo­ple engaged in the lotto-scam.
Whether or not the peo­ple being mur­dered are lot­to-scam­mers and their affil­i­ates would cer­tain­ly not change the fact that the Island is expe­ri­enc­ing astro­nom­i­cal­ly high homi­cide rates which places it at or near the top of the world’s most mur­der­ous nations.
Using the met­ric I pre­vi­ous­ly out­lined those killing should offer no com­fort to any­one seri­ous­ly plugged into whats hap­pen­ing on the Island as it relates to crime.
A dead lot­to-scam­mer is a dead Jamaican, a dead gang mem­ber is a dead Jamaican. We should see the pars­ing of deaths, ” because of this or because of that” as a sign that they have no answers for the exist­ing prob­lems. Or they have the answers but their hands are tied.

The Jamaican peo­ple have the answer to crime they obsti­nate­ly refuse to use it .They have allowed a small sub-set of peo­ple to tell them how mur­der­ers are to be treated.
(1) You can’t hang them ! Privy Council…
(2) You can shoot them ! (pha­lanx of human rights eat a food-ers)
(3) Police can­not shoot them! INDECOM , also see #2
(4) Can’t jail them for life and throw the keys away! Trial lawyers and oth­er bleed­ing hearts.
Hug them up, Yaaaaa.…

Jamaica’s Crime Not Rooted In The Ghettos.…

As a for­mer police offi­cer I have seen first hand the con­se­quence of crime on our coun­try . If you decide to look at the killings as the Police high com­mand has done and remove the gang killings and those sup­pos­ed­ly asso­ci­at­ed with the lot­to-scam you may extrap­o­late from the remain­der of those sta­tis­tics that the sec­tor tak­ing the brunt of the killings is the small busi­ness sector.
In may cas­es , (accord­ing to my sources ) those mur­ders are a direct result of the ram­pant extor­tion rack­et on the Island .
On the oth­er hand many of the peo­ple who pass as legit­i­mate busi­ness peo­ple are actu­al­ly heav­i­ly involved in seri­ous crimes, as I wrote just last week.

The business operated by Andrew Davis and Helen McGoo at Southdale Plaza remained closed yesterday, following their murder on Monday night. Observer photo
The busi­ness oper­at­ed by Andrew Davis and Helen McGoo at Southdale Plaza remained closed yes­ter­day, fol­low­ing their mur­der on Monday night.
Observer pho­to

Over the last two to three decades over thir­ty thou­sand Jamaicans have been mur­dered by some esti­mates . It is impor­tant that those sta­tis­tics are digest­ed in the con­text that the Island is not engaged in a civ­il war, and that the pop­u­la­tion is only 2.8 million.
On Monday night two more Jamaicans lost their lives in a hail of gun­fire . According to Police Fifty-eight-year-old Andrew Davis and 50-year-old Helen McGoo were shot mul­ti­ple times as they sat inside their car, just after clos­ing their bill pay­ment and lot­tery tick­et busi­ness about 7:45 pm. The two were approached by a gun­man who opened fire at them. They were rushed to the hos­pi­tal where they were pro­nounced dead. The police has ruled out rob­bery as a motive as noth­ing was tak­en from the couple.

Jamaica’s crime prob­lem invari­ably will get far worse before it gets bet­ter. As long as the Nation’s leg­is­la­tion and law-enforce­ment is heav­i­ly influ­enced by Criminal trail-lawyers, bleed­ing heart crim­i­nal sym­pa­thiz­ers and the social­ist intel­li­gentsia which has it’s head so far up it’s own ass it can­not smell the shit.
The prob­lem of crime will not be fixed because many law-mak­ers dou­ble as defense lawyers, who active­ly defend mur­der­ous crim­i­nals then walk into the Nation’s par­lia­ment to debate laws. If we are to fix the crime prob­lem we must throw out the entire shit-house and not just the shit.
Jamaica is a coun­try where some of the peo­ple in pol­i­tics on both sides of the polit­i­cal divide are active­ly engaged in crim­i­nal conduct.

As long as the Island’s jus­tice sys­tem is pop­u­lat­ed with Judges , pros­e­cu­tors and defense lawyers who came from the same left­ist bas­tion in Mona St Andrew crime will con­tin­ue. As long as the Jamaican peo­ple allow a select few to decide what is right for them while they who decide live in gat­ed com­mu­ni­ties which are ade­quate­ly policed and pro­tect­ed by armed pri­vate secu­ri­ty com­pa­nies blood will con­tin­ue to stain the side­walks and street corners.
Ordinary Jamaicans must pre­pare to come out with their water-hoses and push brooms and con­tin­ue to wash away the blood and the brain mat­ter of their loved ones from the pave­ments and street cor­ners across the Island.
Ask your­selves why they refuse to fix the police depart­ment? Placing a PhD at the head of a decrepit paper tiger is not mod­ern­iz­ing the police department.
Creating an antag­o­nis­tic anti-police agency to fight with the police must be seen for the smoke-screen it is. If the police can­not do it’s job because of low morale and per­se­cu­tion the polit­i­cal class has free rein to con­tin­ue to raid the pub­lic cof­fers unchecked ‚who is to hold them accountable?
The police ser­vice can­not be a real police ser­vice unless it is free from the shack­les of polit­i­cal con­trol, polit­i­cal dic­tates, polit­i­cal manip­u­la­tion regard­less of what you are told.
When the polit­i­cal class and those who live above Cross-Roads are locked away in jail for their crimes it will be time for us to say we are mak­ing progress as a nation.
Until then they are blow­ing smoke up your ass.
